Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Complete Liver Cleanse
O Nature’s Way Complete Liver Cleanse é um suplemento formulado para apoiar a saúde do fígado e os processos de desintoxicação do corpo. Com uma combinação poderosa de extrato de cardo mariano, taurina e L-glutamina, este produto oferece uma abordagem única e eficaz para promover o bem-estar hepático. O fígado desempenha um papel crucial na filtragem de toxinas, e a manutenção de sua saúde é essencial para o funcionamento adequado do organismo.
Este suplemento contém 84 cápsulas, proporcionando um suprimento para duas semanas de uso contínuo. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada, misturando o extrato de cardo mariano com outras botânicas, resultando em uma combinação que potencializa a eficácia do produto. Além disso, a embalagem é feita com 97% de materiais reciclados pós-consumo, refletindo um compromisso com a sustentabilidade e o meio ambiente. Ao escolher Nature’s Way Complete Liver Cleanse, você não apenas cuida da sua saúde, mas também contribui para um planeta mais saudável.
– Suporte à saúde do fígado: Contribui para a função hepática ideal, essencial para a desintoxicação do corpo.
– Fórmula única: A combinação de extrato de cardo mariano com outras botânicas oferece um suporte abrangente.
– Desintoxicação eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um organismo mais limpo e saudável.
– Sustentabilidade: Embalagem feita com materiais reciclados, alinhando saúde pessoal com responsabilidade ambiental.
– Suprimento prático: Com 84 cápsulas, é ideal para um regime de desintoxicação de duas semanas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Tanya C –
After having a horrible time getting my system regulated after surgery , this product is really helping regulate my system . There is no taste to the tablet, they are easy to swallow and if taken regularly will help you feel amazing
User425 –
People like me who take medications that are tough on the liver have to have frequent tests to check liver function. My doctor has me take 1,200 mg of folic acid daily to help protect my liver, but even so I had one liver test that was not so great. I started taking Enzymatic Therapy Complete Liver Cleanse, 84 Veg Capsules, and at my next test 3 months later, the test was in the normal range again. I switched to milk thistle because it’s cheaper, and the following test 3 months after that was also normal. I am continuing the folic acid as directed, of course. So either of these approaches works for me in keeping my liver function normal. (Of course, one bad test doesn’t necessarily mean the following good tests were necessarily due to either of the supplement approaches.)
However, the complete liver cleanse has other effects: it keeps you regular and gets rid of bloat. I have a tendency to get bloated; this product keeps my abdomen from swelling; I feel so much more comfortable when I am taking this product. It works well to get me regular & keep me that way in the most natural and comfortable way imaginable.
The only downside to this product is the price, which is much better on Amazon than at the drugstore. I suppose that if you needed it for a one-time cleanse, then the price wouldn’t matter, but since I want to use it on a more or less ongoing basis, I wish I could find a cheaper alternative that worked as well. But I can’t.
I recommend this product whole-heartedly.
Didi –
This sucker works. I had to start with a lower dosage at first, so the effects took about 5 days to start. But once they did, boy they did. I went from a normal bathroom stop of 1-2 times a day to 4-5 times a day. After two weeks, I felt more energy and and an overall ‘lighter’ feeling. I am sure it’s because most of the icky gunk was gone. Will do this again next year.
Please note- I have a sensitive stomach, but this did cause occasional almost-acute stomach pain. I suggest trying to be home as much as possible so you don’t feel embarrassed sitting on your work toilet for 15-20 minutes at a time.
Teressa Besaw –
It was a very somber day…. driving home with the diagnosis from my doctor that my liver was on it’s way to failure…
I mean, he had told me several times in the past…. “you’ve gotta stop drinking”, “your levels are elevated”, “I am concerned”… But somehow it never really sank in. I mean I don’t drink alcohol any more than the average 50 year old guy and we know doctors are always telling us stuff like that….
But this time, he was dead serious, I could see the dejection in his face, and hear it in his voice when he realized that I just was not listening. He said, “you are still young, and you are a nice guy… I would really like to see you live to see your daughter graduate”. I guess that is part of why it sunk in… I was not on a good path.
It was a rough afternoon, I mean my usual place to think and depressurize suddenly was not available. I could not go have a beer and think about it, now could I?
Well, I did not give up… I have been through a lot in this life and this silly issue was not going to get me to throw in the towel. I decided to find out exactly what could be done. Since I have a healthy lack of total respect for the medical profession (considering some of the things they have done to harm me more than help me in the past). I did my own research.
My research came up with a conclusion led me to this product. I learned how the liver could heal itself, I learned about the real benefits to Milk Thistle and the other ingredients in this product. And I had past experience in knowing that homeopathic cures do work. (I solve gout problems with homeopathic herbs and cherry extract).
I bought the Enzymatic Therapy Complete Liver Cleanse, 84 Veg Capsules here on Amazon and resolved to quit drinking for a month until my next blood test.
We all know that either action could have made for a change in my liver test results….
But since I try to be honest, I will have to admit that I did not completely cease all drinking of Alcohol. I did restrict myself quite a bit, especially while this Liver Cleanse product was doing most of it’s work in the first 2 weeks, but social occasions did present themselves and I am not one to pass on a good time.
So, while I will tell the world here on Amazon that I think my Liver function tests came back completely normal today because of my willingness to try this product, I will have to tell my doctor that it was my abstinence that did the trick, to keep him happy and get him off my back about happy hour!
Give this stuff a try, it can only help…. and with the results there for you to see in the color of your urine and then in the numbers on your liver enzyme tests at the end of the day…. you cannot go wrong!
Scott Pooler –
If it is your first time using it, you will notice a difference, but i don’t notice much difference every 6 months.
User425 –
I have spent $300 on Dr Natura’s colon cleanse, taking a ton of things and still didn’t get the results I got taking 2 of these vegetarian capsules and natural products per day without ANY abdominal pains and discomfort! I think I lose 3-5 pounds a day going to the bathroom, without one bit of pain, and I feel fantastic. I thought the directions said take “2” a day, every day. So I have been doing that every day for almost 40 days now, and I will not ever stop. I didn’t know it was a 14-day program, either. No, I didn’t apparently read the directions, and I am so glad I did not. I take Sun Chlorella and it’s great, but this product is exactly what I needed to clean me out on a daily basis and keep my colon and intestinal tract clean and I feel sooooo much better, it’s not even funny. I literally have no idea why someone would give this less than 5 stars. Maybe 3 a day for 14 days was too aggressive? Not sure since I never did that, but 2 a day, every day, is a lifesaver and I will buy this and take it every day for the rest of my life to clean my liver, reduce toxicity in my body and reduce the chance of colon cancer and other types of cancers. Thanks so much for a life-saving, healthy product! Where can I give this more stars!?