Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way DGL Ultra – Extra Strength
Nature’s Way DGL Ultra é um suplemento premium que combina a eficácia do extrato de raiz de alcaçuz deglicirrizinado com a inovadora fórmula Gutgard, proporcionando alívio digestivo suave e eficaz. Cada comprimido contém 75 mg de extrato de raiz de alcaçuz deglicirrizinado, especialmente formulado para ajudar a acalmar o trato digestivo e promover um bem-estar geral. Este produto é ideal para adultos que buscam uma solução natural para desconfortos digestivos, como azia e indigestão.
Os comprimidos são projetados para serem mastigados, facilitando a absorção dos nutrientes e a ação rápida do produto. A recomendação é que os adultos mastiguem 1 comprimido após as refeições pela manhã e 1 comprimido após as refeições à noite, garantindo assim um suporte contínuo ao sistema digestivo ao longo do dia. Além disso, o Nature’s Way DGL Ultra é livre de glúten, sal, trigo, laticínios, soja, cores artificiais e conservantes, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para todos.
Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva para os problemas de saúde. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural para desenvolver vitaminas e suplementos de alta qualidade que ajudam você a encontrar seu caminho para o bem-estar.
– Alívio digestivo eficaz, ajudando a reduzir sintomas de azia e indigestão.
– Fórmula deglicirrizinada que minimiza os efeitos colaterais associados ao alcaçuz tradicional.
– Comprimidos mastigáveis que facilitam a ingestão e a absorção rápida dos ingredientes ativos.
– Produto vegano, adequado para diferentes estilos de vida e dietas.
– Livre de alérgenos comuns, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos mastiguem 1 comprimido de Nature’s Way DGL Ultra após as refeições pela manhã e 1 comprimido após as refeições à noite. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia do produto e maximizar os benefícios para a saúde digestiva. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua qualidade e eficácia.
K. Salinger –
Like many others, I was a regular user & strong supporter of the old formula. I regularly recommended the old formula to patients/clients as well as friends & family.
Unfortunately the “new & improved” formula isnt. The taste is awful, no way you’ll get a kid to chew it up & most adults won’t take the new formula either (including me). I no longer recommend this product to anyone. I was hoping they’d realize this new formula wasn’t working these past few months but apparently user complaints & discontinuance isn’t taken seriously. They’re a business, so likely they won’t make a change until their profit shows a dramatic dip & with this being only one product of many they offer who knows how long that might take.
I’ve ordered the Natural Factors Chocolate Coconut flavor DGL chews, so we’ll see if they might be a good option,as the removal of this product definitely leaves a void for general “tummy upset”, acid reflux & GERD clients. As mentioned by others, the old formula was great for weaning folks off PPI’s (&preventing the need to start them up for many).
It’s an unfortunate example of putting numbers & “research says” over real live-people experience. Research says is not necessarily always better than first person (aka “anecdotal”) experience & empirical results.
Very, very disappointing. Perhaps they need more clinicians working with them than dry, never-work-with-patients researchers.
Summary: avoid this product until the “new & improved” formula is reversed back to the easy to take, very effective old formula.
Ann Marie –
I have been using this product for years. I have given it to others and they have found it helpful when they have an upset stomach. Would highly recommend. Plus the chocolate flavor gives it a nice flavor.
player.piano –
Flavor is more chocolate (not licorice), but the actual licorice settles my tum.
M. Martin –
Been buying it for years. Tastes ok and soothes the stomach.
Pas vraiment efficace sur moi.
M. Husted –
This product is very effective in suppressing GERD symptoms, but is not a cure for the root cause. I have suffered from “GERD” for over 4 years now. The Air Force started me on Prevacid after mentioning the word “heartburn”, and then switched me to Nexium later. When I got out in 2008, I started buying Prilosec OTC. Then Prevacid OTC came out and I started taking that because it seemed to work the best at suppressing my heartburn.
The meds, when I took them, were controlling my heartburn fairly well. However, after reading numerous accounts recently on the effect of these medicines on the digestive system and wanting to find a natural cure, I stopped taking them. The meds were only masking the underlying problem I have going on in my GI tract (Read Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and GERD by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. for an eye-opening experience – he mentions DGL in the book too). One problem arose from the NSAIDs I was taking for reconstructive knee surgery, which the military docs hand out like candy (Vitamin M, or Motrin as some may know it 🙂 ). Due to the over-prescription and my own careless use, they were irritating the lining in my stomach and caused chronic gastritis. The gastritis is healing now because I stopped taking them almost 2 months ago. I have been using this DGL product to restore the protective mucus lining in my stomach, allowing the inflammation to heal.
The greatest thing about DGL Ultra is that it does NOT suppress stomach acid and it has VERY little glycyrrhizinate (like decaf coffee, it’s still has a little of the unwanted substance in it), which can raise blood pressure in some people. If you don’t already know this, stomach acid is good for you. I know, that’s not what the “doctors” say and sounds counter-intuitive these days. However, the short story is (and you can read more about it in the book mentioned above or many other books on natural cures for GERD that are on Amazon), you need stomach acid to break down the food before it enters the small intestines. If their is insufficient acid, then the “mixture” will stay in your stomach longer, further increasing the chances that it will make it in to your esophagus where you feel the pain. Even a small amount of acid in the esophagus feels like you have too much acid because their is no protective lining in there. The DGL helps to keep the acid from irritating the inflamed lining in my stomach and even healed a cold sore in my mouth.
For this product to be most effective, you really should take it on an empty stomach, at least a half hour before a meal and chew thoroughly with very little water. You want it to coat your gastric and intestinal linings so that it can stimulate mucus production BEFORE the acid turns on with a meal. I usually chew 2 tablets at a time between meals and after my last meal at night. If you take this any other way, you may not get the best results. By the way, the German Chocolate flavor tastes pretty good. Keep in mind, this product does have in milk in it though. I am not sure how much and if it will have the same effect if you are allergic to dairy products. You may have to contact the company for more details.
EmeraldSkye –
The formula has changed, the tablets are a good bit smaller and are more bitter, and don’t taste as good to me. Hopefully, they contain the same dosage (or more) of the therapeutic material. I don’t enjoy the new formulation as much, for taste and texture, but I have used these for years, and I hope they continue to be effective. After all, that is why I buy them, not for the taste. They have worked well for me in the past, so will give this new formula a try and see how it goes. If they are actually more effective, the taste can be ignored.