Nature’s Way Boericke: Alívio Natural para Alergias
Nature’s Way Boericke é uma solução homeopática desenvolvida para proporcionar alívio eficaz dos sintomas alérgicos que afetam a qualidade de vida. Este produto é especialmente formulado para aliviar espirros, olhos coçando, nariz escorrendo e congestão nasal, oferecendo um alívio multi-sintomático para aqueles que sofrem com a exposição a pólens de grama, arbustos e árvores, além de poeira, mofo e pelos de animais de estimação. A fórmula homeopática de Nature’s Way Boericke é uma alternativa que não causa sonolência, permitindo que os usuários mantenham sua rotina diária sem interrupções.
Embora não existam estudos científicos válidos que confirmem a eficácia deste produto, suas indicações são baseadas em princípios homeopáticos tradicionais, que têm sido utilizados por gerações para tratar desconfortos alérgicos. A combinação de ingredientes naturais oferece uma abordagem suave e segura para o alívio dos sintomas, tornando-se uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam evitar os efeitos colaterais comuns de medicamentos alopáticos.
– Alívio eficaz de espirros e coceira nos olhos.
– Combate a congestão nasal e o nariz escorrendo.
– Fórmula homeopática que respeita o organismo.
– Não causa sonolência, ideal para uso durante o dia.
– Indicado para alérgicos a pólens, poeira e pelos de animais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Nature’s Way Boericke, recomenda-se a administração de 1 a 2 comprimidos sublinguais, três vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Os comprimidos devem ser colocados sob a língua e deixados dissolver completamente para uma absorção ideal. É importante não ingerir alimentos ou bebidas imediatamente antes ou depois da administração para maximizar a eficácia do produto.
John E. Roper –
This is our go to allergy relief med. We add tree pollen drops or animal hair and dander, etc.. as needed for more specific, hard core stuff, but just for general hay fever day to day encounters with heavy perfumes, etc, this works well.
Glenda Dickonson –
This is my second year using this product. I like it because it does not make me drowsy, but it requires foresight and discipline to start using it before allergy season begins, and maintain consistency once started. I’m not that disciplined, so I haven’t gotten the full effect, although I have reaped some benefit. However, by the time I realized I needed it, it was already too late. My co-worker introduced me to it, and it works well for her.
presenter –
This stuff actually works. I have severe seasonal allergies and tested highly allergic to almost all of the most common allergens – ragweed, grass, tree pollens, cats, dust, etc etc. None of the over the counter drugs worked for me (I tried every single one) except for benadryl which made me fall asleep so i wouldn’t feel anything anymore. I also used prescription nose spray too, and this was helpful but not pleasant and not 100% effective. So I tried this product, and my symptoms disappeared!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been using this product for two years now, and I feel allergy free! If I forget to take them, after a couple of days, the symptoms come back. So it seems like it builds up in my body. I have stocked up on these so I will never have to have another miserable day, and I highly recommend and give them to friends who are suffering.
Horsing Around –
This homeopaathic works super well for me, I have grass, pollen and dust allergies not to mention dog cat and horse (though my horse doesn’t seem to both me)! It keeps me from runny sneezing and itching both my eyes and nose. Its great for little ones as there is no side effect I’ve seen.
Other anti histamines dry you out. Allerglemittel suggests every 4 hours but I use only and when needed. Keep a package in my purse at all times for when I might need it. Excellent product.
Lumi –
I started giving this to my daughter(age 7 at the time) after unsuccessful tries with Zyrtec , Nasonex an all other OTC Meds her pediatric Dr prescribed. All that stuff only caused her nose bleeds, while she still had a stuffed nose, itchy eyes, etc. – all standard seasonal allergy symptoms. Four years ago I decided I had to make a change, so I researched and found Allergiemittel…. bought it on Amazon and started giving to her BEFORE she started showing symptoms, sometime in early March ( we live on East coast). I only started her early because I know that homeopathic stuff doesnt work instantly, like OTC meds, but needs some time to show results. OMG what a difference!!! My baby no longer had a stuffy nose for 3 months straight, no swollen, itchy eyes, it was incredible! I kept giving her saline nose drops once a day to make sure she had no more nose bleeds, but other than that and Allergiemittel, she didn’t need anything else. I still can’t believe how his med works! I start her now up as soon as winter has one foot out the door and give it to her until mid June, when we are out of the bad allergy season. She is no longer stuffy & she has no problem sleeping at night, no more embarrassing nose bleeds in school, NO allergy symptoms at all! This medication is absolutely fabulous! You just need to start early and take it religiously. My daughter takes it twice a day- morning & night. Adult dose is 3 per day & kids 12 & under should take 1/2 adult dose. She is 11 so I figured twice a day is perfect – no need to break pills up & it’s easier to remember. Honestly this is the best allergy med out there- highly efficient, while easy on your body & homeopathic!!
Amazon Customer –
I purchased this product based on the fact that it claims to not cause drowsiness since that is very important for me, because I don’t have anyone to drive me places and also, because most of the reviews were good. However, with just one pill, I experienced heavy drowsiness and even several hours later after taking it, I still don’t feel fully awake and my head feels weird. It also caused stomach upset. It might work for some people, but unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. I can’t imagine taking this on a daily basis and feeling like this.
Ff –
Works as described 👌
My whole family AND our gardener and our postal carrier all use Allergiemittel at the first symptom of hayfeaver. After that, one on waking in the AM and one mid day is enough to get rid of responses to pollen, etc. No side effects. None!!! Homeopathy at its best. Highly recomended by everyone I know who has tried Allergiemittel.