Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Ashwagandha
A Nature’s Way Ashwagandha é um extrato herbal premium que se destaca por sua capacidade de reduzir o estresse.* Com o uso contínuo, este adaptógeno ajuda o corpo a se adaptar às tensões diárias, promovendo um estado de bem-estar e equilíbrio emocional. A ashwagandha, uma planta com uma história de mais de 3000 anos, é um remédio tradicional da medicina ayurvédica, originária da Índia, Oriente Médio e África. Este suplemento é uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural para lidar com os desafios do dia a dia.
Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, e a recomendação é que adultos tomem 1 cápsula de duas a três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com alimentos ou água. A fórmula é livre de glúten e vegana, não contém trigo, milho, soja, laticínios, gelatina ou corantes e sabores artificiais. Além disso, é verificada pelo Non-GMO Project, garantindo que você está consumindo um produto de qualidade e livre de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva para muitos problemas. Há mais de 50 anos, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural para desenvolver vitaminas e suplementos que ajudem você a encontrar seu caminho para o bem-estar.
– Redução do Estresse: A ashwagandha é conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, que ajudam a reduzir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade.
– Apoio ao Bem-Estar Emocional: Promove um estado de calma e equilíbrio emocional, essencial para a saúde mental.
– Aumento da Energia: Contribui para a vitalidade e energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Pode auxiliar na promoção de um sono mais reparador, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a manter a saúde em dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Nature’s Way Ashwagandha, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 cápsula de duas a três vezes ao dia. É preferível que a ingestão seja feita junto com alimentos ou água, para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Nettie –
I bought this particular brand because of the high Withanolides- 3.5% (17.5mg). I take it before bed and it really helps me to sleep. Keep in mind that ashwagandha has a cumulative affect. Everyone is different, but I started noticing a difference in about 5 days. These are pricier than some other brands but they’re a great value based on 500mg per capsule plus the 3.5 % Withanolides. I occasionally take one during the day if I’m stressed out. I have recommended this brand to friends, and they also have had great results! I will definitely purchase again. I am suppose to comment on flavor 🤣 These are capsules that are swallowed. They have no flavor.
mary ellen lowry –
I am very happy with this product. it is consistent in quality and it contains my mood swings very well. I use one pill at night. During the day I use a stronger ashwagandha product. The lower strength is the only reason this product did not rate 5 star.
.It’s availability and price are great.
Jan –
Good product, I took it for a few years. Just know it is a nightshade – if you are avoiding those.
Rachel –
After only 2-3 weeks, I could notice a change in my stress, and how I responded to it with just 1 pill a day. I does make me nauseous and a sick to my stomach, but when I take it at night before I go to bed I sleep through it and it doesn’t bother me. It also caused me to be drowsy when I was taking it in the morning, but helps me sleep when taken at night. Would recommend!
For general narishment
Sara –
I heard about Ashwaganda from a friend and was very intrigued by the possible benefits listed. Namely the effect it has on stress and anxiety. Now I wouldn’t say I’m a high-stress individual and I’ve never taken any kind of prescribed medication nor have I ever been to the doctor for either issues, so while I’m not downplaying my own scenario, I’m benching-marking it. It’s safe to say I get far more irritated than stressed or anxious. Sometimes when I’m really busy at work, I’ll get balls of discomfort in my chest. It essentially feels like everything on my to-do list is stacked up on top of me and is making it hard for me to breathe. Ashwaganda does an excellent job of negating this feeling as well as the feeling of irritation I often feel, product of my short patience. I notice I am slower to react, more understanding, and overall more balanced in my moods.
Another noteworthy benefit of this herb is helping with sleep! I have never had issues sleeping, but the aforementioned has definitely made for some nights where my brain is just too full to turn off. Ashwaganda helps tremendously in those arenas. I take 2 caps before bed and rarely, if ever, do I wake up in the middle of the night, plagued with stresses of the day (work). My boyfriend has been a longtime sufferer of sleepless nights and now is ashwaganda’s biggest fan. He has noted it’s the best sleep he’s gotten in years. is an awesome source for the dosage I need. It is not available from this seller on Prime, but it is always a speedy delivery!
Shashi Varma –
I’d like to provide a detailed review here because of how much this herb has helped me in just one week. Background on myself: I have had generalized anxiety for as long as I can remember, and this has manifested itself in many different ways, particular social anxiety. It is something I have learned to deal with over time, and it certainly isn’t a crippling condition. But, I know that I have missed out on opportunities in the past due to this anxiety, and I don’t want the pattern to continue. I have RLS (restless leg syndrome), sleep problems with respect to quality and length, had a constant mental fog with frontal lobe headaches, and chronic fatigue. I also have IBS and only developed this after coming to the US for college at 18. I know that this was caused directly by a huge change in diet, and I have been addressing it separately by eating healthy, exercising and taking psyllium husk regularly. But I have not been able to cure it completely. My research on Ashwagandha indicates that it helps regulate serotonin, and new findings on IBS have suggested that it is caused by an imbalance of serotonin, since most of it is produced in the gut. I have also read that some people have cured their IBS completely by taking ashwagandha. I am in decent shape and exercise almost daily along with maintaining a very natural and healthy diet.
Whether anxiety or the serotonin imbalances comes first, that is the question that scientists are still trying to answer. But I know that I definitely have elevated anxiety, and that it is causing issues in just about every area of my life because of the sustained pressure on my system in the form of never-ending stress and poor sleep. I spent all of 2012 at doctors, having blood tests done, MRIs, and just about every test you can think of to try and figure out my problems. I was diagnosed with high prolactin, low testosterone and there were no answers why I had this being 32 and in decent shape. It has been frustrating process, and my faith in Western medicine is broken as I now see how focused it is on alleviating symptoms instead of addressing the underlying cause for a disease. All the symptoms I have are related in one way or another, but my doctors would discard most of the information and just focus on a particular imbalance. So I got sick of all of it, and started doing my own research. After reading up on ayurveda and understanding how to regulate the balance of the three doshas, I noticed that ashwagandha was recommended frequently for a broad range of ailments. Being an adaptogen, it makes sense that the herb restores the natural balance of the body, whether that means lowering or raising the levels of our hormones. Prolactin is regulated by the release of dopamine, and it’s easy to see that my dopamine level is low due to the RLS problem. Dopamine is in turn regulated by serotonin, so I figured I’ll look at ways to regulate the serotonin, which should theoretically allow everything else to fall back in balance. I will add here that I am not a doctor, nor am I trying to be. I’m just someone who considers himself intelligent enough to put information together and use common sense to employ natural methods and live a better life.
I started taking Ashwagandha on 5/19/2013, so it has been just over a week now of regular doses (3 times a day). Almost immediately, I noticed better quality of sleep. I slept through the entire night, had vivid dreams, woke up rested and my headaches were not as severe. By the 3rd day, the headaches were gone completely. The cumulative effect of sleeping well for a few days in a row started to show with more energy, better focus, and even an improved digestive situation (I did not need psyllium husk as often just to remain normal and not have to rush to the bathroom 3 times a day). If this herb did nothing else besides improve my sleep consistently, I’d be thrilled. But it has helped in other ways as well, mainly in regards to my anxiety. I experience anxiety differently now; I’m not immune to it, but I am more desensitized. I feel like I’m looking at the stimulus from a distance and can shut off the effect that it has on me almost on command. I am able to reset from a stressful situation very quickly instead of dwelling on it. This goes beyond placebo because of how long I have tried to manage my anxiety levels. Certain signs of stress like hunched shoulders, a tight jaw and raised brow are almost gone and if they do appear, I am far more conscious of them occurring and can reset my mental balance. Based on this, I can say with confidence that Ashwagandha works. It appears to be restoring balance and order in my mind and body, and I can’t wait to see how I feel in a month or two using this herb.
The only thing that I have not seen an improvement in is my RLS. Maybe I need more time with ashwagandha in order to lower the serotonin further and allow my dopamine levels to naturally increase, but I am also considering trying out mucuna pruriens to help this process along. Regardless, I am thrilled with the results and am actually ordering more right now to make sure I do not run out. I will experiment with cycling the herb and also reducing the dosage from time to time to analyze its effects. I have not experienced any negative side effects at all, and I am recommending this to my girlfriend who has low serotonin levels. I hope this review helps others make the right decision.