Nature’s Way Acid-Ease: Fórmula de Suporte Digestivo para Estômagos Sensíveis
A vida moderna muitas vezes nos apresenta desafios que podem afetar nossa saúde digestiva, especialmente para aqueles que possuem estômagos sensíveis. Pensando nisso, a Nature’s Way desenvolveu o Acid-Ease, uma fórmula inovadora que oferece suporte digestivo eficaz e gentil. Com 180 cápsulas veganas, Acid-Ease foi especificamente projetado para atender às necessidades de indivíduos que enfrentam desconfortos digestivos frequentes.
Este suplemento pode ser tomado com ou entre as refeições, conforme necessário, proporcionando flexibilidade e conveniência. A fórmula combina enzimas ativas com gamma oryzanol, um composto encontrado no farelo de arroz, casca de ulmeiro e extrato de raiz de malva, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades que promovem a saúde digestiva. Essa combinação única não apenas ajuda a aliviar a acidez e o desconforto, mas também apoia a digestão de maneira geral, permitindo que você aproveite suas refeições sem preocupações.
É importante ressaltar que o Acid-Ease contém trigo e soja, o que deve ser considerado por aqueles com alergias ou intolerâncias. No entanto, sua formulação vegana garante que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades sem comprometer suas escolhas alimentares.
– Suporte digestivo específico para estômagos sensíveis, aliviando desconfortos.
– Combinação de enzimas ativas e extratos naturais que promovem uma digestão saudável.
– Flexibilidade de uso, podendo ser tomado com ou entre as refeições.
– Fórmula vegana, adequada para diferentes estilos de vida e dietas.
– Contribui para uma melhor qualidade de vida, permitindo que você desfrute das refeições sem preocupações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nature’s Way Acid-Ease, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas com água, preferencialmente antes ou durante as refeições. Caso necessário, as cápsulas podem ser ingeridas entre as refeições para suporte adicional. É aconselhável não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Chris Gates –
Since being diagnosed with GERD and a Hiatal Hernia four years ago, I have been on the hunt for a natural remedy of my symptoms. Both conditions have changed my life tremendously and have been the cause of a great deal of suffering. Acid-Ease coupled with a PPI have helped me immensely.
I take two Acid-Ease tablets before eating three times a day (sometimes a couple extra if I ate something sketchy) and it works! Acid-Ease lessens the feeling of extreme fullness and bloating that is associated with my Hiatal Hernia and GERD. If I forget to take my Acid-Ease before eating something I notice the difference immediately after finishing my meal. Before Acid-Ease I would go through bottles of Gaviscon just to help with the reflux after meals with minimal relief.
These digestive enzymes also work wonders for Gas. I try to eat as many green leafy vegetables as possible which can often lead to some minor stomach discomfort. Even after a huge salad, my stomach is simply “at ease”. Don’t expect Acid-Ease to excuse you for poor dietary choices though, its not a free pass to eat all the greasy and fried foods you want; you still need to practice some restraint. With that being said, Acid-Ease has saved me on many occasions when I couldn’t resist having a little chocolate or coffee.
GERD is a condition that you have to live with, but you shouldn’t settle with suffering from the awful symptoms of acid reflux. Acid-Ease is something I can recommend to anyone who needs relief from acid reflux, whether you deal with it on a daily basis or occasionally.
Lucy Angliker –
Tried this as directed for several days and did not feel any improvement with indigestion, burning or acid reflux. May try “Heartburn Ease” as that has additional ingredients.
Raj –
I am a GERD patient and been suffering from the acid reflux for the last 10+ years. . This really worked well to subsidize the acid, but not completely . I tried this to replace my prescription medicine nexium, but few days later the symptoms started coming back, so I had to go back on the nexium. I slowly weaned off the 40mg dosage to 20mg with the help of these pills.
Starbird –
My little yorkipoo gets a sour stomach every so often. I mix the inside of one capsule with some beef bone broth powder and bit of water to make a paste and eventually calms her tummy.
Navin L –
I would not say it’ll kill h-pylori or eradicate or suppress it. Even though, I was a h pylori sufferer, I never had stomach pain or heartburn, it was just detected during some routine check ups. In my case, after having gone through Triple Antibiotic Therapy, my stomach was left with weird heartburn like symptoms. I tried so many options like DGL, Aloe Vera and enzymes and they simply refused to work. They brought no comfort at all. I would suck on DGL before and after the meal religiously, I would drink aloe vera juice as frequently as I could and enzymes but I was still suffering for weeks. Then I came across this stuff and hopelessly/desperately took this before and after meal, and that was the moment of great relief, I must say instant relief. I found on the internet, for some folks those DGL stuff works, not for me. This Acid Ease worked great for me. Next day on, I quit all other options but Acid Ease, and within a week, I felt like I could eat mountain, my appetite was stronger and heartburn disappeared in the course. I’ve been passing words about this product everywhere since it healed me. Don’t go by the look of the label, it looks faded pinkish label but pills work like a charm.
NZ Aeronaut –
I’d been suffering from a perpetually hoarse voice for several years, especially after eating. Maybe it started after two abdominal surgeries, maybe earlier, I don’t really remember, I do know that my doctors recommended PPI drugs for acid reflux that I dutifully took for almost five years before reading in a newspaper that these drugs can cause more harm than good if continued for more than two years. I quickly stopped using them, but then my voice began sounding like I was trying to talk while gargling – a very bad thing while giving presentations in a business setting, let me tell you! A bit of online research turned up numerous sites that talked about apple cider vinegar as a quick cure for this problem. The gist of these sites was that to cure your excess stomach acid problem you need to ………… take in more acid, in the form of acidic acid, from raw apple cider vinegar. Something about the “mother” enzymes and not the acid is what does the trick, they said. Hmmmm, my sense told me that this sounded fishy but I was desperate, so I tried it. I should listen to my sense more often because this was a complete failure. All it did was upset my stomach AND it made my voice worse than it was before. Then somebody recommended Acid-Ease. What a difference! This stuff worked as well as the vinegar didn’t! Two pills is much easier to take than downing spoonfuls of acid, it has no side-effects, and is quite effective. My beautiful pearly tones have returned and I can now speak my mind without choking on fumes from my stomach. After finishing about two bottles I now find that I can forget to take the pills before a meal and it won’t affect my voice afterwards. That tells me my stomach is returning to normal, yay!!! By the way, apple cider vinegar is also supposed to cure nighttime leg cramps, of which I also suffer. It seems to me that the enzymes contained therein are also in plain old unfiltered apple cider. A few swigs of the sweet stuff and my cramps go away. Maybe that’ll work for you, too.