Nature’s Sunshine Menstrual Reg: O Equilíbrio Natural para o Ciclo Menstrual
A vida da mulher é marcada por ciclos, e cada um deles traz suas próprias nuances e desafios. O Nature’s Sunshine Menstrual Reg surge como um aliado poderoso, oferecendo suporte natural para o sistema glandular feminino e promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais confortável. Com uma fórmula única, este suplemento herbal é projetado para ajudar a manter o equilíbrio hormonal, essencial para o bem-estar feminino.
- SUPPORTS THE FEMALE GLANDULAR SYSTEM – Nossa fórmula exclusiva ajuda a fornecer suporte natural durante períodos de desconforto menstrual.
- PROPER HORMONE BALANCE – Contém ervas poderosas que acreditam regular o fluxo sanguíneo e manter os hormônios adequadamente equilibrados.
- MORE COMFORTABLE MENSTRUAL CYCLE – Inclui ervas anti-hemorrágicas, além de ervas que oferecem suporte geral ao corpo feminino.
- HELPS WITH HEAVY MENSTRUATION – Durante períodos de cólicas menstruais intensas, você pode tomar quantidades maiores para um efeito mais imediato.
- NATURAL RELIEF – Inclui partes aéreas de manto de dama, partes aéreas de bolsa de pastor, partes aéreas de mil-folhas e extrato de folhas e flores, raiz de black haw, folhas de urtiga e raiz de sarsaparilha.
Com uma combinação de ervas tradicionais e eficazes, o Nature’s Sunshine Menstrual Reg não apenas alivia os sintomas, mas também promove um ciclo menstrual mais harmonioso. As ervas contidas na fórmula, como o manto de dama e a bolsa de pastor, são conhecidas por suas propriedades que ajudam a regular o fluxo menstrual e a reduzir a intensidade das cólicas. Assim, as mulheres podem enfrentar seus dias com mais confiança e conforto.
BG –
Works but maybe not as well as vitanica slow flow (which is not currently available). Used three pills every four hours along with yarrow, red raspberry and moon cycle tea, worked but took four days to work. Slight and mild headache but otherwise a very very good choice.
Gigi –
I have suffered from horrible, abnormally heavy and extended periods and blood clots throughout my life. My period was only slightly abnormal (a LITTLE heavier than normal) when I first started at the age of 12. My mom decided to drag me to the doctor and they prescribed birth control pills to regulate it, but it did nothing. So around the age of 14 or 15, they decided to give me the Depo (birth control) shot, which I did not want! But they ended up giving me the shot and my life has been hell ever since! Extremely heavy periods, messing up my clothes, unable to engage in daily activities because I was always so exhausted and terrified of having an accident. It was one of the main reasons I ended up finishing high school on home studies. My periods would be 6 months heavy and nonstop, then stop for a week, come back for 3 months nonstop, stop for 2 weeks with spotting, come back for 5 months, etc etc (you get the idea). Nothing has worked for me and I have tried EVERYTHING short of a hysterectomy, since I hope to have children one day. Most recently, I had my period for 2 months and then I said let me try yet ANOTHER product and see if I will work. I love Amazon and I found this product on the first search, received it just a few days ago (08/10/2016) and within two days, I saw my period slow up and then just stop! It says to take 2-3 capsules 3 times per day with food or more if you want to. I decided to take 3 capsules, 3 times per day with meals and I can feel it working. Also, I feel better overall; I am calmer than normal. Then I remembered it says it can help with mood and is meant to regulate your hormones/system. It is really working! I will continue to take these pills and if these keep working so well, I will definitely order a few more months supply to achieve the results I want. I would recommend these to anyone who has suffered like I have and for so long. Great product and I love that it is natural. So glad I found this and if anyone is wondering: I am a real damn person and I haven’t received any money or free products or anything like that. I just wrote this to help anyone in my situation make a worthwhile investment!
Update (12/21/2023): This is the only product I swear by to this day!!
Erika B –
I’m a 29 year old female. No children. I have had menstrual issues since my very first period at age 11. I would bleed, heavily, for weeks upon weeks. I suffered for years until at age 18 I was put on birth control to help regulate my cycles. I was on birth control until the age of 28. Every single doctor I tried to get help from basically said they couldn’t help and told me birth control was the best option. They tested for pcos, did all kinds of lab tests and blood work but everything came back normal. Last year I decided to start trying for a baby but of course after I stopped taking the birth control my periods returned to the state they were in before. I started to believe doctors didn’t really care to listen to me & that there had to be a natural approach to regulating my cycles. Whatever was going on with my periods was a sign that something was not right within my body. I found several natural and herbal supplements that aimed to help menstrual issues. I tried vitex for nearly a year but that didn’t seem to help the prolonged bleeding. I recently added maca root and decided to try Menstrual Reg after searching “ways to stop prolonged bleeding”. I started Menstrual Reg 3 weeks ago in conjuction with healthier eating and exercise. I finally just finished my first regular 5 day period after taking Menstrual Reg. Im so excited to not bleed for weeks and weeks at a time!! I dont know if the maca root is helping as well but I take both supplements daily. Im looking forward to seeing if this works month after month and even more excited to see if regulating my period naturally will lead to me having a baby! Even if it doesn’t I would still definitely recommend Menstrual Reg to anyone with menstrual issues!
mamma3 –
Mid-40’s and perimenopausal. Anemia, OCPs, progesterone creams, IUDs and looking at an ablation next for out of control periods and then I found this. I take only one per day for a month every 2-3 months (so one month on, 2-3 months off). I have found the reset button! I went from bleeding every 2 weeks for 7-10 days with tremendous flow and clotting and having to remain home for fear of ‘accidents’. After Menstrual Reg I have a ‘normal’ 5 day period (no huge (or even medium) clotting anymore), no cramps (never really an issue for me but this didn’t make them appear either), no weight gain or bloating or water retention. If during my period it begins to get even a little bit heavy for my liking, I take 2 caps 3 times per day until the end of my period and the flow calms to a trickle. I believe the only side effect is an ever so slight headache that I am noticing comes when I take them and a slight decrease in libido. This is nothing compared to the improvement and relief that I have found. I was ready to remove all reproductive parts in order to stop the madness but with Menstural Reg I feel like I can sail through this peri-stuff and keep my sanity!
-Update: I continue to use this monthly. It remains my go-to product with excellent sustained results!