Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Sunshine Seasonal Allergy, 100 Cápsulas
Nature’s Sunshine Seasonal Allergy é um suplemento herbal projetado para ajudar a apoiar o corpo durante as mudanças sazonais. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes naturais que promovem a saúde respiratória e ajudam a aliviar os desconfortos associados às alergias sazonais. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura potente de ervas que atuam sinergicamente para fortalecer o sistema imunológico e proporcionar alívio dos sintomas, como congestão nasal, espirros e coceira nos olhos. Ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz, este suplemento é uma excelente adição à rotina de cuidados pessoais, especialmente em épocas de polinização e mudanças climáticas.
1. Alívio Natural: Proporciona alívio dos sintomas de alergias sazonais sem o uso de medicamentos sintéticos.
2. Suporte Respiratório: Ajuda a manter as vias respiratórias limpas e saudáveis, facilitando a respiração.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ingredientes que ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Fórmula Herbal: Composição 100% natural, ideal para quem busca alternativas mais saudáveis.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar à rotina diária, com apenas uma cápsula por dia para suporte contínuo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Nature’s Sunshine Seasonal Allergy por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante as refeições. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto regularmente durante a temporada de alergias. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Ohio Mom –
Finally something my teen can take that didn’t make her sleepy or jittery or nauseous! These work so well to control the mold, grass, and pollen allergies she has. We can enjoy the outdoors again without looking like we haven’t slept in a month! No side effects is what makes these so good and do worth it!
Deanne L. –
I have been really fighting “seasonal allergies” for a few months now, including changing seasons even! I used to use Zyrtec every year, but it stopped providing the same relief, as well as started to make me feel very medicated – to the extent that I was afraid to drive while taking it. Since then, I have been using Sudafed when my symptoms become unbearable, which basically only helped dry up my runny nose and watery eyes. My boss suggested trying the ALJ. I love that it is “all natural”, but I also doubted it’s ability to kick my allergies. However, I was able to purchase a bottle of 100ct for a bit under $12.00, AND my boss said he would buy it back from me if I didn’t like it or it didn’t work. I couldn’t lose out!
I received the bottle Saturday (today is the following Monday). I took 2 when I received it and then 2 more before bed. When I woke up Sunday morning, I could not only breathe, but I could breathe out of both nostrils!!! That NEVER happens because of the allergies, AND I have a deviated septum! I’ve been taking a couple of doses a day (2 capsules each dose for me right now), and I’m no longer fighting the symptoms.
I LOVE this product, and I WILL be buying it again! I would feel good about giving this to my 15yr old son, as well. My itchy throat and dry cough are gone. My itchy, burning, watery eyes are fixed. I can breathe. My nose isn’t runny anymore, but it also is not overly dried up, like most medications will cause it to be. I am thrilled with this product!
Lady Carrie –
Bought my first bottle of ALJ a couple years ago to address constant nasal drip. Works very well, and usually with only one capsule. Takes effect in roughly 20 minutes and lasts for about 6 hours. Wanted to buy more but now on modest income a $38 bottle is just too expensive. I will have to try making my own lower cost product with same or similar ingredients. Effective product, just too costly.
1-18-2020 UPDATE: I bought a bag of dried Mullein Leaf, and it works excellent, but takes a little effort to make it go down easily. I started out just swallowing about a teaspoon of dried leaf crumbles, but it’s hard and makes me gag. I now pulverize it with a mortar and pestle and swallow down with water. Clears up a drippy nose very nicely, and I suspect that’s what is in ALJ that works so well for me. A 4 oz bag of Mullein Leaf will last me nearly forever for a lot less money, but it’s definitely not as convenient.
Mejias –
Excelente, ya no consumo nada de antialergicos convencionales
More –
Estoy en proceso de tomarlo
Rebekah Ernst –
I’ve been using this since I was in H.S. & I’m almost 50 now. It works great & highly recommend it.
W. P. KERN –
I recently had to get off Xyzal, due to AFib and tried this and it worked! Not as well as Xyzal, but adequately enough to block certain weed and tree allergies. Side note; you may incur headaches for up to 3 weeks when you quit taking the Xyzal. Keep your composure and take 2 Tylenol when the headaches come on and, hopefully, they will subside… this a known side affect of quitting Xyzal and similar drugs (Zyrtec)…probably indicating how addictive they can be to your system.
BrittyGirl –
This supplement cleared out a chronic bronchitis infection that my doctors fought for 7 months. I tried a lot of antibiotics and I felt like the infection kept coming back. I started taking these ALJ pills twice per meal (6/day) and I felt like with the help of antibiotics I was able to clear and keep free from the infection! I have asthma so I am always prone to lung infections. Even after I cleared the original infection out, I kept taking these as as a preventative measure. I recommended these to all of my friends. Also, the nurse side of me says to everyone “PLEASE DO NOT LET THESE REPLACE ADVICE FROM YOUR MEDICAL DOCTOR.” I talked to my doctor and used these IN CONJUNCTION with my other medication regimen.