Descrição do Produto: Natures Plus Melatonin Lipoceutical Spray
O Natures Plus Melatonin Lipoceutical Spray é um suplemento inovador que combina a eficácia da melatonina com a conveniência de um spray, proporcionando um suporte natural para o sono. Com 1,5 mg de melatonina por dose, este produto é formulado para ajudar você a adormecer mais rapidamente, permanecer dormindo por mais tempo e acordar sentindo-se revigorado. A melatonina é um hormônio que o corpo produz naturalmente para regular os ciclos de sono, e a nossa fórmula não viciante garante que você possa desfrutar de um descanso reparador sem preocupações.
Este spray lipoceutical é de grau farmacêutico, contendo 100% de melatonina de alta qualidade, coenzimas ativas e uma base de fatores metabólicos essenciais que garantem máxima absorção e utilização. Além da melatonina, o spray é enriquecido com vitamina E e 2,5 mg de vitamina B6, que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de hormônios que influenciam os ciclos de sono. O sabor natural de hortelã-pimenta não só refresca o hálito antes de dormir, mas também torna a experiência de uso mais agradável. Além disso, o produto é livre de glúten e adequado para vegetarianos, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
A fabricação do Natures Plus Melatonin Lipoceutical Spray ocorre em instalações de última geração, que mantêm rigorosos padrões de conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP), sendo registradas pela FDA e NSF. Isso garante que cada frasco do spray atenda a altos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
– Suporte Natural ao Sono: Ajuda a regular os ciclos de sono de forma natural, promovendo um descanso reparador.
– Fórmula Não Viciante: Permite que você utilize o produto sem o risco de dependência, ideal para uso contínuo.
– Absorção Eficiente: A tecnologia lipoceutical garante que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos rapidamente pelo organismo.
– Enriquecido com Vitaminas: A presença de vitamina B6 e E potencializa os efeitos da melatonina, contribuindo para um sono de qualidade.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor natural de hortelã-pimenta torna a experiência de uso mais prazerosa, sem comprometer a eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 1 a 2 sprays na boca, 30 minutos antes de dormir. É recomendável não exceder a dose indicada. O uso regular pode ajudar a estabelecer um padrão de sono saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Dorothy Ashman –
I travel for work a lot and I’m about to finish my second bottle. Overall, I’m very pleased and
I do sleep better with this when I have jet lag. However both bottles have leaked when I traveled with them and I’ve likely lost about 50% of the melatonin. I took another reviewer’s advice and purchased and new empty bottle with eye dropper and now I just transfer the melatonin to my own bottle.
Russell L. –
This product nearly always helps me sleep or return to sleep, eventually. A full spray, which delivers (according to the container’s label) 1.5 mg of the hormone melatonin, is not really needed. A partial spray usually works just fine for me, and may in fact keep my tolerance for this product low, instead of making my body need more and more over time.
At 80 full sprays per bottle, the way I use it (daily), a bottle lasts for 2-3 months and is the best melatonin or “sleep enhancer” I have ever experienced.
I try to spray it under my tongue and keep it there before swallowing for 5-10 minutes for the best effect.
Highly recommended!
One important note: you may wake up feeling groggy from this product especially if you used it within 2-4 hours of getting up but the feeling is temporary and vanishes completely, usually within an hour or less. At least, this has been my experience and I have been using it daily for over 10 years.
Marie –
I had tried this product before and really liked the gentle, natural way it helps you fall asleep. If I’m feeling wide awake at bedtime, I just do one squirt under the tongue and fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. If I wake up in the middle of the night, it helps me fall back asleep. It is gentle, natural and really works.
The only caution I have is to watch your supplier. I tried to order it online from a company in New York. The experience was a total exasperation. No notification of having received the order, no notification of whether they were going to ship the order. No call, no snail mail. When I called, no one answered the phone. After 2 months, I asked for my money back and they did comply but never notified me that they’d cancelled the order.
Juniper P. –
This was recommended by my sleep therapist and I thought I’d give it a try. I had been using sublingual tablets before and they worked OK. However, this seems to be much more effective and work faster than the tablets. I found the taste pleasant, not really minty, and not offensive in any way. The trick is to shake the bottle first, then curl up your tongue and spray the underside of it, trying to keep the liquid under your tongue for as long as possible before swallowing.
Its also nice that the bottle is small enough to bring in your carry-on ziplock baggie through TSA.
Krystal –
I’m so disappointed!! I used to use this regularly several years ago and loved it. Unfortunately, they have changed the formula. It used to be like spraying mint flavored water in your mouth, which I loved. Now it’s like thick, disgusting, super sweet syrup! Definitely will not be buying again! I might even have to just throw it away.
Deb –
My husband used this every night to sleep. Works well.
wildsky360 –
I use this product for the synergy of extra ingredients. It has a low dose of melatonin but the GABA enhances it. Actually, I combine it with Solgar liquid melatonin 10 mg, which is a relatively high dose. The combination is ideal. Natures plus makes a similar product WITHOUT the GABA, so check labels carefully if you want one or the other. They look identical but for the fine print.
That said, I save the empty Solgar bottles for mixing because the Natures Plus “spray” bottle doesn’t actually spray. It shoots out in a stream and then nearly always drips, leaving sticky fingers. Other products like my B12 spray out nicely but it’s not as thick a liquid as the melatonin. It doesn’t really matter anyway as long as its simply delivered under the tongue and held for a bit.
Despite this one flaw, its only one, I still recommend and use, but also recommend transferring the product to a dropper bottle regardless of mixing or taking alone. Should also note that most melatonin products are fairly low dose because they work at that level. Im not advocating higher doses unless necessary or advised. From what I’ve read it is a healthy brain supplement aside from being a sleeping aid.
RusticBK –
Easy to use.