Descrição do Produto: Natures Plus SPIRU-TEIN, Chocolate – 3.7 lbs
O Natures Plus SPIRU-TEIN é um shake de proteína à base de plantas, sabor chocolate, que oferece uma solução nutritiva e deliciosa para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saudável. Com 3,7 lbs e rendendo até 60 porções, este produto é ideal para veganos, vegetarianos e pessoas que buscam uma alimentação livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e glúten. Cada porção é enriquecida com uma combinação de proteínas vegetais de alta qualidade, incluindo proteína de soja, arroz integral e ervilha, proporcionando um perfil completo de aminoácidos essenciais. Além disso, o SPIRU-TEIN é formulado com vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a complementar a dieta, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem tem um estilo de vida ativo ou deseja manter uma alimentação equilibrada.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: Cada porção fornece uma quantidade significativa de proteínas vegetais, essencial para a construção e reparação muscular.
2. Fórmula Completa: Contém uma mistura de aminoácidos essenciais, vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a suprir as necessidades nutricionais diárias.
3. Sabor Delicioso: O sabor chocolate torna o consumo do shake prazeroso, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar.
4. Praticidade: Ideal para ser consumido em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no trabalho ou após os treinos, oferecendo uma solução rápida e nutritiva.
5. Apropriado para Diversas Dietas: Sendo vegetariano, sem glúten e Non-GMO, atende a diferentes restrições alimentares e preferências.
Para preparar o Natures Plus SPIRU-TEIN, adicione 1 medida (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 240ml de água, leite vegetal ou outra bebida de sua preferência. Misture bem em um liquidificador ou shaker até obter uma consistência homogênea. O shake pode ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, seja como um lanche nutritivo, antes ou após o treino, ou como um complemento às refeições. Para um aumento adicional de nutrientes, experimente adicionar frutas, vegetais ou sementes à mistura. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Customer –
The first thing I look for is taste and unfortunately the “Chocolate” flavor is disappointing, especially because the product excels in every other aspect. I agree with one of the other reviews: the “earthy” taste overwhelms the “Dutch cocoa” ingredient. Now the positives: 1) This product blends extremely well resulting in a thick smooth texture; 2) Low calorie (100) and fat content (1g) and comparably lower but acceptable (14g) protein content; 2) Excellent for use either as a protein supplement or as a meal supplement/replacement. Another plus is the addition of a WHOPPING 24 vitamins and minerals with above average DV percentages as well as antioxidants and amino acids to assist with muscle development and recovery as well as assisting the digestive system. Bottom line: Maybe try the Vanilla flavor instead.
Wendy Tenney –
Nutritional drinks are a form of supplementation I have been using most of my life. The only difference from my current method is I now use a plant-based formula. This is where the Natures Plus Spiru-Tein soy pea and rice blend works perfectly with my diet. This is the best option for protein powder in relation to the type of aerobic workout I engage in six days a week.
I am super consistent with my athletic schedule and require a protein mix that can handle my super disciplined nutritional needs. This plant-based formula acts in a way that it seems to help me store my energy; then evenly distribute it throughout my main sixty-minute cardio session, that then leads in to about ten to fifteen minutes of weightlifting.
I recommend simply mixing this in with some water, then drinking it like that without adding anything however if you want to thicken it up, adding a banana or even an avocado will do the trick. You want to watch overdoing the antioxidant combination because this mix already contains many vitamins.
The chocolate flavor is the way to go for me because I find the flavor very agreeable overall, including the aftertaste. There is no disagreeable lingering vitamin taste but rather a smoother pea plant type of taste besides the chocolate flavor which is the dominant taste.
I noticed the recovery rate is smooth when I increased my cardio level, then decreased it only to measure the second increase, with a smooth transition played out nicely.
I recommend not just this chocolate flavor but all of the flavors, because I still like them and will change it up periodically, however this chocolate option will always be the best for me.
This mix gives me the energy I need all throughout my workout.
Rommager –
I found this powder has more carbs than my usual powder, yet despite that, it doesn’t taste like it has very much sweet taste. I find I have to sweeten it more with some monkfruit, and that makes it a little more palatable. Still, I find that it blends well and tastes ok when sweetend mre Not sure I would recommend it for diabetics as much, as there are lower carb protein powders out there. The sweetner here is dextrose. This powder is marketed as 60 servings and has a smaller scoop than I expected. It seems to mix well in a proper shaker bottle, and has a fairly smooth texture. 28g is a serving on this powder. Overall it seems like it may be a decent powder for athletics, but not as much if you are more concerned with counting carbs. It doesn’t really suit my needs as well due to the extra sugar and yet still needing additional sweetening.
Rommager –
Cmac –
Give nutrition and great benefits for the body
Robert Strecker –
I mixed this with 8oz of Lactaid milk (my favorite) using an electric milk frother. It blended very easily and smoothly.
Taste-wise, it won’t blow your mind. A mild chocolate flavor, not overly sweet, a hint of cardboard (I think it’s the pea protein).
Feeling-wise, my body basically told me, “KEEP DRINKING.” I felt like I was starved before I got a hold of this drink and I was finally being fed (Note: I’d just finished a full meal, so I wasn’t literally starving). After finishing the drink, I felt pretty satisfied.
This reminds me of Soylent but better-tasting and better quality.
At around $1.13 per serving, it’s awesome value. And it’s pretty much a meal replacement powder.
F. Klein –
It is a protein powder. If you like the taste, it is great. My wife likes it and so do I. She adds it to milk. I add it to my yogurt.
L D. –
I enjoy Spiru-tein over all other plant-based protein powder. I just put about seven servings of powder in a smaller container to set on my counter to use for the week. I then store the remaining protein in the original bin. An easy way to add protein to a smoothy in the morning.