O Natures Plus Animal Parade Immune Booster é um suplemento inovador em forma de comprimidos mastigáveis, projetado especialmente para crianças. Com um delicioso sabor de frutas tropicais, esses comprimidos em formato de animais tornam a experiência de suplementação divertida e agradável. Cada frasco contém 90 comprimidos, oferecendo 45 porções, e é uma excelente opção para apoiar o sistema imunológico em desenvolvimento dos pequenos. Este produto é livre de glúten e adequado para veganos, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades.
Os comprimidos são formulados com uma mistura poderosa de vitaminas A, C, E e zinco, além de ingredientes de alimentos integrais que promovem a saúde geral. A adição de probióticos de acidophilus é um diferencial que ajuda a manter um intestino saudável, essencial para um sistema imunológico forte. O Natures Plus Animal Parade Immune Booster é livre de corantes e conservantes artificiais, bem como de alérgenos comuns como levedura, trigo, soja e laticínios, tornando-o uma escolha segura para crianças com sensibilidades alimentares.
Além disso, a marca demonstra um compromisso com a sustentabilidade ao redesenhar sua embalagem, eliminando caixas de papelão externas e contribuindo para a redução de resíduos. Embora a embalagem possa variar entre o design antigo e o novo, a qualidade do produto permanece inalterada, garantindo que os consumidores recebam sempre o melhor.
– Suporte personalizado ao sistema imunológico para crianças, essencial em fases de crescimento.
– Feito com alimentos integrais e probióticos, promovendo uma saúde intestinal ideal.
– Livre de corantes, conservantes e alérgenos comuns, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
– Embalagem ecológica, contribuindo para a preservação ambiental e redução de resíduos.
– Padrões de qualidade consistentes, assegurando que cada comprimido mantenha sua eficácia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos mastigáveis por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou apresentando algum problema de saúde.
C. Pearson –
These really taste horrible. My son had to spit it out. So, I tried one and it was very hard to chew and swollow it. The taste is odd at first but if you can get past that you can taste the berry taste. However, it is so intense and artificial tasting I couldn’t stand it.
Kristen –
I use this in addition to the kids vitamins and probiotics. I am very satisfied. I have seen colds and stomach bugs decrease in frequency despite my older son being in Kindergarten where germs spread like wild fire. Both my kids, 6 and 2, eat these like they’re candy and ask for more everyday. I have to constantly tell them that they only get 2 per day! I have purchased this about 4-5 times now and will continue to do so.
Kellie A. Gutierrez –
My grandson has a very weak immune system, during pre school he would come home sick every other week as he was getting over the last cold he would get another one. We had tried many things but from the reviews I decided to give these a try. After taking this for a short time he started school and he went for 1 month before he caught a cold but the cold lasted 3 days, all he got was a runny nose He will be taking this from now on.
Gina Dewald –
While these might have good nutrients and vitamins my 8 and 11 year old hated the taste. I thought they were over reacting so I tasted them myself and truly the worst vitamin I’ve ever tried. It’s a bummer because they weren’t cheap and now sadly we will be wasting them.
Boy mom –
At first, it takes the kids some time to get used to the taste, but now all three of mine take them without a problem. I started using these last year and noticed considerable improvement in the number of times they were sick. It says to give 2 daily, but I have 3 kids and we’d go through the bottle in no time. So I give one daily, but if we’ve been around anyone who is sick or if one of mine start to get sick, I give everyone 2 daily until it’s all clear.
Miss –
Die Zutatenliste liest sich mega gesund. Ist es sicher auch. Schon beim Öffnen riecht es extrem komisch. Und so ähnlich schmeckt es auch. Daran ändert der Beerengeschmack und die Süße nur bedingt was. Meine Kinder mögen es gar nicht. Aber genau darum hatte ich es gekauft. Für die Kids. Nun “zwinge” ich sie, das Medizin nicht schmeckt. Aber das war nicht Sinn der Sache. Ich denke nach dem 2/3 Mal werden sie sich weigern. Am Ende werde ich es Essen, nur der Gesundheit zuliebe.
jenn –
Just bought these for my two kids and myself. We always buy the animal parade multi chews and my kids love those!The immune booster does smell a bit different and the taste is not super yummy but for being all natural, I will definetly take it. The taste is surely do able , just may take a little getting used too.For an all natural product with no worries of red 40 this and fd&c that,and for the price I paid, I will be getting these again.Besides,isn’t it good for our kids to tolerate things that they may not particularly favor for the benefit for their well being? Thats why we make them eat their veggies right? 🙂
Eduardo Ibarra –
Great taste kids enjoy.
ER5 –
The flavour of these chalky tablets was disgusting, the aftertaste worse. Children will not take them. In the bin!
Nikki –
Good for son. When he takes them consistently he is rarely sick. Bad smell and taste not the greatest but the children get used to it and benefits out weight the smell.