Suplemento para a saúde masculina – Feito com zinco e um complexo herbal que inclui saw palmetto, pygeum, abóbora e muito mais, nossa fórmula é um favorito de longa data entre os suplementos de próstata para homens.
Aminoácidos ativos para homens ativos – Este suplemento de saw palmetto e pygeum para a saúde da próstata também contém 195 mg de nossa mistura de aminoácidos de l-glutâmico, glicina e l-alanina – todas proteínas primárias da próstata – para ajudar os homens a terem um desempenho melhor.
Certificado GMP – GMP significa Boas Práticas de Fabricação e garante que nosso suplemento de saw palmetto siga rigorosos padrões de qualidade. Documentamos cada etapa do processo de fabricação.
Nossa política é qualidade – Todos os suplementos não são criados iguais, e “menos que” não é aceitável na Nature’s Life. Criamos e selecionamos nossos produtos com cuidado excepcional, rejeitando 90% das novas matérias-primas e testando cada produto três vezes para garantir a igualdade de qualidade dos suplementos.
Ame a Mãe Terra – Nossos produtos ajudam a preencher lacunas nutricionais sem prejudicar o meio ambiente – e colocamos nosso dinheiro onde está nossa boca. Somos membros de 1% para o Planeta, o que significa que doamos 1% de nossas vendas anuais para causas ambientais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte à saúde da próstata – Este suplemento é formulado com ingredientes naturais que são conhecidos por promover a saúde da próstata.
- 2. Complexo herbal poderoso – A combinação de saw palmetto, pygeum e outros ingredientes herbais ajuda a manter a função saudável da próstata.
- 3. Aminoácidos essenciais – A adição de aminoácidos como l-glutâmico, glicina e l-alanina ajuda a apoiar a função adequada da próstata.
- 4. Certificação GMP – Este suplemento é fabricado seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade para garantir sua eficácia e segurança.
- 5. Compromisso com o meio ambiente – Ao comprar este produto, você está apoiando uma empresa que se preocupa com o meio ambiente e doa parte de suas vendas para causas ambientais.
– Sugestão de Uso: Tome 2 cápsulas diariamente com alimentos ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde.
J.Adams –
My husband has BPH and recently his numbers doubled, so in addition to the Rx medication, we’re doing whatever we can to bring those numbers down as low as we can! He’s young and I don’t want anything to happen to him!
One thing we didn’t know, and no one told us is that nuts aren’t good for men with BPH! My husband is a very health conscience person and he’d eat a handful of nuts per day for the healthy fats. Nuts have PHYTIC ACID, I put phytic acid in caps because I want to be sure anyone with this condition knows about it! It’s not good for people with BPH. We have yet to see if removing nuts from his diet will lower the numbers, but we’re hopeful – very hopeful because his numbers were off the charts and he’s only in his 50’s!
Anyway, back to Nature’s Life Prostate Maintain; I did a LOT of research, and this was one of just a few products which had all or most of the ingredients we required in a Prostate product. I’m having him take more than is suggested just because his numbers were so high, and we’ll have a blood test done again soon to see how he’s doing. If they haven’t come down he’ll have to have a biopsy to see if his BPH is looking more like cancer – let’s hope NOT!
I highly recommend a GOOD prostate product to all men at any risk factors – even as young as 18 to 21 – you’re never too young to start on a good supplement! All men w/o risk over 30, and certainly all men with BHP!
Mr. Potato Head –
I’ve been going to the prostate doc and he puts me on pills that have side effects so I can’t take them. This product is the best I’ve ever tried to eliminate sudden urges and I empty completely. Makes feel like I was 20 again. I’ve tried everything on the market and this product positively works with NO side effects. Be good to yourself and try it; it takes about 2 weeks to start fully taking effect but I noticed a difference in 2 days.
Good Frog –
I waited until I had been taking this for a couple months, so I could give a proper review.
The last two supplements I tried didn’t seem to help as my symptoms continued to worsen and I was getting up 4 or 5 times per night. I couldn’t plan on being more than 10 or 15 minutes away from the closest restroom for the first few hours after my morning breakfast and coffee – indeed, 5 minutes was sometimes my limit.
With this Nature Life 600 Plus, though, I’m down to once per night at worst and most the time, I can sleep through 6 hours or more. Even if I awake in the middle thinking I need to go, I usually just go back to sleep and finish my 6+ hours or so before I really have to answer the call of nature. When I get up in the morning, it isn’t always urgent, either. I don’t have to make a beeline for the head.
I started with two capsules in the morning and two more in the evening for the first week or two. After that, I’ve been taking two in the morning with my other prescription and OTC pills. It took me about a month to notice a difference.
I’ve had enlarged prostate symptoms for at least a decade and I’ve had only one supplement that seemed to work better, but that one was discontinued by the maker. This 600 Plus has reversed my symptoms, though, while the other best ones were seemingly only slowing down the deterioration.
I’d raise this to five stars if it could reverse my symptoms altogether, but I guess that’s too much to ask of a fight against an aging body. At 18 cents a day (2 capsules at 8.8 cents each), these will certainly do for now, and I hope I can keep getting these going into the future.
Rich –
Since the active ingredients are the amino acids Glycine, Alanine, & Glutamic Acid they should be consumed on an empty stomach at least two hours after your last meal. If they are consumed with other proteins they will just be digested as more food and the effect will be greatly reduced.
Article in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 10(5):426-30:
A controlled study of 45 cases of uncomplicated benign prostatic hypertrophy has confirmed the original report of Feinblatt and Cant (1) on the value of a combination of glycine, alanine and glutamic acid as palliative treatment. In 1958 these authors reported a controlled cross-over test of this therapy in 40 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy. After a period of three months, nocturia was relieved or reduced in 95 per cent of the cases, urgency in 81 per cent, frequency in 73 per cent, and delayed micturition in 70 per cent. There were no adverse reactions.
One study used up to 760 mg per day of the three combined amino acids. Using this product that would translate into slightly more than seven capsules a day. I take three 3x/day = 9 total. I’ve had zero side effects.
In Japan this trio of amino acids is a drug and it is prescribed as PARAPROST. There is another drug named CERNILTON, also not available in the US, which is even more popular than paraprost.
Average Joe –
I’ve tried a few of these kinds of products. Each one has slightly different effects for me. And I also find that switching after a few months to one of the other products seems to “jump start” their effects. Here’s how Prostate 600 has worked for me: Sleep all night? Excellent – most nights I sleep through without having to go. Once in a while I need to go once, but never more than that. Reduced urgency? Very good – usually can wait until the next toilet is available, but, trying to be practical, I make “preventive strikes” just to be safe. Full straight flow? usually okay, but sometimes not – get close to the target. Two suggestions: (1) When I first started using this, it took a few days for the effects to “regularize”, so wait a week or two before evaluating whether it is right for you. (2) When trying to diet a little, the first thing my body does is loses what I think of as “water weight”. Be aware of this and be ready for the frequency to increase. Overall, for me, this is one of the products that work pretty well.
Guitarista –
Without going into a lot of detail about symptoms, all I can say is that this one works the best for me and I’ve tried them all it seems. I believe that the key ingredient is beta sitosterol.