Suplemento de Ácido Málico Nature’s Life 800 mg – Suporte para Função Muscular Saudável e Energia Celular – Ácido de Frutas Dietéticas – Garantia de Devolução do Dinheiro em 60 Dias, Verificado em Laboratório – 250 Porções
Os suplementos de energia celular são uma parte essencial do processo bioquímico envolvido na produção de energia celular, e o ácido málico pode ajudar a apoiar a função celular e muscular ideal. As cápsulas de ácido málico Nature’s Life fornecem 800 mg deste ácido de frutas de grau alimentício que naturalmente se liga a certos minerais como cálcio e magnésio para melhorar a absorção e utilização pelo corpo.
Certificado GMP – GMP significa Boas Práticas de Fabricação e garante que todos os produtos que fabricamos sigam rigorosos padrões de qualidade. Documentamos cada etapa do processo de fabricação. E como sempre, nosso Ácido Málico vem com uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 60 dias.
Nossa Política é Qualidade – Todos os suplementos não são criados iguais e “menos que” não é aceitável na Nature’s Life. Nós produzimos e obtivemos nosso ácido málico com cuidado excepcional, rejeitamos 90% das novas matérias-primas e testamos cada produto três vezes para garantir qualidade igual para todos.
Ame a Mãe Terra – Nossos produtos ajudam a preencher lacunas nutricionais sem prejudicar o meio ambiente – e colocamos nosso dinheiro onde está nossa boca. Somos membros de 1% para o Planeta, o que significa que doamos 1% de nossas vendas anuais para causas ambientais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte para função muscular saudável
- Apoio à produção de energia celular
- Qualidade certificada GMP
- Compromisso com a sustentabilidade ambiental
- Garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 60 dias
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Ácido Málico Nature’s Life 800 mg por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Rick –
I used this product to help soften and then loosen kidney and liver stones as described in holistic literature. I took one 800 mg capsule per day then eventually two. It didn’t create any digestive discomfort during my use of this product and it helped me to pass biliary and liver stones (green in color). I used the Malic acid capsules in connection with other known supplements to rid myself of hereditary stones that had at one time occluded my gall bladder that I lost to cholecystectomy.
You can also use pure organic, cold-pressed apple juice such as during a juice fast before you are to pass the stones. I decided to use both products because stones can be stubborn to release themselves from the body.
I used Lakewood Organic Apple juice that you can purchase here at Amazon or anywhere. It was cheaper at my local Publix and tastes really good. I’m going to have some ready for Thanksgiving.
Rebel G. –
I purchased this after I read that it would be a good substitute for drinking apple juice during a gallbladder cleanse. After using Malic Acid for over half a dozen cleanses, I would say it works just fine! In fact for my first cleanse I passed stones before even drinking the oil/grapefruit mixture!
Originally, I was searching for a way to cut out the massive amounts of sugar that drinking tons of apple juice can bring. This is a sure way to go! I usually take at least 2-3 tablets a day for six days and then drink epsom salts at 6/7, 7/8 and 9/10 (depends one what time I start for the evening). By 10 or 11 I drink the oil/grapefruit mixture and go to bed. The next day is always successful in passing GB stones. I also just did a cleanse where every night I took the oil/grapefruit mixture and that worked great too!
I have been very satisfied in using this product and will continue to do so! But I still caution you to do your research- I do know some people who did not have as good a result using this.
C. Novak –
My wife developed gallbladder stones and started experiencing terrible pain and nausea as a result. Two consults with a surgeon and an internist both resulted in recommendation for surgical removal. We weren’t thrilled about that, and I read online that maybe tens of thousands of gallbladder removals in the US aren’t necessary. Also, about 5% of people who have their gallbladders removed experience terrible side effects, some having to eat zero-fat diets for the rest of their lives to avoid severe stomach upsets.
At first we tried “Stone Breakers” pills on Amazon, which seemed to stop her immediate gallbladder attacks. Those are expensive, and could be harsh on her body, so they didn’t seem like a long-term solution to prevent her gallstones from building up.
After a lot of online research, we decided to try malic acid, and since she started taking one of these daily, there have been no more gallbladder attacks, for at least 3-4 months. Before, gallbladder attacks were a monthly occurrence. I wish I could get her to drink more water on a consistent basis, take high-quality magnesium supplements and deal with stress in a better way, but at least these pills seem to prevent the gallbladder attacks. Malic acid is a natural ingredient in apples and pears, so I see no long-term health concerns over taking it daily.
As a side note, the one or two days she ran out of these malic acid pills (and didn’t think ahead to reorder them!), she immediately experienced severe muscle cramps in her feet and toes, something she has dealt with most of her life. BUT, as long as she has been taking malic acid, her foot cramps have stopped.
If you’re taking a high quality magnesium supplement for anything, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle pain or heart issues, it is recommended to add malic acid, which is shown to help the body absorb magnesium more effectively. Malic acid has definitely helped reduce my wife’s gallstones and prevent gallbladder attacks, as well as stopped her muscle cramps.
L. Maupin –
I was studying about gout and had learned that Malic acid in the body helps a person get rid of uric acid which causes gout. I got some for my husband. He took it faithfully for 3 weeks and then forgot all about it. Suddenly a tinge of gout came on and I asked him if he was taking this malic acid. He was shocked. It appears to work. This is wonderful because it is not a drug. Drs give Alipurinol and often a person gets a very bad attack as it causes gout as the uric acid quickly leaves the body.Plus it is a drug. This must act more sowly because he had no side affects. He is still taking it. What a God send, it is fro food, safe and inexpensive.