Nature’s Lab Gold Magnesium Glycinate 400mg: O Aliado da Sua Saúde
O Nature’s Lab Gold Magnesium Glycinate 400mg é um suplemento de magnésio de alta qualidade, formulado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde cardiovascular e muscular. Cada cápsula contém 100 mg de glicinato de magnésio, uma forma altamente biodisponível que garante uma absorção eficaz e suave para o estômago. Este mineral desempenha um papel crucial na absorção de cálcio, contribuindo para a saúde óssea e ajudando a manter a função normal dos músculos e nervos. Além disso, o magnésio é fundamental para o metabolismo energético e a síntese de proteínas, participando de mais de 300 reações bioquímicas no corpo humano.
O uso regular do Nature’s Lab Gold Magnesium Glycinate pode ajudar a promover um coração saudável, melhorar a função muscular e nervosa, e garantir que seu corpo opere em seu máximo potencial. A fórmula gentil no estômago permite que você aproveite todos os benefícios do magnésio sem desconforto gastrointestinal, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento eficaz e fácil de digerir.
– Contribui para a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a saúde óssea.
– Suporta a saúde cardiovascular, promovendo um coração forte e saudável.
– Ajuda a manter a função normal dos músculos e nervos, reduzindo o risco de cãibras e desconfortos.
– Aumenta o metabolismo energético e a síntese de proteínas, favorecendo a recuperação muscular.
– É gentil no estômago, ideal para pessoas com sensibilidade digestiva.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Nature’s Lab Gold Magnesium Glycinate 400mg, preferencialmente à noite ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Bobbie Evans –
I’m deficient. So this product was brought to me through social media. I’m trying now, so far so good
Amazon Customer –
Generally good product
morgan goldstein –
Love this product. It’s high quality and super clean. Works amazing. Gonna sign up for the subscription so I never run out!
Fun In The Sun –
I am taking this product for PCOS/Insulin Resistance it is suppose to increase insulin sensitivity. I am aware the efficacy of the product itself seems to vary for individuals so whether or not it worked it not a reflection on the quality of the product itself in my opinion. I take a whole lot of other pills to combat my insulin resistant/hormonal issues, and I was under the impression the serving size was (1) capsule = 400 mg , no, the serving size is (4) capsules = 400mg, the additional (4) capsules to my already exhaustive “pill regiment” was annoying. If I had known (4) additional capsules were required for the dosage, I would have bought the 200 mg capsules instead.
I will say the misleading serving size is common place with most of the magnesium glycinate supplement, so it’s not specific to this company or brand.
I do not use it for sleep. I have been using magnesium glycinate for years to control a-fib. It works incredibly well. Two pills at night.
victor –
i cant tell work or not
I was suffering from aches in my hands and wrists and thought it might be carpal tunnel syndrome. Those symptoms matched with my craving for salty foods led me to get the advice that I was dealing with a magnesium deficiency. The recommended amount is 4 tablets per day, but I take one and it keeps the pain and symptoms at bay!
Vanessasgram –
I a trigger trauma episode in a hospital right before 9/11 that started me off on the horrible road of panic attacks! I had them for four years of fighting them off but not winning. I went to a hospital website–sound out the wonders of Magnesium GLYCINATE (only that form)—and started taking them. WITHIN less than a week my panic attacks stopped and haven’t had one since I started on this (5 yrs.) and I can handle the stressful times we’re living in much better. Overall I am feeling much better and this nutrient (I read on line) helps a body use the iron you take!
I hope this company stays around for many many years because I don’t trust most supplement companies since they aren’t inspected/controlled by the FDA!