Nature’s Lab EnZym Balance – 16 Enzimas Digestivas com Aloe, Cúrcuma, Gengibre e Orégano
A saúde digestiva é fundamental para o bem-estar geral, e o Nature’s Lab EnZym Balance é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio de desconfortos digestivos ocasionais. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina 16 enzimas digestivas, este produto é projetado para facilitar a digestão e promover um trato gastrointestinal saudável. Entre as enzimas presentes, destacam-se a Pectinase, Bromelain, Papain, Beta Glucanase, Alpha Galactosidase, Xylanase, Lipase, Hemicellulase, Neutral Protease, Phytase, Glucoamylase, Diastase, Invertase, Cellulase, Peptidase e Fungal Protease, cada uma desempenhando um papel crucial na quebra de alimentos e na absorção de nutrientes.
Além das enzimas, a fórmula é enriquecida com Aloe Vera, gengibre e cúrcuma, ingredientes conhecidos por suas propriedades calmantes e reguladoras do sistema digestivo. O gengibre, em particular, possui propriedades prebióticas que favorecem o crescimento de organismos benéficos no microbioma, enquanto a mistura de óleos fenólicos de orégano, cravo e tomilho potencializa a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes. Com uma combinação tão rica e diversificada, o Nature’s Lab EnZym Balance não apenas alivia sintomas como indigestão, inchaço e gases, mas também apoia a saúde intestinal de forma abrangente.
Produzido com ingredientes da mais alta pureza e rigorosamente testado em laboratório para garantir qualidade, consistência e potência, o Nature’s Lab EnZym Balance é fabricado nos EUA em instalações certificadas cGMP. Além disso, é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), oferecendo uma opção segura e eficaz para quem busca melhorar sua saúde digestiva. A Nature’s Lab garante a satisfação do cliente com uma política de devolução sem perguntas.
Eva Slancik –
Gas and bloating
Kerchenski –
felt no difference
The Artist Formerly Known as ʢ –
I suffer a lot of digestive issues and have noticed that oregano oil has really helped in the past. I was taking capsules that had a similar mix of the herbs in this but were oil instead of extract – the oregano, clove, thyme blend really packs a punch if you’re dealing with SIBO or fungal gut issues. A big mistake people make with probiotics is to just load up on probiotics and wonder why they’re not getting better. The reason is that’s like a drop in the bucket if your gut is full of nasty bacteria that will immediately overwhelm the good guys. You need a full fledged plan to tackle gut issues and something like this is a powerful, low priced, all in one punch for these issues!
I actually really love the fact that this has extract of oregano, clove and thyme versus just the oils. I’ve had issues where if I take the oil with meals, I’ll get painful burps or heartburn issues. With this I’ve never had anything like that. It also throws in some ginger which is awesome as I often have nausea after eating. I was already taking ginger pills as a child due to this, and have enjoyed peppermint oil pills that also have a bit of ginger oil in them. But this is a lot gentler and I don’t ever feel a “burn” like I had from pure ginger pills.
The enzymes in this supplement are a pretty good assortment! While it doesn’t list how much of each enzyme is in there (probably the only drawback I noticed in this product) it has a really wide range of enzymes, which impressed me, including Alpha-galactosidase, which is the main ingredient in Beano! If you’re vegan, or going vegan, and you have gas after eating lots of veggies and beans this is a winner! You can take it with every meal. That being said I don’t know the dosage in this but at least it’s got a little and that’s so awesome as most enzyme pills don’t.
These pills say gluten free and are veggie caps with only a bit of rice hull in them as a filler which is OK. I’m now kind of wondering if these are really vegan because I don’t actually see a veggie/vegan message on them, but given that the pill is vegan, there are no animal allergens in it, and it says “fungal” before one of the proteases, the other “neutral protease” should be derived from a bacteria, I’m reasonable sure this is OK, because why go to so much trouble otherwise.
The price on this is just so reasonable for the amount you get. These are my new rescue enzymes that I take with me on the go or travelling. I try to take them after I have a heavier meal and it does help me from feeling grosser after and the next day. I even recommended them to a friend of mine whose gastro has been unhelpful.
Honolulubelle –
My husband and I have opposite digestive issues and this is miraculously helping us both, I guess it truly is an issue of internal balance.
Gina M. Palladino –
This is the second supplement that I purchased from Nature’s Lab (the first was their DHEA Supplement, which is also reeally wonderful). This product works exceptionally well. I feel less bloated and believe it’s supporting my overall digestion/absorption of nutrients (as evidenced by improvements in my skin and hair). I highly recommend it!
Ian D. –
Got these for a friend who was suffering from some stomach discomfort, reflux, and other digestive problems for the first time in her life. She has reported that taking one of these prior to eating has eased the majority of her symptoms and helped her feel a bit more regular. The price of these for 180 pills is awesome at around $14. Other digestive enzyme blends can be at least double the price with a smaller amount of pills. However, it’s hard to necessarily call this a six month supply. My friend has been taking them typically twice a day (before lunch and again before dinner). It seems not only possible but also reasonable to take more than one per day without problems (although consult your doctor as the product description says). Overall, for the price and for the amount of good digestive enzymes and other beneficial ingredients, I would say these are worth a shot. They’ve definitely helped my friend.
***I write reviews as a hobby because I love trying out electronics, clothing, household products, kitchen devices, and more. My hope is that my review will guide you to make a more informed choice about whether or not to make a purchase. If this review helped you in your decision-making today, please let me know with a helpful vote. Have a great day!***
💚TosaT💚 –
The capsules are easy to swallow. I took one with lunch. No issues with gas or bloating. This bottle would last about 3-6 months. This formula was very helpful for my digestion.