Descubra o poder do Xarope de Sabugueiro Sambucus da Nature’s Answer, um suplemento de suporte imunológico que combina sabor e saúde em uma única garrafa de 473 ml. Este xarope, fabricado nos EUA, é uma escolha ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico de forma natural e deliciosa. Com um perfil rico em antioxidantes, o extrato de sabugueiro preto é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, tornando-se um aliado poderoso na proteção do organismo.
O Xarope de Sambucus Elderberry é uma fórmula vegana e sem glúten, o que o torna acessível a todos, independentemente de restrições alimentares. Com um sabor agradável, ele se destaca entre os suplementos, proporcionando uma experiência de consumo que é tanto prazerosa quanto saudável. Infundido com xarope de flor de sabugueiro e extrato de semente de uva, este produto oferece um suporte imunológico robusto, ideal para quem deseja manter a saúde em dia, especialmente em épocas de maior vulnerabilidade.
Além de ser uma opção saborosa, o xarope é fácil de incorporar à rotina diária. Basta uma colher de sopa (15 ml) por dia para usufruir de seus benefícios. Seja puro ou misturado com água ou suco, o Xarope de Sambucus Elderberry se torna uma adição prática e eficaz à sua dieta. Armazenado em local fresco e seco, ele mantém sua qualidade e eficácia por mais tempo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Sabor delicioso e agradável
- Suplemento potente de suporte imunológico
- Rico em antioxidantes
- Fórmula vegana e sem glúten
- Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes de qualidade
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- Rico em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
- Fórmula vegana e sem glúten, adequada para diversas dietas e restrições alimentares.
- Sabor agradável, tornando o consumo diário mais prazeroso.
- Produzido nos EUA, garantindo qualidade e confiabilidade nos ingredientes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Xarope de Sambucus Elderberry diariamente. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. O xarope pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. Para preservar a qualidade do produto, armazene em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Blue Cat –
We use elderberry syrup so often it’s become quite expensive ( I used to buy “kids” version) but this one is **so** concentrated you only need a tiny amount. On the directions it’s for kids older than 6 I believe, and adults of course. I have younger kids , 2.5 and almost 5, so I give them 1/2 a teaspoon (half the dose the directions give) and I have found it to be effective!!! This bottle is going to last me forever, and I love that I need SO LITTLE of it. It tastes great, strong. I give it them diluted in 1-2 teaspoon of water in one of those cough drop measuring cups- they think it’s cool and special. Winter is almost over and they have been surprisingly healthy most of the winter, with only mild colds and they go full time to preschool. Love elderberry in general but this one is so cost efficient!
Dr L –
I recently purchased Nature’s Answer Sambucus Dietary Supplement for my daily immune and antioxidant support, as I had been experiencing some throat discomfort. I was drawn to this product as it is made in the USA, alcohol-free, gluten-free, and vegan.
After using this supplement for a few weeks, I have noticed a significant improvement in my throat discomfort. I also appreciate that the supplement comes in a 4oz bottle, making it easy to take with me on the go.
I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural and effective way to support their immune system and alleviate throat discomfort.
Amazon Customer –
Order was delivered
Crys –
This a must have in stock in our home at all times. Any time someone shows the first sign of a cold we start taking this daily. The one with the symptoms sometimes takes it 2x a day for couple days or if the cold takes hold every day our body is fighting it. It has helped boost our family’s immune systems so well, that we encourage others to use it, too. Sometimes if we can get a good immune boost early enough, like at the first sniffle or cough or tingle in the throat, our body’s have been able to do what they were designed to do and we got on with life. I also like that this brand does not have all the silly additives that so many others have. The tastes isn’t delicious, there is no sugar. But it isn’t terrible either. If you can drink cough syrup or liquid medicine then this will be a breeze. We add the proper dosage amount to one of those little medicine cups you would take cough syrup or any liquid medication and then add water. That makes it even easier and more likely get the full dose too.
André Luis Battistini –
troppo presto per sentire se é buono o no
VP –
Well, it might sound exagerative, but truly this stuff seems to be a cure for the common cold – and a very quick one, too. I take 1 Tblsn four times a day as soon as I just start to get a case of the sniffles and sneezes and slight sore throat. Each time (now twice over the last three months), my incipient cold is stopped in its tracks (within two days) and I am well again. My husband (a physician) now takes the same dosage upon getting any case of sniffles and sneezes, and swears by it as well. The taste is “berry” and rather good, actually. I intend to always keep an extra bottle on had through the winter months. Great product! Oh. Our son recommended this exact product, as he has experienced several upper respiratory infection “quick cures” over the last three years – and counting.
Eir Lindstrom-Holmy –
Modern medication, especially over-the-counter medication, is not always most concerned with treating the root cause of the illness unless it proves a commercially viable. A while ago, suffering from flu, I began to wonder why all I’d ever been given for flu was antibiotics, and medications to mask the symptoms. Bacterial infections can arise as complications, but the flu (like the cold) is a virus, so why not take an anti-viral? This logic lead me to start investigating TamiFlu – was it available, and should I take it? In the course of my research, I discovered black elderberry, and it seemed to good to be true, if it hadn’t been proven in double-blind tests. This is a natural antiviral that fights flu effectively in the body (and flat-out kills it in a petri-dish). The antiviral properties may apply to other kinds of virus as well, but the research isn’t available. I’ve taken it for 6 months, occasionally (say 2-3 times / week) and more often when I feel run down or people around me are sick. I haven’t had a cold or flu in all this time, until two days ago, when I came down hard with a head-cold / fever after working 24-days straight. I dosed up and after a rough night and sleeping in all morning, my symptoms were much lighter, the following morning all but gone. I’m reordering, and will update as I go along.