Nature’s Answer UT Answer é um suplemento dietético de sabor cranberry que oferece suporte ao funcionamento do trato urinário dentro da faixa normal. Sua fórmula exclusiva combina cranberry e D-manose, proporcionando uma solução vegana, livre de glúten, não transgênica e sem sabores ou conservantes artificiais.
Lançada em 1972 a partir da garagem de Frank Sr. e Josephine D’Amelio, a Nature’s Answer foi fundada com o objetivo de criar extratos herbais de alta qualidade e produtos nutricionais que apoiam, promovem e aprimoram estilos de vida saudáveis, preenchendo uma lacuna no mercado de produtos naturais na época.
Como um dos maiores e mais antigos fabricantes de suplementos nutricionais dos Estados Unidos, a Nature’s Answer é uma instalação de controle de qualidade e fabricação de ervas registrada na FDA e licenciada farmaceuticamente. Além disso, possui um dos herbários mais impressionantes dos EUA.
A Nature’s Answer mantém seus extratos herbais líquidos e produtos nutricionais nos mais altos padrões de pureza, com práticas de fabricação intransigentes aperfeiçoadas ao longo de quase 50 anos de história, mantidas através de três gerações da família D’Amelio e ainda em vigor hoje.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte ao trato urinário
- Combinação poderosa
- Qualidade garantida
- Livre de alérgenos e ingredientes artificiais
- História de confiança
- Promove a saúde do trato urinário, ajudando a prevenir desconfortos e infecções.
- Fórmula natural que combina os benefícios do cranberry e D-manose, oferecendo uma abordagem eficaz e segura.
- Produto vegano e livre de glúten, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- Fabricado com altos padrões de qualidade, garantindo pureza e eficácia em cada dose.
- História de confiança e experiência no mercado, assegurando que você está escolhendo um produto de uma marca respeitada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de chá (5 ml) de Nature’s Answer UT Answer duas vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. O suplemento pode ser misturado com água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. É importante armazenar em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Ted H. –
It is a very good product, helpful to health.
Katie –
I used to get a UTI once a month for 3 years. I tried so many things (cranberry juice shots daily, cranberry pills, long term antibiotics, drinking 8 glasses of water/day, peeing every hour, etc.), and UT Answer is the best preventative treatment I’ve tried since it doesn’t interrupt my lifestyle. At first, I tried to clear existing infections with it, but it only cleared one out the five infections I tried to cure with it. However, I knew I didn’t want to give up on it because my infections would always ease up for a few days when I took it. So, I switched to the long term daily preventative treatment and voila! I have been infection-free for over a year. I take this every single day, and I take double the recommended teaspoon/day before bed (I figure that’s when you’re most at risk since you’re not flushing bacteria out frequently when you sleep). It works. I do the subscribe and save so I can afford to keep this up.
I can’t recommend this for curing a UTI if you have a chronic case like I did, BUT in terms of preventative treatment, this is the weapon of choice! It’s one of many things you should include in your fight against UTIs, but for me, it’s been the most reliable/easy preventative method. Can’t recommend it enough!
Minda –
I’ve suffered from numerous UTI infections over the past year and a half and in a struggle to reduce my infections I’ve tried many different products; cranberry juice, d-mannose powder, herbal remedies, showers before and after intercourse, wipes, coconut oil lubricant. Of all the interventions I’ve tried, I’ve found cranberry and d-mannose to be the best intervention for long term urinary health and I like this syrup the best as I’ve found it has the best taste and is easy take with me on my travels. For the record, I like cranberry juice about as much as my cat likes a shower – that is, not at all. But the concentration of the sugar d-mannose in this product makes the taste of this product tolerable even to my taste buds.
I travel often and find this portable syrup very useful so that I don’t have to track down cranberry juice when I’m on the go.
This intervention was not enough on it’s own to stop all of my infections but does seem to help keep my bladder and urinary system healthier. Why do some percentage of women get reoccurring, frequent UTI’s? From my research and journey, I learned there are many reasons but often the answer is a combination of genetic factors and antibiotic use. A common cause of recurring UTI’s is low Immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the mucus in the body. Low IgA levels can be boosted with vitamin A and zinc (available from amazon). In my case, I have two genetic defects affecting my methylation cycle which prevent me from making an active form of folate, which essentially later goes on to affect my ability to make glutathione, the master antioxidant for the body. I have been able to fix this by supplementing with Methyl Folate and Nac-Acetyl Cysteine (also from amazon) and have not had an infection since I started supplementing folate. If you have recurring UTI’s and want to find out if any of these conditions affect you, a good naturopathic or functional medicine doctor should be able to order the tests for you to sort it out.
Outside of supplementation, cranberry and d-mannose are excellent for maintaining urinary health and this syrup is a pretty tolerable form of both.
Honest Critic –
Am stil thankin God I came acros this product wen I did, since the activ ingredient “D-Mannose” helps keep bacteria from sticking 2 the inside of the bladder wher it causes rather severe Urinary Tract Infection-like pain. Ther is no cure 4 Interstitial Cystitis so this product has ben a life saver, takin away about 85% of the pain. D-Mannose is 1 of the highly sugested over the counter treatments i’v noticed in the Interstitial Cystitis suport groups I belong 2.
Anonymous –
Great product!! Thank you!!
Rob McCreary –
Easy to digest and really helps with helping to keep body free of toxins.
Bought from Full Body Fit (again!) and looking forward to buying more products from them!
elon mwah –
Tastes good and work every time for mild irritation
P M –
I’ve tried everything over the years. All the natural remedies, d mannose pills, juices, etc. I’ve been using this product for 10 years. Not the same bottle, 1 bottle per infection. This is the most consistent remedy I’ve ever found. I keep a bottle in the medicine cabinet permanently now. Works for men and women and children. follow the bottle instructions, finish the bottle and you wont have anymore issues.