Descrição do Produto:
Nature’s Answer Chaste Berry Vitex Agnus Castus é um extrato concentrado de 2000mg em 1oz, formulado com álcool orgânico, que promove o equilíbrio feminino de forma natural. Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para mulheres que buscam apoio em sua saúde hormonal, ajudando a regular o ciclo menstrual e a aliviar sintomas relacionados à TPM. Com uma fórmula livre de glúten, não transgênica e vegana, o Chaste Berry é uma escolha saudável e consciente, sem adição de sabores artificiais ou conservantes. A qualidade do extrato é garantida pelo processo de extração a frio, que preserva os compostos benéficos da planta, proporcionando uma experiência eficaz e segura.
1. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais estável.
2. Alívio da TPM: Contribui para a redução dos sintomas da tensão pré-menstrual, como irritabilidade e desconforto.
3. Saúde Reprodutiva: Apoia a saúde do sistema reprodutivo feminino, sendo benéfico para mulheres em diferentes fases da vida.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Composição livre de glúten, não transgênica e vegana, ideal para quem busca produtos mais saudáveis.
5. Sem Aditivos Artificiais: Garantia de um produto puro, sem sabores ou conservantes artificiais, promovendo uma escolha mais natural.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 ml do extrato de Chaste Berry, diluído em água ou suco, uma a duas vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. O uso contínuo pode proporcionar benefícios significativos ao longo do tempo, contribuindo para o bem-estar feminino.
S O –
Anyone who uses this product already knows without saying how essential vitex is. I’ve used vitex in the past for years but never consistently. I suffer from PCOS I never complained about not getting a cycle or about it not being regular when I was younger the doctor didn’t seem to care and I was too young and stupid to see the importance. All I knew was I didn’t have to suffer every month I wasn’t thinking about long term but when I got older instead of my cycles being non-existent they started and never stopped the only way they would stop was with vitex, wild yam, yarrow, shepherd’s purse things like that. It wasn’t until I did some more research that I realized that vitex works better when you eat better and you should use it consistently to have the real results you want so now that’s what I’ve been doing for about two months we will see.
lisa –
I can’t leave without this, I love love this
Sarah M. –
I started taking this a month ago after my hormones seemed to go crazy. I was breaking out with cystic acne all over my back and neck and none of my normal remedies seemed to help. Normally I wear my long hair in a pony tail but my neck looked diseased so I had to wear it down to cover it. I did a bit of research and discovered vitex is supposed to help balance female hormones and decided to give it a try. So far I’m very pleased.
Pros: Almost immediately the cystic acne I had started healing quickly. Any additional breakouts healed within days. Normally it can take up to a month for me so this was great. I also have a lot more energy. I often struggle with afternoon fatigue at certain times of the month, but that has not been an issue since I started taking this.
Cons: It tastes really gross. But, a lot of remedies taste bad! I usually drink a bit of water afterwards but I’m used to it now so I don’t always do that. Also, it seems a little expensive given that the bottle only has 30ml in it and you are supposed to take it 1-2ml three times a day. At that rate, this bottle would last 5-10 days. I decided to try taking just 1 ml per day and it has worked well for me. If I had a greater imbalance, I would probably try a higher dose but this has worked for me and my budget!
msande7 –
Just started this per my providers recommendation. I start on day 12 after my mense and stop the day new period begins. Provider believes this product will help with insomnia and other pms issues. I will update my review later, I guess it takes a few months to work. One thing this stuff taste horrible. Must mix with OJ or some other liquid.
M. Wolfson –
I prefer the 400mg capsules. The liquid did seem to work faster but you have to use a lot of drops to get to the dose I am accustomed to (400 mg two or three times a day, so with this it was 20-50 drops per dose). The liquid doesn’t taste very good either but it wasn’t horrible. (You mix it with a small amount of water.) It does start to get a little clumpy when the bottle is getting close to empty, also. It is just my personal preference but I find the capsules are easier to deal with. This is a good product but is more cumbersome to use and doesn’t last as long as a bottle of 100 400 mg capsules.
Claire F. –
Bought this to help with menstrual cycle. It seems to help with cramp prevention and I prefer this tincture to the capsules I took before. It tastes kind of yucky, almost up there with ginseng, but I’ve gotten used to it.
I have health issues and love my oils
Yoga Sponge –
Let me just say that alcohol is a natural preservative, and just like you’ll find it in cooking and flavoring extracts, this is no different, just nowhere near as strong. I’ve made my own herbal and mushroom extracts for years, and it’s easily verified with a little research (as in, you do not have to take my word on this) that certain beneficial compounds that we are interested in releasing from the herb (or mushroom) will be soluble in water, others in alcohol.
I find that this alcohol-based version of the chasteberry (Vitex agnus) is far more effective for keeping my hormonal balance than this same manufacturer’s non-alcohol based chasteberry (Vitex agnus) is. In addition, the non-alcohol based extract is horribly sweet to my taste. My tongue is in revolt. I am working my way through the one I have now (I ran out of this version) and decided to give it another try. Never again… THIS version is the one for me.