Descrição do Produto: NatureBell Taurine 1,000mg por Porção, 500 Cápsulas
Descubra o poder da taurina com o NatureBell Taurine, um suplemento de aminoácidos essenciais que oferece 1.000mg de taurina por porção. Com um fornecimento em bulk de 500 cápsulas, você terá 250 porções de força dupla para apoiar sua saúde de forma contínua. A taurina é um aminoácido condicionalmente essencial, naturalmente presente no corpo, que desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da longevidade e no envelhecimento saudável.
As cápsulas de taurina de alta biodisponibilidade são formuladas para serem rapidamente absorvidas, permitindo que seu corpo utilize os nutrientes de forma eficiente, com desperdício mínimo. Este suplemento não apenas apoia a saúde do coração, músculos e cérebro, mas também é benéfico para a energia, fígado e saúde ocular ao longo do tempo. A taurina é um composto de forma livre que não precisa ser quebrado, o que facilita sua absorção e maximiza os benefícios.
Além disso, o NatureBell Taurine é um produto autêntico e não transgênico, contendo ingredientes puros e livres de soja, laticínios, glúten, trigo, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, amendoins e nozes. Todos os produtos são testados em laboratório por terceiros para garantir segurança e potência, proporcionando a você a confiança de que está consumindo um suplemento de qualidade.
– Suporte Antioxidante: A taurina atua como um antioxidante, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo contra danos oxidativos.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Promove a saúde do coração, contribuindo para a regulação da pressão arterial e melhorando a função cardiovascular.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a performance física e a resistência durante os exercícios, tornando-se um aliado para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
– Saúde Mental: Apoia a função cerebral, ajudando na concentração e na memória, essencial para o dia a dia.
– Saúde Ocular: Contribui para a proteção e manutenção da saúde dos olhos, essencial para a qualidade de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de NatureBell Taurine por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garantirá uma absorção ideal dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Pen In Hand –
Love this product Effective at easing tired energy
Romans 12:19 –
This is the best value I have found for taurine, considering the number of felines that I feed. While most cat food has taurine added, it is usually MINIMUM amounts. Stay away from any brands that list either grain or corn as the first ingredient since increased dietary fiber can decrease the absorption of taurine. Felines need taurine for their overall health (heart, vision, digestion, respiratory, immune, fetal development); their bodies don’t make taurine on its own, unlike canines. While feline bodies can make 12 of the 23 amino acids they require for optimal health, taurine is one of the 11 that plays hard to get.
1000mg of taurine per day is a guideline, approx. 1/2 scoop of NatureBell Pure Taurine Powder fills that need.
Just double-checked, and now it seems NatureBell has possibly discontinued this powder. . .say it ain;t so!!
Alex B. –
Simple quick efficient! Price is awesome and what is will keep me coming back!
tashelle M –
great energy level!!
A. Baxter –
I’ve bought a few now, and they have been consistent. It works and appears clean. Not much to say about it, since every brand of taurine that I’ve tried as been more or less the same.
It comes with a dosage scoop that I really appreciate. I put it in a couple of ounces of water, swirl it around, and drink it. There’s almost no taste.
The seal on the bag always breaks after a while, but that’s true of the other brands I’ve bought as well. I just roll the top down and keep it closed with a binder clip. It’s a fair trade-off for the price, and it still happens with more expensive brands anyway.
Marilyn K. –
I’ve been taking taurine for years as bottled capsules. I always considered it as a kind of brain energizer. Since it was expensive, I usually only took it once or twice a week.
Back in April, I ordered this bulk taurine from Nature Bell along with 2 supplements Dr. Mercola recommended; beta-alanine and glycine.
Because this taurine is 2.2 pounds, I got generous with myself and began taking it three times a day for a total daily dose of 3 to 5 grams.
A couple weeks ago, I happened to look over at the television screen without my prescription glasses and I couldn’t believe my eyes! I could read the captions. My eye sight had significantly improved.
I couldn’t figure out which supplement helped so I began rereading Mercola’s article on glycine but he didn’t mention anything about eye sight. But below his article in the comments section, a man wrote that he found taurine helpful for his eyes. He said he’s 82 years old and his eye sight is almost back to 20/20 and he doesn’t need glasses for driving or reading.
I’ve since read that taurine is highly concentrated in the retina of the eye.
So the question for me is ‘did my eye sight improve because of the increased dosage’ or because Nature Bell’s taurine doesn’t contain any excipients?’
I’m 70 years old and over the years, my eye sight has gotten worse. But now, in a short time it significantly improved. It’s not 20/20 yet but as I look around the house I can see better with my own eyes!
Vern –
I like the product itself. The issue is with the resealable pouch. Even when I think I have sealed it after multiple tries, it’s open the next time I grab it. The sealing track isn’t that great. A lot of competitors have better resealable pouches that seal on the first try. Air is the enemy of products and a good seal is important.
Rhonda McDermott –
Really does what my nutrition book says.