Descrição do Produto: NatureBell Astaxanthin 12mg, 240 Softgels
O NatureBell Astaxanthin é um suplemento poderoso que oferece 12mg de astaxantina por porção, apresentado em 240 softgels fáceis de engolir. Este produto é formulado com óleo de semente de girassol e a patenteada fórmula Astax Defense, garantindo uma absorção eficiente e máxima eficácia. A astaxantina é extraída da microalga Haematococcus pluvialis, reconhecida por sua capacidade de fornecer um dos antioxidantes mais potentes do mundo. Este carotenoide não apenas combate os efeitos do envelhecimento, mas também promove a saúde da pele, ajudando a manter a hidratação e a firmeza.
O uso diário de NatureBell Astaxanthin pode trazer benefícios significativos para a saúde geral, incluindo suporte para o coração, articulações e sistema imunológico. Este suplemento é autêntico e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO), sendo livre de ingredientes como soja, laticínios, glúten, conservantes, trigo, ovos e nozes. Além disso, todos os produtos são testados em laboratório por terceiros para garantir segurança e potência.
– Poderoso Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce da pele.
– Saúde da Pele: Promove a hidratação e firmeza da pele, contribuindo para uma aparência mais jovem.
– Suporte ao Coração: Ajuda a manter a saúde cardiovascular, promovendo uma circulação sanguínea saudável.
– Saúde das Articulações: Contribui para a flexibilidade e conforto das articulações, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Auxilia na defesa do organismo contra doenças, promovendo uma saúde geral robusta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma softgel de NatureBell Astaxanthin diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura, para otimizar a absorção do antioxidante. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
hailey –
These will give you watery eyes especially in the mornings, but this is a good indication that they’re working. My eyes definitely feel a lot more lubricated, and I have noticed a difference in the brightness of them. They don’t itch as much either and have been significantly less puffy. I have only been taking lutein for a little while, and results may take longer, but they are already helping my chronically dry eyes! I take one in the morning when I wake and another at night before bed, and that works well for my purposes.
R. Harrison –
Great quality and price! Have noticed a difference since taking these.
Steven M. Petr –
I am pretty surprised at these supplements. They really do have a positive effect on my sight.
Ryan –
I’ve been taking this astaxanthin supplement for a few months now, and I am seriously impressed with the results! Initially, I started using it on the recommendation of my doctor after I had a pretty painful burn on my hand from a grease accident. I honestly wasn’t sure how much of a difference it would make, but I’m so glad I gave it a try. The burn healed much faster than expected, and the scarring has significantly diminished. It’s as if the skin on my hand has almost completely returned to normal. I can’t believe how effective this supplement has been for supporting my skin recovery!
But the benefits don’t stop there. I’ve noticed that my eyesight has improved as well. I’m someone who spends a lot of time in front of screens, and I’ve often struggled with eye fatigue and dryness. Since taking this supplement, my eyes feel less strained, and I don’t get that dry, tired feeling by the end of the day. It’s been a huge relief, especially given how much time I spend working.
Beyond the skin and eye benefits, I’ve also noticed a few other positives that I wasn’t expecting. For one, my overall energy levels seem more consistent throughout the day. I feel less sluggish and more focused. It’s like my body has this added boost of vitality without any crashes that sometimes come with other supplements or energy boosters.
Astaxanthin is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, and I can definitely feel the difference. It’s been a great addition to my routine for overall health and wellness. My joints feel less stiff, and I’ve noticed less inflammation, especially after long workouts. I feel like I’ve got more flexibility and mobility, which has been wonderful.
The softgels are easy to take, and with 240 softgels per bottle, this supply lasts a long time, making it a great value. The 12mg dosage seems perfect for me, providing all the benefits without feeling overwhelming.
If you’re looking for a supplement to support skin health, improve eyesight, boost energy, and reduce inflammation, I highly recommend giving this a try. It’s been such a positive addition to my routine, and I’m excited to continue using it.
Reseñador serial 100% real –
Heard about benefits for skin colour and complexion almost finished the bottle and is well worth it keeps a great tan colour to skin
Cindy Pace –
Eye doctor recommended I take lutein to help keep eyes healthy and this brand fit the bill at a good price; after 6 mons i feel that they gave definately helped
Privacy –
UPDATE: June 29, 2024 (2 days after I wrote my review.) The reason I chose Naturebell over the many other brands available on Amazon – even the best selling brands with thousands of reviews – is because many of the other brands contain beeswax.
It is important to know and consider in your buying decision that while beeswax is nonpoisonous, consistent ingestion of products that contain beeswax will build up in your digestion/digestive system and can cause buildup in your intestines. Heavy buildup of beeswax can lead light to heavy blockage in the intestines.
Beeswax is made from the honeycomb of bees. For those who are allergic to honey, it is best to stay away from ingesting beeswax.
On the topic of allergies, be aware that the capsule of Naturebell contains contains krill oil. I am not allergic to krill or krill oil. But for those who are allergic to krill or krill oil, Naturebell Lutein may not be for you.
My review:
This is my first time buying Naturebell Lutein. I ordered it after the brand of Lutein I have been using for a year and love, Vitamin Because, is no longer available on Amazon and is very difficult to get. After using Naturebell Lutein I believe it performs just as well as Vitamin Because, and am so satisfied with it that I will quit searching for the other brand. Both brands have small easy to swallow capsules. There is absolutely no negative effects after swallowing the capsules. No burping. Naturebell is superior in the ingredients of the capsule shells. The capsule shells contain antarctic krill oil. I am pairing Naturebell Lutein with Life Extension N-Acetyl L-Cysteine specifically for eye health. Often, I work on investment projects on the computer for 12 hours and strain my eyes to the extent that I see zig zag patterns dancing before my eyes. When that happens I take Naturebell Lutein and the N-Acetyl L-Cystein right away and the zig zag dancing patterns disappear in less than 5 minutes. I am learning to quit straining my eyes. Just because the zig zag patterns disappear doesn’t mean I can continue to work on the computer more hours. I take the patterns as a sign to get off the computer and rest my eyes. So I do. I am extremely grateful to have access to these superb products. I will be buying more products from Naturebell. I love it that much and recommend it highly to you for optimal eye health, for immune and also respiratory health. A+++++ product!
angel –
Great product 👍
Reseñador serial 100% real –
Viendo por youtube a alguien que lo probó durante un mes, me generó curiosidad adquirir este suplemento para ver si me beneficiaba.
Luego de una investigación, me quedé con esta marca y producto, porque hay varias más en amazon incluso más económicas, pero elegí esta por sobre las demás por lo siguiente:
El componente principal que es un alga, viene del extranjero, de un lugar natural donde se producen de manera natural. Leí que crecen en el mar con aguas congeladas cercano a Islandia.
Tanto el empaque como las cápsulas, son de color ámbar, casi opacas. Esto es importante porque el componente de la Astaxantina es fotosensible a la luz solar. Y de esta forma no modifica la efectividad del componente.
Otra diferencia con otros productos similares, es que las cápsulas de gel, son gruesas, esto permite tanto proteger al componente, como también no sentir olor o aroma del mismo componente, que es similar a pescado, algo no tan agradable…
En otro producto, he notado que las cápsulas son más blandas y de material más fino, y el aroma logra traspasar.
Sabiendo que no tiene efectos secundarios o adversos, probarlo no me iba a quitar más que el costo pagado..
En mi caso buscaba dos beneficios en concreto:
1- darme mayor vigorosidad y vitalidad, ya que me sentía cansado y sin animo a diario, aunque descansaba bien…
2- tengo problemas en la vista que resuelvo con lentes graduados, y uno de los beneficios que comentaban era que lograba mejorar la vista.
Respecto a resultados, desde el primer y segundo día, sentí beneficios.
Sobre todo en lo que respecta a darme mayor energía y vitalidad. No se si fue en parte psicologico, pero realmente sentí una mejora.
Estoy más activo, me disminuyó la ansiedad y eso a su vez me ayudó a no comer todo el tiempo por estar cansado y ansioso.
Sobre la vista, la verdad es que no he notado resultado positivos al momento. Mi problema de vista es algo mayor, y lo que habia leído es que ayudaba a quien solo usa lentes para lectura con 0.25 de graduación.
El costo es algo elevado respecto a otras marcas.
Quizas lo que compensa es que vienen 120 cápsulas que sirven para tomas diarias durante 4 meses.
Mi dosis es de 2 cápsulas diarias.
Recomendable tomarlas a la vez que desayunan o habiendo comido algo, porque si las tomas en ayuno, puede que luego tengas reflujo y el sabor no es agradable..
Espero les sirva el review honesto de mi experiencia para quienes buscan una mejora en salud mediante un suplemento alimenticio sin contraindicaciones.
ricochet rabbit 212 –
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Quality Astaxanthin here, 12mg 2 Servings total 120 soft gels. excellent quality here, I feel a difference when I don’t take these. I will order more when I am low. A+++. Really good value for the money.