Descrição do Produto:
Nature Made Fiber é um suplemento alimentar projetado para oferecer suporte à saúde digestiva, apresentando 6 g de fibra por porção em forma de gomas saborosas. Cada frasco contém 90 gomas, proporcionando um suprimento para 30 dias. Este produto é ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de fibras de maneira prática e saborosa, contribuindo para a regularidade intestinal e o bem-estar geral. As gomas são feitas com ingredientes de alta qualidade e são livres de corantes artificiais, oferecendo uma opção saudável e conveniente para complementar a dieta diária. Com um sabor agradável, as gomas de fibra Nature Made são uma excelente alternativa para aqueles que têm dificuldade em consumir fibras suficientes através da alimentação.
1. Suporte Digestivo: Ajuda a manter a regularidade intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
2. Fácil Consumo: Gomas saborosas que tornam a ingestão de fibras mais agradável e prática.
3. Sem Corantes Artificiais: Composição limpa e saudável, ideal para quem busca produtos naturais.
4. Aumento da Saciedade: Contribui para a sensação de plenitude, auxiliando no controle do apetite.
5. Praticidade: Suplemento ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e dificuldade em consumir fibras suficientes na dieta.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 gomas por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água, para maximizar a eficácia do suplemento. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e garantir uma hidratação adequada ao aumentar a ingestão de fibras. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso das gomas com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em frutas, vegetais e grãos integrais. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
luis manuel renteria corona –
Viene abierto
dale –
I’ve never tried fiber gummies so I don’t know what to expect from them for me. I read the comments and like with any product there’s good and bad. I saw some that said they tasted good, they’re ok, they taste horrible. I’m going to say they come in between horrible and ok. They aren’t bad enough to not chew them but I’d be a liar to say they have great fruity taste. If I don’t get results I’ll come back and edit. Otherwise at this point all I can say is they’re bearable to eat.
Kathy T. –
Does the job.
Borngod –
Great for immune health
Rubie Rolland –
Satisfied with fiber tabs.
Tom M –
I have used several different brands of this type of product. All vary differently in texture, flavor, and intended results for use. I prefer this product above all I have tried. The orange flavor is pleasant, not rubbery in texture, and breaks down easily while chewing. My search has ended.
Chris –
I know this is kind of an embarrassing subject, but I have been chronically constipated for MONTHS, resorting to stimulant laxatives and enemas to have bowel movements. Even the stimulant laxatives barely helped. I know, I know, I should have talked to my doctor about it (I honestly forgot at my last visit), but I didn’t. So I thought, well, let’s try Metamucil or something, but I’m in my 20’s, it just felt wrong, “I’M NOT THAT OLD, that’s for old people!”, I thought. It’s supposed to be a 30 day supply, so 3 gummies a day, and you’re good to go. Well, I thought I needed more, so my first day I ate like 12… nothing, then next day 9, the afternoon of the second day I felt a rumbling in my gut so severe, that I RAN to the bathroom, tripping over stuff in the process, I tripped over the cord of a 6 foot tall lamp that came crashing down on my head, but I persevered, got back up as quickly as I could, and made it to the toilet JUST IN TIME, and my experience on that toilet, which for months had been nothing but struggling and straining, ended up being the most intense, yet relieving, BM I have ever had, it erupted out of me with the intensity of Mt. Vesuvius on those poor people of Pompeii… Now, I don’t think it’s supposed to happen that way, I definitely over did it, but I swear I lost 10 lbs. So, now that my intestinal lining is sparkling clean and COMPLETELY empty, I’ll just stick to the recommended 3 gummies a day. The only downside is is before, I barely used any toilet paper, cause I wasn’t going to the bathroom, but now with all these maniacs HOARDING toilet paper because of this Coronavirus HYSTERIA, I may have to find somebody selling toilet paper on the black market, because I’m actually pooping again. Thanks Nature Made, and STOP HOARDING TOILET PAPER PEOPLE!
dogster2025 –
I have other Nature Made gummies that taste great and thought these would be similar. They remind me of the candy called Dots, with less flavor and more medicinal aftertaste. I’ll get through the bottle and then search for another gummy. They’re not the worst, but not for me! Fast shipping and good seller if this is the brand you are looking for!