Red Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Leaf Alcohol-Free Tincture – 4 fl oz Liquid Extract in Drops – Herbal Supplement – Vegan
A Naturalma Red Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Leaf Alcohol-Free Tincture is a concentrated liquid extract or tincture made from red grapevine leaves. The extract is concentrated at a ratio of 1:10, ensuring a potent and effective herbal supplement. This tincture is 100% natural, alcohol-free, and sugar-free, making it suitable for those with dietary restrictions. The product is proudly made in Italy, ensuring the highest quality and authenticity.
As a natural aid, the Red Grapevine liquid herbal supplement provides numerous benefits. Each 40 drops (2 ml) of the tincture contain 2.3 g of Red Grapevine extract (1:10). This glyceric macerate or pure fluid extract of Red Grapevine leaf is carefully formulated to deliver the maximum benefits of this powerful herb.
NATURALMA – A Natural Way of Life is a brand that values and respects nature. All their supplements, including this Red Grapevine tincture, are vegan and free from artificial ingredients. The brand prioritizes quality and safety, ensuring that only the finest raw materials are used in their products. With manufacturing taking place in Italy, customers can trust the authenticity and reliability of Naturalma supplements.
At Naturalma, customer satisfaction is paramount. The brand is committed to understanding and meeting the unique needs of each individual. They develop supplements tailored to specific requirements and use unique formulas to achieve the perfect synergy of ingredients and dosages. Naturalma’s team is always available to provide advice, support, and answer any questions customers may have. They are dedicated to helping customers achieve their health and wellness goals.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Qualidade Superior: A Naturalma é conhecida por sua qualidade excepcional e produtos autênticos.
- 2. Livre de Álcool e Açúcar: A tinctura de folha de videira vermelha é livre de álcool e açúcar, tornando-a adequada para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- 3. Concentração Potente: A tinctura é concentrada em uma proporção de 1:10, garantindo máxima eficácia.
- 4. Suplemento Herbal Natural: A folha de videira vermelha é um poderoso ingrediente herbal com benefícios comprovados.
- 5. Suporte ao Cliente: A Naturalma está sempre disponível para fornecer suporte, responder perguntas e garantir a satisfação do cliente.
– Recomenda-se tomar 40 gotas (2 ml) da tinctura de folha de videira vermelha, uma vez ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. Para melhores resultados, dilua as gotas em um pouco de água ou suco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
rmp –
Great herbal extract for enhanced circulation ✨ but use your own eye dropper to measure the liquid into a beverage…the one that comes with the bottle is unreliable👍🏼✨
Kate Hackney –
Would have preferred the dropper to have measurements on it for easier administration
Susana –
Llegó muy rápido.Las piernas no las tengo tan cansadas,me ha dado alivio.Sigo tomando las gotas.
P B –
Not for Me
difficile à trouver en officine merci amazon
Ffv –
Consegna veloce , come sempre; il prodotto sembra valido, sapore leggermente amarognolo, ma dipende da quante gocce si diluiscono , lo assumo solo da un giorno, ma ho già gambe meno gonfie e più leggere, l’ho comunque abbinato all’integrarore di ippocastano di vegavero .
Rapporto qualità prezzo metto 3 stelle solo perché non ho le basi x fare un paragone .
Kristina G. –
Die Flasche ist sicher und neu verschlossen bei mir angekommen. Die Pipette hat sich normal und problemlos nutzen lassen.
Ich konnte in der Zeit in der ich es eingenommen habe, also bis die Flasche leer war, was knapp einen Monat gedauert hat, kaum eine Wirkung wahrnehmen. Natürlich ist die Zeitspanne recht kurz.
Geschmeckt hat es irgendwie nach verdünntem, roten Traubensaft, weshalb ich mir auch keine weitere Flasche gekauft habe. Denn ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass rote Weinrebe wie rote Trauben schmeckt. Ich könnte natürlich auch falsch liegen. Deshalb habe ich mir schon rote Weinrebe Tee besorgt und probiere es mal aus.