Nattura 5-HTP Supreme: A Chave para o Bem-Estar e Equilíbrio Emocional
O Nattura 5-HTP Supreme é um suplemento inovador, formulado com uma mistura poderosa de ingredientes que promovem um estado de ânimo positivo, relaxamento e controle do apetite. Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural para melhorar sua saúde mental e emocional. Com uma combinação de 5-HTP, L-Tirosina, L-Lisina, Vitaminas B6, Ácido Fólico e Vitamina C, Nattura 5-HTP Supreme se destaca como uma solução eficaz para o bem-estar diário.
- Mistura Antioxidante Poderosa: Criada especialmente para promover um humor positivo, relaxamento e controle do apetite.*
- 5-HTP: Precursor do neurotransmissor serotonina, converte-se diretamente em serotonina no cérebro. A serotonina desempenha funções fundamentais, incluindo memória, aprendizado, regulação da temperatura, humor, função cardiovascular, contração muscular e regulação endócrina.*
- Efeito Sinérgico: 5-HTP e L-Tirosina atuam em sinergia, ajudando a aumentar significativamente o seu humor.*
- L-Lisina: Contribui para a diminuição dos níveis de cortisol no corpo, um hormônio que pode promover sentimentos de ansiedade, especialmente em ambientes estressantes.*
- Vitaminas B6 e Ácido Fólico: Ajudam a aumentar a clareza mental e o humor.*
1. Melhora do Humor: A combinação de 5-HTP e L-Tirosina proporciona um aumento significativo no bem-estar emocional.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: A L-Lisina ajuda a controlar os níveis de cortisol, promovendo um estado de calma em situações estressantes.
3. Aumento da Clareza Mental: As Vitaminas B6 e Ácido Fólico contribuem para uma mente mais afiada e focada.
4. Controle do Apetite: A formulação auxilia no gerenciamento do apetite, ajudando na manutenção de um peso saudável.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A Vitamina C presente na fórmula atua como um antioxidante, fortalecendo as defesas naturais do corpo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nattura 5-HTP Supreme, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Amazon Customer –
My doctor prescribed “Neuroreplete” which is essentially the same combination of supplements in this brand and the same price; but the former can only be purchased through a physician. The combination is well researched and based off “The Mood Cure.” The doses are high and you should not play around with them, but I will tell you that I was suffering from severe depression and took 4 at 7 AM and 4 at 4 PM. Empty stomach. The L-Lysine gave me back my long lost motivation, energy (though not all), and desire. SSRI’s never worked for me so it’s unclear if the 5-htp helps at all. I still feel depressed – why 4 and not 5 stars – but it may cure others depression.back my long lost motivation, energy (though not all), and desire. SSRI’s never worked for me so it’s unclear if the 5-htp helps at all. I still feel depressed – why 4 and not 5 stars – but it may cure others depression. The BEST part is that there are NO side effects because you are giving your body what it lacks not fooling it into not recycling neurotransmitters like antidepressants do.
C.S. –
I purchased these as an alternative to chemicals while I was suffering acute depression from the passing of my service dog. I know that they do work (at least for me) as far as calming me down and relaxing me so I sleep through the night. I take them cautiously during the day to control my appetite and at the same time provide my body with the nutrition I know it is lacking from the lack of attentiveness to my eating pattern. When one is under a great deal of stress they often eat just to “pass time” away. My sleep pattern was all messed up. I was sleeping maybe 2 hours and back awake crying. Hitting the refrigerator to find something to eat just to occupy me when I would awaken. I have been taking the supplement for a month now and I can tell the difference when I don’t take them prior to bed and when I do.
Aria Pounaki –
I had fantastic results using this product in the first days of trying it and had real improvements in sleep and mood. I had followed my psychologist’s advice and taken what I thought was 150 mg in the morning and before bed.
A week into taking this twice a day I started waking up in the middle of the night and entering a kind of restless anxious sleep state. I looked more closely at the packaging and noticed two things:
1) the serving size is not 150mg per capsule, its 150mg per 4 capsules!!!
2) this product is loaded with B vitamins, Calcium, and Vitamin C, all known sleep disrupters!
I have since done more research on dosage and come to the conclusion that starting with a lower dose is probably better in the end but seeing that the B vitamin and C vitamin content is so high, that will definitely have an impact on sleep for a supplement that is widely prescribed to be taken before bed!
I plan to keep this and use this only in the morning and early afternoon from now on and using a 5HTP only supplement for before bed and hope this gives me the best of both worlds.
Shell –
This is a really good product. My appetite is really low, I’m sleeping good at night AND I have lost 7 pounds in 3weeks. I havent lost weight in over in a year , so I am tickled pink. This has all been caloric based as I can not exercise like most folks can. The only thing that I notice is at night I get a bit of a dry mouth. But a drink of water and I’m good to go. You know, nothing is ever a “miracle” pill, but this has really provided good results for me. Oh and by the way, no one prompted me or gave me anything to post this. I’m just another person struggling to lose weight that can’t exercise looking for something that will help. Give it a try..what do you have to lose?
M. Ullman –
I’ve been taking this product for around a year, two capsules every day. For the past two months, I’ve been experiencing weakness in both legs and numbness/tingling in both hands. I went to neurologist, and he ran many tests, one of which was serum B6. The normal level should be no higher than 21.7, my result is 166.9. I do not take any other product with B6, only this. The four-capsule serving of this product contains 1880% of the daily recommended B6 amount, so I’ve been taking 940% more than recommended. I had no idea this could be so dangerous. If you’ve been taking this product for a long time, and start experiencing numbness/tingling in your extremities, muscle weakness, or other signs of neuropathy, stop taking this immediately.
Rella Loveyou –
I have a long history of anxiety but recently have been experiencing health problems which have made the anxiety worse, also sadness and depression like I have never felt, also at times feeling manic and “urgent”…a total sense of unrest, horrible. So I walked out of my doctor’s office with a product just like this Nattura product but it was more expensive. I was amazed within 30 minutes I felt more calm and was able to put some of my craziness to rest for the night. Fast forward, I went through the whole bottle and went on feeling so much better. I decided my second bottle would be this Nattura product since it was more affordable. I have a exact same result from this, I take three pills every night (with Natural CALM Magnesium) and have for 3 months now. It has helped me so much in all aspects of my daily life, I get through much easier. This product I am grateful for, I have Xanax in my purse but never have to use it because of this, also chewing on a GABA now and again which helps when I feel a peak in anxiety.