Descrição do Produto: Natrol Melatonin 3 mg
O Natrol Melatonin 3 mg é um suplemento dietético formulado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Cada frasco contém 120 comprimidos, proporcionando um suprimento para 120 dias. A melatonina é um hormônio natural produzido pelo corpo que regula o ciclo do sono, e a suplementação com Natrol Melatonin pode ajudar a ajustar o relógio biológico, especialmente em situações de insônia, jet lag ou mudanças de rotina. Os comprimidos são de fácil ingestão e são ideais para adultos que buscam uma solução prática e eficaz para melhorar a qualidade do sono. Com a garantia de uma fórmula livre de glúten e sem adição de conservantes artificiais, o Natrol Melatonin é uma escolha segura e confiável para quem deseja um descanso mais profundo e revitalizante.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Ajuda a adormecer mais rapidamente e a manter um sono profundo, reduzindo a fragmentação do sono.
2. Regulação do Ciclo Circadiano: Ideal para quem sofre com jet lag ou mudanças frequentes de horário, ajudando a restabelecer o ritmo natural do corpo.
3. Fórmula Natural: Composição baseada em melatonina, um hormônio natural, sem aditivos químicos prejudiciais.
4. Praticidade: Com 120 comprimidos, o produto oferece um suprimento de 120 dias, garantindo uma solução de longo prazo para problemas de sono.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Comuns: Geralmente bem tolerado, com poucos relatos de efeitos colaterais, tornando-se uma opção segura para a maioria dos adultos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido de Natrol Melatonin 3 mg cerca de 20 a 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e evitar o uso concomitante com álcool ou outros sedativos. Para aqueles que estão ajustando seu ciclo de sono, como após uma viagem longa, pode ser benéfico iniciar a suplementação alguns dias antes da viagem. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Jview –
Been using this for over a year, no issues but appears changed texture much harder now and taste bitter now.
Frank Lied –
Like the product helps me go to sleep fast and to stay asleep!
Momma –
okay so I ordered these for my kids and was supposed to be gummys and they was not they were tablets..I could not get no refund either . but I could not sleep one night and took 2 and it worked for me. and I didn’t get no horrible bad dreams. because that was I waited so long to take because every other melatonin I have tried was horrible this one is a good product.and you get a lot and these was only 3 milagrams so I took 2 . they were amazing now.ill buy these for me from now on.
Janice Rose –
I’m so happy I came across this brand of melatonin several years ago. I had problems falling asleep and this really helped me. I started with the 5mg and broke them in half but my recent search I found this 3mg. If you also have issues sleeping you’ll be happy if you purchase these. They just help you relax.
Sharon W. –
Works well and good buy.
Mike Fina –
Melatonin is a greet supplement to help you sleep the entire night 3 mg of is usually enough
The price for the amount is a great deal
Puddlejumper8 –
I checked with my doctor and she did approve of the product , it’s safety . I started using this together(somewhat by coincidence with 400 mg Magnesium, which calms down your nervous system,along other benefits (I mainly ordered the magnesium and the melatonin (and D3 1000.i.u ) since i watched Dr. Oz. Like I said I reviewed all this with my OBGYN during my yearly ( I am in my 40th) and together with 900 mg Calcium, all products are something she approved off.
(Calcium and Vitamin D aside of my sleep problem)
The melatonin (love the fact it is in a gelcap form just like the magnesium) does work really good.
I would definitely stick to the 8 hour rule (make sure you have this amount of hours before you have to get up) it nicesly relaxes you , so I take it as recommended 20 min. before I go to bet, but the other day another good movie came on and you will be able to still stay up (at least this is how it works for me now, after 2 weeks)
the biggest difference is, that with the melatonin makes it very easy for you to go back to sleep when you
wake up, for me around 2-4 am in the morning. I feel totally normal, refreshed, well rested in the morning.
overall the combination of the magnesium, vitamin D3 I feel more balanced, as i am not on any medications , I hesitated for a long time before committing to taking any tablets , especially long term, but this experience changed my mind.
I may try the time release version of the melatonin next time, just to see the difference, and if I maybe even will stay asleep with them.
DarkSim905 –
If you have trouble sleeping, this should help quite a bit. You will want to take it when you’re about to head to bed, probably half an hour before you plan on actually laying down. Eventually your body will build a tolerance to it. If you stop taking it for a few days to a week, you can start taking it again. In addition, melatonin also deceases esophagus pressure — this has the side effect of helping you if you deal with acid reflux or anything of the sort at night because things cannot go up your throat as easily — however, you won’t be able to swallow as easily.
With melatonin, less is more it seems. When taking 3mg, generally I feel well rested the next day and a bit calmer when I wake up. I recommend not taking it any later than 1am if you have to be up at 7am for example. I also would not take more than 6 mg. The higher dose you take, you also tend to have vivid dreams as well. You’ve been warned.
The taste isn’t great as it’s just a bland pill. However, there are other options out there that are in gummy form (albeit, by different brands but much more expensive). A bottle like this would last you just under a year if taken in moderation.