Descrição do Produto: Natrol Melatonin 1 mg
O Natrol Melatonin 1 mg é um suplemento dietético projetado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Com uma embalagem contendo 180 comprimidos, este produto oferece um suprimento para 90 dias, ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para melhorar a qualidade do sono. A melatonina é um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono, e a fórmula de 1 mg por comprimido é perfeita para adultos que desejam adormecer mais rapidamente e manter um sono profundo por mais tempo.
Os comprimidos de melatonina Natrol são 100% livres de drogas, o que significa que você pode utilizá-los sem se preocupar com efeitos colaterais indesejados. Além disso, a fórmula é isenta de alérgenos comuns, como leite, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo, soja e gergelim, tornando-o uma opção segura para a maioria das pessoas. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que os adultos tomem um comprimido 30 minutos antes de dormir, permitindo que o corpo se prepare para uma noite de descanso tranquila.
– Sono Acelerado: Ajuda a adormecer mais rapidamente, reduzindo o tempo necessário para pegar no sono.
– Sono Prolongado: Contribui para uma noite de sono mais longa e ininterrupta, melhorando a qualidade do descanso.
– Fórmula Segura: Composição 100% livre de drogas e alérgenos comuns, ideal para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
– Praticidade: Um frasco com 180 comprimidos oferece um suprimento para 90 dias, facilitando a rotina de sono.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Por ser um produto natural, minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais associados a medicamentos para dormir.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Natrol Melatonin 1 mg, recomenda-se que adultos tomem um comprimido 30 minutos antes de se deitar. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. O uso regular pode ajudar a regular o ciclo do sono e proporcionar um descanso mais reparador. Lembre-se de que este produto não é destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença, e é sempre aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Jen V. –
I was looking for a smaller dose of melatonin. These work great.
Steph –
As other reviewers have commented, Natrol’s melatonin is somehow different. After I had some consistent difficulty falling asleep, a friend gave me a few of his 5mg Natrol melatonin tablets to try. I’d taken melatonin from other brands in the past and figured one 5mg pill would be fine. It worked, but a little too well! I passed out hard and had some trouble getting up and moving the following morning. Through trial, error, and a pill splitter, I figured out over the course of the next few nights that roughly 1mg was a good dose for me, so I picked up a bottle. I’ve had a much easier time falling asleep ever since, and I’m not groggy at all the next day.
Jimmy the Weasel –
Used it in the past and works really well in this dosage. Taste neutral.
Wilbur Walton –
Good value
SheltieGal1 –
I ascribe to a less is more philosophy. This melatonin supplement I have bought multiple times for my family agrees with that philosophy. There is no need to take 3 mg or 5 mg of melatonin until you know that 1 mg will not work for you. Importantly, it is inefficient to take 3 or 5 mg of regular melatonin, which will wear of quickly, in lieu of taking an extended release form. The extended release aspect is very important for staying asleep and not having rebound waking at 3 AM.
– extended release formulation (this brand also makes extended release 3 mg)
– easy to swallow tablet
– amazing value for the number of tablets you get
– great for international travel across multiple time zones (we have taken this to transition to Hawaiian, European, and Australian time zones, and it has worked super well without a hangover feeling in the morning)
– you cannot break an extended release tablet, or it destroys that property; for this reason, 0.5 mg is not an option. It’s all in or nothing
– it contains magnesium stearate (common in many supplements), which may irritate the gut; I deducted one star for this
All bottles of melatonin explain that it is meant to be used on a temporary basis only (i.e., several days). This is because research shows that if you continually supplement with melatonin, you run the risk of actually lowering your own *natural* production of melatonin. That’s why some people find that it works really well at first but then stops working – or actually makes their sleep cycle more disrupted. The general exceptions to this rule are individuals who are known to produce inadequate amounts of melatonin on their own. For example, the elderly, as well as autistic individuals, tend to be somewhat deficient in melatonin. My other word of advice is … please remember that melatonin (although a natural supplement) is a hormone that crosses into the brain. Be sure to consult your doctor on how to use it appropriately.
This extended release melatonin works really well for my family when we need it – way better than regular release melatonin. I highly recommend it.
Anne –
A friend introduced me to these and I found that they help clear my brain at night for sleep. I usually just take 1 before I go to bed, and I’m often asleep a half hour later. I believe that they help me stay asleep longer with fewer runs to the bathroom. I like that they’re low dose so I can double up when I want. I have only doubled once, and generally take these 1 to 3 times per week.
Buda Plant –
My doctor advised me to take 5-10 mg of Melatonin and I did for several months but found I still had trouble getting to sleep. I then research it on the internet and found several references explaining that the body produces plenty of Melatonin by itself and only 1 mg is all that is necessary to kick start the bodies natural process. Since then I have been using only 1 mg and the results were amazing. I immediately started sleeping better and longer.
john –
It works great for my wife, so i like it.