Produto Importado dos EUA

NasalCrom Spray Nasal Controlador de Sintomas de Alergia | 200 Pulverizações | 26 ml

*R$260.02 Em até 6x de R$43.34 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$43.34 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$260.02 sem juros2x de R$130.01 sem juros3x de R$86.67 sem juros4x de R$65.01 sem juros5x de R$52.00 sem juros6x de R$43.34 sem juros

O NasalCrom Nasal Spray é um controlador de sintomas de alergia em spray nasal. Com 200 borrifadas em uma embalagem de 0,88 FL OZ, ele oferece alívio eficaz para sintomas como espirros, coriza e coceira no nariz. Sua fórmula não causa sonolência e pode ser usada por adultos e crianças com mais de 2 anos de idade. O NasalCrom ajuda a prevenir a liberação de substâncias que desencadeiam reações alérgicas, proporcionando um alívio duradouro e seguro.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
NasalCrom Spray Nasal Controlador de Sintomas de Alergia | 200 Pulverizações | 26 ml *R$260.02 Em até 6x de R$43.34 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$43.34 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$260.02 sem juros2x de R$130.01 sem juros3x de R$86.67 sem juros4x de R$65.01 sem juros5x de R$52.00 sem juros6x de R$43.34 sem juros
SKU: E9F1EF1A Categoria: Tag: Marca:

O NasalCrom Nasal Spray Allergy Symptom Controller é a solução perfeita para quem sofre com sintomas de alergia nasal. Com 200 borrifadas em cada embalagem de 0,88 FL OZ, este spray alivia efetivamente os sintomas de alergia, incluindo nariz escorrendo e com coceira, espirros e congestão nasal alérgica. Além disso, ele também previne e controla o surgimento desses sintomas, proporcionando um alívio duradouro.

Uma das principais vantagens deste produto é que ele não causa sonolência ou nervosismo, tornando-o ideal para uso diário. Além disso, o NasalCrom não é viciante, o que significa que você pode usá-lo com segurança sem se preocupar com efeitos colaterais indesejados.

Diferente de outros sprays nasais, o NasalCrom não contém esteroides, o que o torna seguro para uso em conjunto com outros medicamentos para alergia. Você pode usá-lo sem preocupações, sabendo que está cuidando da sua saúde de forma eficaz.

Outra vantagem deste produto é que ele é seguro para crianças a partir de dois anos de idade. Isso significa que você pode proporcionar alívio para os sintomas de alergia do seu filho sem se preocupar com efeitos colaterais prejudiciais.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio eficaz dos sintomas de alergia nasal, como nariz escorrendo, com coceira, espirros e congestão nasal alérgica.
  • Prevenção e controle do surgimento dos sintomas de alergia nasal.
  • Não causa sonolência ou nervosismo, além de não ser viciante.
  • Não contém esteroides e é seguro para uso com outros medicamentos para alergia.
  • Seguro para crianças a partir de dois anos de idade.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Agite bem antes de usar. Remova a tampa protetora. Antes da primeira utilização, pressione a bomba algumas vezes até que uma névoa fina seja liberada. Assoe o nariz suavemente. Incline a cabeça para frente ligeiramente e insira a ponta do aplicador no nariz. Feche a outra narina com o dedo. Inspire suavemente enquanto pressiona a bomba para liberar o spray. Repita nas narinas restantes. Limpe a ponta do aplicador com um lenço de papel e recoloque a tampa protetora após o uso.

8 avaliações para NasalCrom Spray Nasal Controlador de Sintomas de Alergia | 200 Pulverizações | 26 ml

  1. Michael Beevers-Purdy

    Great working product and the price is good. The shipping is fast.

  2. Dave Cunningham

    Bottom line: This stuff works. It changed my life. For the first time in DECADES, I can live a normal life. I’d forgotten what normal felt like. I cannot overstate my surprise and happiness.

    The short version: This is almost a cure for allergies. It does not treat symptoms or clear your sinuses instantly. It builds up your mast cells over time (1 or 2 weeks) so that you don’t get symptoms in the first place. Hence, it feels like I’m cured.

    The details: I’ve suffered from allergies for 35 years, and it just got worse and worse every year. A friend recommended Nasal Crom because it worked for her when nothing else would.

    When I was in my early 20’s, I started getting “head colds” every August-September. After several years, it was obvious that a seasonal “cold” lasting 4-6 weeks wasn’t normal. One doctor diagnosed it as rhinitis. Years later, another doc called it sinusitis. Many more years later, another doctor pegged it as allergies, most likely to ragweed. I lived in an area with lots of autumn ragweed.

    I treated my symptoms with all the usual suspects: Norepinephrine, Benadryl, Claritin, nasal irrigation via Neti Pot rinsing, even resorted to the dreaded Afrin and its nasty rebound effect when the congestion got so bad I couldn’t sleep. What started as a seasonal issue eventually evolved into a year-round nightmare: sinus pressure headaches, post-nasal drip, constant clearing of the throat, sneeze attacks, watery eyes. It ebbed and flowed but never left me.

    Finally, I moved to Washington State, which has no ragweed. My symptoms eased a bit but never went away completely. I learned that long-term, chronic sinus conditions can damage the cilia in your sinuses, turning a simple ragweed allergy into a sensitivity to many common stimuli: dust, tree pollen, just about any tiny thing that you inhale, and we all do that daily.

    So even in Washington, my symptoms started to worsen again. I drastically cut dairy and carbs from my diet, anything that produces mucous. I wore a painter’s mask when vacuuming or weeding in the yard. All the little things helped, but I was still a chronic sufferer. I resigned myself to a life of allergy misery, because there is no cure, right?

    Then, 12 days after starting a daily Nasal Crom regimen and noticing gradual daily improvement, I realized I was actually symptom-free. I’m sleeping through the night, I have no sinus pressure, and I’m not hacking or clearing my throat. I find myself taking deep breaths through my nose just for the pure joy of being able to do it.

    I’m now 3 weeks into my regimen, using Nasal Crom 4 times a day. It’s safe, you can’t overdose on it (rodents were given 300 times the normal dose without harm), has no contraindications with other meds and few if any side effects (I had 2 headaches in the first 5 days of treatment that I felt might have been a side effect of Nasal Crom, but none since).

    If I have to use it the rest of my life to free myself from my chronic allergies, I will happily do so. I never thought I’d feel this good again. I hope you have similar results.

    UPDATE 11-29-15: I used NasalCrom every day for more than year (58 weeks), then noticed a recurrence of allergy symptoms. Then I read that NasalCrom recommends you not use it for more than 8 weeks in a row without a doctor’s permission. I did not know that. So I saw my doctor. He referred me to an allergist and suggested I try FloNase for a while. We reportedly had the worst summer-fall season for allergies EVER here in Washington state, so maybe it was just too much for NasalCrom to handle, or maybe my long-term use rendered it less effective. FloNase is working just as well as the NasalCrom initially did, but it’s a corticosteroid, which may not be as safe as NasalCrom. I’ll post another update after I see my allergist.

    UPDATE 5-17-16: Allergy tests revealed I am allergic to dust mites and cats (and we have cats). My post-nasal drip was attributed to silent acid reflux. I shifted to a much more alkaline diet, which relieved the throat-clearing that I mistakenly thought was post-nasal drip. I still use Flonase daily because of the cats and dust mites. The allergist says I can stay on it indefinitely. When I tried to wean myself off Flonase (I don’t like to take any meds I don’t absolutely have to), my allergy symptoms returned. NasalCrom definitely works, but in the long run, Flonase may be more effective.

  3. Wizdum

    This product seems to be doing the job with no side effects thus far. Very pleased.

  4. Amazon Customer

    Doesn’t stop anything but is superior at preventing

  5. MP Art

    This is the only nasal spray that ever worked for me.

  6. michaelamiller

    Excellent product easy to use, no prescription rquired.

  7. Gino

    Im sure like any of you reading this, I suffer from horrid allergies in the spring. It goes on for about 6 weeks and is a nightmare. I stay inside, have air purifiers throughout the house, hepa vaccum, high merv hvac filter, dust daily…yet still end up sneezing to the point of a raw throat and headaches and all that stuff.

    Ive tried just about everything. Benadryl really seems to be the only thing that offers me some relief…some…and then only for about 45 min. and then I pass out.

    What’s nuts is that this stuff was prescribed to me as a child and worked. I used it for many years…then just stopped. I dunno when, but beforw I was 16 id guess.

    I did a search last month for allergy medicines to see if anything would pop up new. I saw this and shocked myself. I dunno how I forgot about this stuff! Ordered it, and have been using it as directed.

    I live rurally, surrounded by green rolling hills and wild flowers and oaks, everythings in bloom right now, and several weeks in since getting this stuff and no huge allergy attacks.

    You have to follow the directions. I take it 4x a day and just have reminders set on my phone when to take it. Here’s the best part. Since it works completely differently than antihistamines, like it isn’t in that class of drugs, if I ever DO have an allergy attack, I can take an antihistamine while still using this, and my fingers are crossed that the antihistamine will actually work. This stuff has to be taken for several weeks to start seeing good results, so dont expect an overnight miracle.

  8. Placeholder

    This product worked well but dried my nose out too much.

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