As almofadas descartáveis de amamentação Nanobébé são a solução ideal para mães que buscam conforto e proteção durante a amamentação. Com um design ultrafino e absorvente, cada pacote contém 24 unidades, perfeitas para o uso diário. A camada de absorção rápida garante que a pele permaneça seca, protegendo contra vazamentos indesejados. O formato anatômico das almofadas se adapta perfeitamente ao seio, proporcionando não apenas conforto, mas também discrição, permitindo que as mães se sintam confiantes em qualquer situação.
Essas almofadas oferecem proteção 24 horas por dia, com 60 absorventes ultrafinos para o dia e 20 absorventes super absorventes para a noite, garantindo que você esteja sempre confortável e seca. O revestimento absorvente é projetado para retirar a umidade, enquanto a camada impermeável protege o leite materno, evitando manchas em suas roupas. A tecnologia adesiva inovadora mantém os absorventes firmemente no lugar, com duas tiras adesivas que garantem que eles não se movam, mesmo durante os momentos mais agitados do dia. Além disso, cada absorvente é embalado individualmente, tornando-os práticos e fáceis de levar aonde quer que você vá.
– Proteção confiável durante todo o dia e a noite.
– Evita vazamentos e manchas de leite nas roupas.
– Tecnologia adesiva que mantém o absorvente no lugar.
– Praticidade e conveniência para mães ocupadas.
– Material ultra macio e confortável para uso diário.
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Para utilizar os absorventes de amamentação Nanobébé, comece removendo o absorvente da embalagem individual. Em seguida, retire a película adesiva e posicione o absorvente no sutiã, com a parte adesiva voltada para o tecido. É importante garantir que o absorvente esteja bem posicionado e ajustado ao seio para assegurar a máxima proteção. Para manter-se seca e confortável ao longo do dia, substitua o absorvente regularmente, conforme necessário.
Mehreen Yousaf –
I’ve tried a few and these are the ones I keep coming back to. They hold a lot of let down and also stick on to your bra instead of falling off like other brands. Worth the money for sure
Taby –
This is my go to nursing pads I never leak out, if I leak it’s because of my misplacement of the pad lol they are very very absorbent and nice 🙂
Abbey Mondo –
Great, super absorbent. Wear daily!
Nina Carrassquilla –
This product works, they catch any leaking that occurs and they stick well. I give this a 3 star because occasionally the pads are uncomfortable. There’s a part in the crease that feels slightly sharp around the edges. Not every pad is like this. Seems like a production error. The breast can be very sensitive during this time in post-partum care and I wish they were more comfortable.
Sarah Reinhold –
When I first saw a product ad for this brand comparing the absorbency of this pad to others -including a few name brands- I was eager to replicate the experiment myself. And the results were the same!
This pad holds a high volume of liquid and retains it’s structure and a mostly dry feeling against the skin when utterly soaked through, as compared to other name brand disposable pads.
These pads are also the most comfortable against the skin as a whole as well as the least painful against open wounds, not overly sticking to the healing skin of cracked nipples, even if slathered in balm or cream.
It’s super convenient to be able to throw a bunch in a diaper bag and having oily nipple balms or creams on the skin never seems to interfere with the absorbency.
These pads are massively worth it, especially at this price point, and I’m using them still now with my second child!
Nieaja –
Highly recommend! This was a great buy. they worked great
Prathyusha Reddy –
Works really well, absorbs any leakage but the adhesive was not long enough
Aria Valzano –
I’ve bought these multiple times now, great absorbers. Only odd thing is, that there always seems to be an uneven amount of pads, but plenty for a couple of weeks.
Murayma –
With these I had no leaks through my shirt. Good sized and thickness. Covered well. No complaints.
Kerri Wallace –
After having our baby girl, this project fits perfectly into any nursing bra, it is thin, with same great absorbing power. Try this before paying more for other brands.