Nano MELATONIN: A Revolução do Sono para Bebês
Em um mundo onde o sono é cada vez mais escasso, a Nano MELATONIN surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz para ajudar os pequenos a desfrutarem de noites tranquilas e reparadoras. Este suplemento de melatonina em partículas líquidas nano-dimensionais, desenvolvido pela Nanoceutical Solutions, utiliza um processo de nanotecnologia exclusivo que reduz o tamanho das partículas a menos de um micrón, garantindo uma fonte excepcionalmente biodisponível deste popular auxiliar do sono.
A Nano MELATONIN é projetada para proporcionar uma absorção instantânea, atuando em menos de 90 segundos. Com um simples uso de 1ml do líquido, utilizando o conta-gotas pré-medido, os pais podem administrar a dose diretamente na boca do bebê. Após 30 a 90 segundos, a melatonina é rapidamente absorvida pela mucosa e entra na corrente sanguínea, oferecendo uma solução ultra-eficiente para aqueles momentos em que o sono parece distante.
Diferente das formulações líquidas ou em pó convencionais, que muitas vezes têm uma taxa de absorção limitada devido ao sistema gastrointestinal, a Nano MELATONIN contorna essas barreiras. Com apenas 1ml, os pais podem ter a certeza de que a integridade do suplemento é preservada, garantindo a máxima absorção e eficácia. Além disso, a fórmula é meticulosamente elaborada com ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, incluindo óleo de amêndoa orgânico certificado pelo USDA, sem aditivos, ligantes ou conservantes. É livre de soja, lactose, glúten, trigo, vegano e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO).
A Nanoceutical Solutions se destaca por oferecer suplementos nutricionais superiores, respaldados pelo médico certificado Brian MacGillivray, M.D. Estudos demonstram que nossos suplementos líquidos nano têm uma taxa de absorção de até 83% após apenas 90 segundos, em comparação com cerca de 10% para cápsulas convencionais e 40% para cápsulas lipossomais. Todos os produtos são fabricados nos EUA em instalações registradas pela FDA, garantindo total tranquilidade aos pais.
– ✔ Absorção Rápida: Eficácia em menos de 90 segundos, ideal para momentos de necessidade imediata.
– ✔ Alta Biodisponibilidade: Máxima absorção com apenas 1ml, evitando desperdícios comuns em outras formulações.
– ✔ Ingredientes de Qualidade: Composição livre de aditivos e conservantes, garantindo segurança e pureza.
– ✔ Fórmula Vegana e Sem Alergênicos: Adequada para diversas restrições alimentares, proporcionando tranquilidade aos pais.
– ✔ Apoio de Especialistas: Desenvolvido sob supervisão médica, assegurando a eficácia e segurança do produto.
Para utilizar a Nano MELATONIN, agite bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Com o conta-gotas pré-medido, retire 1ml do líquido e coloque-o na boca do bebê. Mantenha o líquido na boca por 30 a 90 segundos para permitir a absorção pela mucosa oral antes de engolir. Recomenda-se administrar a dose cerca de 30 minutos antes do horário de dormir para otimizar os efeitos do sono. É importante seguir as orientações do pediatra e não exceder a dose recomendada.
YogaKat 🧘♀️🙏 💕 –
Melatonin works for me; maybe the placebo effect, but maybe not. But, I’ve been taking a nightly melatonin supplement for years to help combat my chronic insomnia. Sometimes my cheap OTC store brand doesn’t seem to do the job, so I was curious about this so called “nano” formulation. Would this work faster? Better? I wanted to find out.
However, honestly, the taste of this stuff is so repulsive that I couldn’t bring myself to try more than a couple times before giving up. This is an oil based suspension, and the first time I tried the product I nearly gagged from greasy, minty, gross mouthful of ick (ok, not an entire mouthful, but you feel me, right?). I tried again a couple more times, but I simply couldn’t get past the taste and feel of the product, which left me wanting to spit the entire thing out, and rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
Did it work? I guess? Honestly, I couldn’t tell if this worked better than my cheap OTC product. Plus, the cost is exorbitant, running at more than $1 a dose, comparand to the cheap store brand tablets that end up being about ten cents a dose. The amount is smaller, and is supposed to be more readily absorbed and “quicker” to work, but the taste and expense mean I won’t be purchasing again regardless. Melatonin seems to do its job in less than an hour, even in tablet form, so I can’t see spending ten times more even if you do fall asleep faster.
Note that the product is made with almond oil, which might be a concern for those with nut allergies.
Lisa –
Product arrived well packaged. Taste is ok and doesn’t leave aftertaste. I’ve been using nightly and it seems to help promote sleep.
F. Todd –
the product actually gave me restless sleep. I use melatonin tablets and they work fine.
P. Zack –
This is a good tasting spearmint flavored liquid.
It’s known that nano sized liquid drops have particularly quick absorption.
which I’ve found to be true with this product.
One mL is 2mg of melatonin and I often take up to 5mg so this bottle won’t last me a month.
But it’s a very good product and more effective than other forms of melatonin.
Instructions are – shake well – place one dropper (1mL) in mouth – hold 30 -90 seconds – swallow.
The dropper is .25 / .50 / .75 / 1 mL for accurate dosage.
one mL serving = 30 serving per bottle.
Made in U.S.A.
A. Chartrand –
Works well on the scalp for scalp renewal
Rabbit –
So overall I really do like this melatonin. I’m a regular melatonin consumer, because not only does it help me sleep, but it’s a powerful antioxidant and antiinflammatory. Usually 5mg does the trick every night. This one works more quickly which is always a good thing, and 4mg works like a charm. It does have an oily mouth feel but it’s minty and the oily feeling is gone in a few seconds. It’s packaged beautifully as well. My only problem with this is that it’s so expensive, at 4mg per night (2 servings of 2mg each) I’ll be finished with a 40 dollar bottle in two weeks. I’d rather stay awake an extra 15 minutes and use my regular brand honestly. But if all you need is an occasional low dose to knock you out quickly, this will do it.
health seeker –
This is a super easy and effective way to get melatonin. I take it right out of the dropper into my mouth and then swish it around. Since it’s sublingual, it absorbs and is effective much quicker than tablets that you swallow. I think the melatonin is put to better use too, but I do need to take a double dose for a total of 4 mg of melatonin. The serving suggestion is 2 mg which is not enough for me. I’ve even seen tablets that are 10 mg, but that would be way too much for me. If you are just starting out, try 1 mg, then increase the next night if it is not effective. I love the natural spearmint flavor and the taste is slightly sweet. It tastes really good. I team this up with their Nano Kava and that is really a nice combination for a great night’s sleep. I especially like that combination when I’m under a lot of stress. This is definitely a top-notch supplement made in the USA!!! Yeah!
F. Todd –
Nice bottle. Has a plastic ring at the rim to hold the dropper in place and keep it from falling over if not fully inside bottle. Flavor is nice, slightly sweet but not much of a flavor. Results were okay, I’ve had better but it does relax me and help me get a full night sleep. I expected more for the price point.