Descrição do Produto: Nakedade – Pó para Bebida Esportiva de Aumento de Performance – Sabor Limão com Morango – Pó Eletrolítico
Nakedade é uma bebida esportiva em pó projetada para maximizar seu desempenho durante atividades físicas. Com um sabor refrescante de limão com morango, este produto é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam uma hidratação eficaz e um impulso de energia. Formulado sem organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e adoçantes artificiais, Nakedade é uma escolha saudável e consciente. Além disso, é livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, tornando-se uma opção acessível para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Cada embalagem contém 16 sticks práticos, perfeitos para levar na bolsa de treino ou na mochila. Com uma mistura equilibrada de eletrólitos, Nakedade ajuda a repor os sais minerais perdidos durante o suor, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida e eficiente.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos essenciais, prevenindo a desidratação durante treinos intensos.
2. Sabor Agradável: O sabor limão com morango torna a bebida refrescante e prazerosa, incentivando a ingestão adequada de líquidos.
3. Sem Ingredientes Nocivos: Livre de OGM, adoçantes artificiais, glúten, soja e laticínios, ideal para dietas restritivas.
4. Praticidade: Os sticks individuais são fáceis de transportar, permitindo que você se hidrate em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora.
5. Aumento de Performance: Melhora a resistência e a recuperação muscular, ajudando a alcançar melhores resultados em treinos e competições.
Para preparar sua bebida Nakedade, adicione um stick do pó em 500 ml de água gelada. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma antes, durante ou após a atividade física para maximizar a hidratação e a reposição de eletrólitos. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, especialmente em dias de treino intenso ou em condições climáticas quentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Jlafren –
…without all the additives. Good taste and makes me feel good.
Selina Rain –
Cannot use and apparently, cannot return. This product was supposed to be a “healthy” electrolyte. I split up one packet over three days and 30 minutes after each time I drank this I had to run to the toilet. Sorry if that’s TMI but it happened every time. It’s also a super bright color which is a turn off for me and taste very very sweet. Do not waste your money on this electrolyte. Can’t even return it which is crazy also imo.
Ahall –
This mixes well with unflavored pre workout formulas. I used to use gatorade, but I prefer this with the cleaner ingredients. It’s clearly more effective. The taste is acceptable. I really don’t see a superior product on the market. For everyone not giving this 5 stars, I’d love to hear what comparable product there is on the market worthy of 5 stars.
Susan Smith –
I’ve never tried Naked Nutrition before but have seen ads on my social media feeds on a regular basis as a Zumba instructor. One of the things that drew me to the product is that it contains no artificial sweeteners and claims that they use natural ingredients. Again another great selling point for me. The Blueberry Lemonade isn’t too bad but since most energy powders/drinks I’ve had in the past tend to have sweeteners it tasted ok. Not something that my husband would drink though.
Derrick Danielson –
This drink is not gritty. Doesn’t have a bad taste after. Even my kids don’t know it is as healthy as it is. Sports parents it is a must for all of us.
JP –
It’s so hard to finish one serving of this. It almost has a good flavor but it’s not there. Reminds me exactly like the stuff they give you the night before a colonoscopy. Tastes exactly the same. Very salty medicine after taste
Jlafren –
When doing cardio workouts I always try to use a hydration tab or powder. I saw this Nakedade product and thought I would give it a try since it was in single serving packets and it would be perfect for travel.
The packets were easy to tear open and pour into water in my blender bottle. There was no issue with the powder mixing in with the water and there were no clumps at all. This is a big plus since there are a lot of powders out there that clump together no matter how much you shake them in the blender bottle!
As for taste, this grape flavor was very sweet and reminded me of a melted grape popsicle. It was a little too sweet for my. I have used other powders as I mentioned and they can be on the sweet side, but they often have less sugar and carbs. I was a little surprised to see that this little 17 gram packet had 13 grams of carbs, 12 of those being sugar! The first ingredient Palatinose is said to have a similar taste to sucrose but with 42% of the sweetness and allows for slower absorption in the intestines. For me total carbs in is still something I am very aware of so I will be using this sparingly and only on my high carb days to give me the boost I need before a long cardio workout.
I’m glad I was able to try this product, but it would nice to try it in a in a variety of other flavors, maybe more citrus like. While this might not necessarily work for my dietary needs it could work great for others.
Andrew B. –
Great source of flavor and hydration. Great ingredients that mix well. No gritty texture and smooth taste, not bitter.