Descrição do Produto:
O Naked Seed – 4 Seed Protein Powder é um pó de proteína vegetal que contém apenas quatro ingredientes: Proteína de Semente de Abóbora Orgânica, Proteína de Semente de Girassol, Proteína de Semente de Melancia e Proteína de Semente de Chia Orgânica. Sem adição de sabores, adoçantes artificiais ou corantes – Livre de OGM, Livre de Soja, Livre de Glúten e Vegano.
Com 20g de proteína, 0g de açúcar, 5g de carboidratos e 100 calorias por porção, o Naked Seed oferece uma nutrição de qualidade para o seu corpo. Além disso, é um pó de proteína derivado de sementes ricas em nutrientes, o que o torna rico em aminoácidos para estimular o crescimento muscular e auxiliar na recuperação pós-treino.
As sementes de abóbora orgânicas presentes neste produto são repletas de nutrientes que fortalecem o sistema imunológico. Desenvolvemos um pó de proteína natural que ajuda a alcançar seus objetivos fitness e promove a saúde geral.
Com o Naked Seed, você pode criar shakes de proteína vegetal ideais adicionando-o à sua bebida favorita ou misturando-o com suas frutas e superalimentos preferidos. Use-o em shakes pré e pós-treino, smoothies e receitas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Nutrição de qualidade: O Naked Seed oferece 20g de proteína por porção, sem adição de açúcar e com baixo teor de carboidratos, fornecendo uma nutrição completa para o seu corpo.
- 2. Crescimento muscular: As sementes presentes neste pó de proteína são ricas em aminoácidos, estimulando o crescimento muscular e auxiliando na recuperação após os treinos.
- 3. Fortalece o sistema imunológico: As sementes de abóbora orgânicas são repletas de nutrientes que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter sua saúde em dia.
- 4. Versatilidade: O Naked Seed pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas e receitas, permitindo que você crie suas próprias combinações de sabores e aproveite os benefícios da proteína vegetal de forma deliciosa.
- 5. Livre de ingredientes indesejados: Sem sabores, adoçantes ou corantes artificiais, o Naked Seed é uma opção saudável e natural para quem busca uma proteína vegetal de qualidade.
– Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (30g) do Naked Seed – 4 Seed Protein Powder com 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem ou bata no liquidificador até obter uma consistência homogênea. Consuma antes ou após o treino, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Tom Brown –
– Vegan
– High quality & Healthy
– Tastes horrible
– Expensive
This brand is my go to for protein and hasn’t done me wrong yet. they keep their products simple with only a few ingredients which I can appreciate.
Nick –
Flavor tastes just like ingredient list, nothing more, no unnecessary preservatives or sweeteners. PLEASE MAKE THIS IN 2.5 lbs!!! excellent alternative to whey and pea proteins.
Grim Godslayer –
Once upon a time I wonder what it would be like to have protein powder in my chili. I didn’t want chocolate flavor chili, so I hunted down this flavorless powder. Well, that was the worst chili I ever had. This stuff is like chalk powder – flavorless and powdery. That’s exactly what I wanted. The good news it that it does mix well with other things. I mixed it with a rice stir fry and I couldn’t even tell it was there. It makes for a nice protein boost when it mixes well. I recommend.
A –
I have bought this powder a few times. I’m sensitive to a lot of things in protein powders (nuts, sweeteners, etc.), but seeds work for me so I was happy to find this powder with simple ingredients. It tasted okay in smoothies, with a pretty neutral flavor.
I don’t use protein powder every day, and eventually my last batch went stale. As soon as you open it, it smells like sawdust, and tastes like it too. I’m not mad about that because it doesn’t contain preservatives.
However, I ordered a new container, and as soon as it arrived it had that same sawdust smell. I tried it in one smoothie just to be sure, and I had to toss the whole thing. I don’t know if the product’s turnover is slower now, but I can’t purchase again and risk spending $30 on something that will go in the trash.
Jesse –
Felt my healthiest self while having the shakes working out. Want a few on my shelf.
Jason Innes –
I find this protein to be similar in quality to Hemp Seed protein. As in it’s mild on the GI tract and very
inoffensive. I find it to be among the cleanest, most stomach-pleasing proteins I’ve sampled.
However it is unflavored and the taste is awful by itself. Added to things like oatmeal it imparts a nice earthy, nutty flavor. This is NOT a convenience powder, but rather a nice additive to varieties of meals. Would be great to bake with.
It is currently overpriced as a newer product in the line-up, however.
1 star for flavor
2 stars for value
3 stars for blending
5 stars for being a clean, healthy protein option that won’t upset your stomach.
Currently various brands of Hemp protein are a better value, though. Take it for what you will. Will keep my eye out for these proteins at a better price.
DBrent –
I bought this product because I can’t take any kind of protein isolates, whey, soy or pea. I didn’t expect good taste as it’s unflavored but the smell and flavor is SO strong that it is overpowering and there is nothing you can add to a smoothie that will cover it up. The texture is gravelly and chalky as well. It’s jsut awful, BUT it’s a very natural and healthy form of extra protein if you can’t take any other kind!
Estella –
The container for this product is very unwieldy (not to mention partially filled, as others have noted). I have rather large hands for a woman, and I have trouble holding the container, to the point that I have almost dropped it on the floor twice, scattering powder everywhere. Why not use a narrower container and fill it up? I understand that the product is sold by weight, but that doesn’t mean you have to use an outsize plastic container, which is very wasteful. And for the people who said the product doesn’t taste good: hey, it’s made of ground-up seeds. What did you expect it to taste like—a milkshake? Add some fruit and berries and plant milk, and it will taste fine, especially if you put in some ice cubes. I like that it has only four ingredients and not a lot of add-ins.