Naked Mass – Ganho de Peso Vegano de Baunilha – 8Lb a Granel
O Naked Mass – Vanilla Vegan Weight Gainer – 8Lb é um suplemento alimentar vegano projetado para aqueles que buscam um ganho de peso saudável e eficaz. Com uma fórmula limpa e natural, este produto é livre de OGM, glúten e soja, tornando-se uma opção ideal para quem tem restrições alimentares ou segue uma dieta vegana. Com apenas cinco ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Naked Mass oferece uma combinação poderosa de proteínas e carboidratos complexos, essenciais para o aumento da massa muscular e recuperação pós-treino.
A composição do Naked Mass inclui Proteína de Ervilha em Pó, Proteína de Arroz Orgânica em Pó, Maltodextrina Orgânica (derivada de tapioca orgânica sem glúten), Açúcar de Coco Orgânico e Baunilha. Este mix não contém adoçantes, sabores ou corantes artificiais, garantindo uma experiência de consumo pura e saudável. Cada porção fornece 50g de proteína, 245g de carboidratos complexos e 1.230 calorias, além de 10,3g de BCAAs, que são fundamentais para a recuperação muscular.
Diferente de outros suplementos disponíveis no mercado, o Naked Mass utiliza maltodextrina de tapioca como fonte de carboidratos, evitando ingredientes à base de trigo. Isso não só melhora a digestibilidade, mas também assegura que o produto seja adequado para aqueles que evitam glúten. A proporção de 2:1 entre proteína de ervilha e proteína de arroz garante um perfil completo de aminoácidos, essencial para a síntese proteica e o ganho de massa muscular.
Ideal para shakes de ganho de peso, o sabor suave de baunilha do Naked Mass permite que você personalize sua bebida com frutas como banana ou blueberries, tornando a experiência ainda mais saborosa. Este suplemento é indicado tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que desejam aumentar sua ingestão calórica de forma saudável e sem laticínios.
1. Ingredientes de alta qualidade: Apenas cinco ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, garantindo uma nutrição limpa e saudável.
2. Nutrição vegana: Proporciona uma dieta balanceada com proteínas, carboidratos complexos e calorias necessárias para um ganho de peso saudável.
3. Sem glúten, soja e laticínios: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, permitindo o consumo sem preocupações.
4. Ganho de massa muscular: Combinação de proteínas de ervilha e arroz que fornece aminoácidos essenciais para a síntese proteica.
5. Versatilidade nos sabores: O sabor suave de baunilha permite personalizar shakes com frutas e outros ingredientes, tornando a experiência agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 4 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 132g) de Naked Mass – Vanilla Vegan Weight Gainer com 16-20 onças (473-591ml) de água ou leite vegetal. Agite bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Consuma uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido para atingir a consistência desejada. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Amazon Customer –
Ordered the chocolate and was pleased with the flavor – very rich and dark chocolatey. Good price. Mixed easily in my bullet blender. A tiny bit “chalky” or “grainy”, as I’ve read from other reviews, but it’s very minor and doesn’t make a difference to me at all. It’s definitely not crunchy, and there are no dry chunks of powder floating around. I’ve tried maybe 10 different brands of protein powders, and I’m impressed with this one.
Vasi –
Can you explain to me why in the picture the jar appears full to the top, and when it is delivered, about 10% of the powder is missing?? You have already made it more expensive, so what’s the problem?
Sinclair –
It’s expensive … but it tastes so good ! Unlike other gainers in the market.. this product has NO artificial or chemical flavour at all! It tastes very natural and satisfying. Go for it. U won’t regret!
Tonisha –
Make sure to add things to it to as far as fruits etc. Great taste, smell, mix ability, nice and thick blending wise. Cleans u out nicely since it’s healthy and the whole 9 yards.
🦋 –
This is absolutely disgusting! You are a brave one if you choose to get the unflavored. I took a leap of faith and can say that it’s gross, but I also found a way around it. I used to make it with 150g & sometimes more, with milk, fruit, and a little honey for sweetening. Bad idea, the pea flavor completely stands out, no matter what I did it was there. So, I found out that adding a regular scoop of a FLAVORED protein powder (preferably something strong, like chocolate or fruity pebbles I don’t know what you have) And yes, these types of powders usually have artificial sweeteners in them. Well, screw it, skip it if you don’t have any, you’re out of luck. Anyway, add in that powder, and do around 120g of this vegan mass powder & anything else you want to add to your shake. The flavor of the protein powder masks the pea powder flavor. You may have to make another shake later in the day if you want a full serving of the mass powder. Yes, it’s gross, but it doesn’t spike my blood sugar like the flavored chocolate mass I had previously. But really, the unflavored made me gag, my stomach was twisting. And I’m the type of person who doesn’t care much about flavor, If it’s good for me or I need the macros, I’ll eat/drink it but this was too much for me.
Stoyan Karadzhov –
Gooood amount of calories, which is what I was looking for, but could of better the taste a little bit 😉
Other than that worth it!
Monola –
This stuff has been working great so far. For reference, I’ve been 90-95lbs all my life and recently lost several pounds due to a flare up. I was able to gain 4 lbs while taking this so far. It’s been about 2 months. I have Crohn’s and am lactose intolerant and this does not bother my stomach. I do a scoop in a half for a 24-32 oz smoothie daily while ensuring I am still eating three full meals a day. I find that I don’t really taste the graininess of the powder unless I do two full scoops. I’m not a fan of flavored protein powders so the unflavored had been great.
Taste great! Does what it’s supposed to do. ( Peanut butter flavor) –
It tastes great and does what it says it will do. No stomach aches and it also still tastes great but super healthy. I’ll add a banana from time to time for extra flavor but I usually just like to use water. I bought the peanut butter flavor. The reviews saying that it taste plain is for the unsweetened flavor. Duh of course it would taste bland. I will be purchasing in two more weeks almost done with my first one.
Jessica Ellerbee –
Great taste, clean ingredients, even better mixed with something a little sweet
Ern –
Naked Vegan Mass is a plant-based protein powder that is designed to help individuals gain muscle mass and increase their daily protein intake. Unlike many other protein powders on the market, Naked Vegan Mass is free from any artificial flavors, sweeteners, or other additives, making it a great option for those who are looking for a cleaner protein source.
One of the standout features of Naked Vegan Mass is its high carbohydrate content. With 245 grams of carbohydrates per serving, this protein powder is a great option for those who are looking to increase their daily caloric intake and fuel their workouts.
In addition to carbohydrates, Naked Vegan Mass also contains a substantial amount of protein. Each serving contains 50 grams of protein, which is sourced from a blend of pea protein, brown rice protein, and pumpkin seed protein. This combination of protein sources provides a complete amino acid profile, making it an effective protein source for muscle building and recovery.
While Naked Vegan Mass is a great option for those who are looking to increase their carbohydrate and protein intake, it is worth noting that it does not contain any added flavors or sweeteners. This means that the taste of the powder can be somewhat bland and unappealing to some users. However, this can be easily remedied by mixing the powder with flavored plant milk, fruit, or other ingredients to create a delicious and nutritious shake.
Overall, Naked Vegan Mass is a high-quality plant-based protein powder that is ideal for those who are looking to increase their daily carbohydrate and protein intake. Its clean and simple ingredient list, combined with its impressive nutrient profile, makes it a great option for anyone who is looking for a cleaner and more sustainable protein source.