Descrição do Produto: Swanson Premium Brand NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine – Suplemento 600 mg 100 Cápsulas (Pacote com 3)
O Swanson Premium Brand NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece 600 mg de N-acetil cisteína por cápsula, projetado para promover a saúde celular e fornecer suporte antioxidante essencial. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma abordagem abrangente para o bem-estar, ajudando a proteger as células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres. A N-acetil cisteína é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que desempenham um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde geral e na promoção de um sistema imunológico robusto.
Incorporar o NAC à sua rotina diária é uma maneira eficaz de priorizar seu bem-estar. Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, você pode fortalecer suas defesas naturais e contribuir para a saúde do seu corpo. Este suplemento é uma solução prática para quem deseja melhorar a saúde mental e física, além de promover um ambiente saudável em casa. A Swanson, com mais de 50 anos de experiência, garante a qualidade de seus produtos, fabricando-os em instalações certificadas pela GMP e realizando testes rigorosos de pureza e potência em laboratórios independentes.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Ajuda a neutralizar os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Bem-Estar Abrangente: Suporte para o sistema imunológico e saúde geral.
– Rotina Diária: Fácil de incorporar ao seu dia a dia, com apenas uma cápsula necessária.
– Instruções de Dosagem: Simplicidade no uso, garantindo resultados eficazes.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Produtos testados e fabricados em instalações de alta qualidade, assegurando pureza e potência.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Swanson Premium Brand NAC, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, acompanhada de um copo de água. Este método de uso simples e eficaz garante que você esteja recebendo a dose ideal de N-acetil cisteína para apoiar sua saúde celular e maximizar os benefícios antioxidantes. É importante seguir as orientações de dosagem para garantir a eficácia do suplemento e integrar este produto à sua rotina de saúde de forma segura e eficiente.
timeless –
I’ve been on NAC for about 4 (?) months now, I went on it due to lung issues after having smoke inhalation (a year ago) due to a old fuse that started smoldering (this is before we changed it over to a breaker) and it filled our home with brown smoke, yes you read that right…brown smoke. I inhaled this for hours, even got through my mask that I ended up putting on. Our bedding was saturated with this smell also. I developed a high pitched dry cough that kept me up for almost a week even after washing everything and cleaning walls etc. I finally gave in and went to the Dr, was given a breathing treatment (wonderful) and a chest x-ray which showed severe bronchitis, self induced because of the smoke. I’d put up with this for many months, not being able to really breathe and the inhaler wasn’t helping much but that’s all I had. I did some research and came across NAC and gave it a try and found it to be very beneficial for me. I ordered this awhile back but just started using this as I had to buy another bottle here from our supplement store (inferior to say the least) because this wouldn’t have gotten here in time before I ran out of the other. Now that I’ve been taken this for this past week I’ve never felt better, I very rarely use the inhaler and the mucus is finally breaking!! this is the best NAC by far, I’m very please with this product and I will be re-order from them BEFORE I run out so I have it on hand ready to go. This has worked so well I really don’t want to try something else, best I’ve felt in a year!! I would recommend Swanson NAC to anyone because very few things work for me but when they do I tell everyone about it!!
Terry –
Incredibly cheap and overwhelmingly useful, I highly recommend N-Acetyl Cysteine to anyone who has to take medicine regularly that can put a strain on your liver! I have been in pain management for the last 6 years, and I daily have to take a pain medication that can, over time, put a strain on your liver function and possibly cause liver damage. But N-Acetyl Cysteine is a great supplement that increases cellular glutathione, and allows your liver to regenerate itself! This is a great supplement for anyone who takes regular pain medication, or even tylenol on a regular basis – it will help your liver repair itself and increase liver function – so it is also good for anyone who drinks alcohol! I have been using it for a couple of years now, and I have to say, it really works! I always feel good, and whenever I have my yearly liver test blood work done (I have to have it tested once a year because as I said, I take a pretty strong pain medication every day) I always have a perfectly normal result. So if you need something to help boost your liver function, or even to help repair any of your body’s organs, I highly recommend N-Acetyl Cysteine – it increases your cellular glutathione amounts in every cell, and this is the substance that your cells use to repair and regenerate themselves!
Megan –
I think this works well, but not as well as the NAC made by Designs for Health. Eventually this made me have a histamine intolerance, which may have happened with the Designs for Health brand, too. The important point is that NAC should be used short term only- like up to 3 months. It’s a precursor to glutathione so can be excellent for sealing up leaky gut, along with a healing diet and killing back pathogen overgrowth. But, like I said, just use it short term. I prefer Designs for Health’s effectiveness and their potency is 900 mg., which is ideal, whereas this one by Swanson is cheaper (which is why I tried it) and only has 600 mg. per capsule.
LeAnn Santana –
This is a great product if you tend to get lung congestion from allergies or end up with a bad chest cold/congestion, or if you have respiratory influenza. I have researched the side effects, and believe me, that took a little doing for *oral* acetyl-cysteine. Acetyl-cysteine is used in nebulizer treatments for people with pneumonia / severe respiratory congestion. It works very well to thin secretions so that they can be coughed out and breathing becomes easier. However, the nebulizer treatments stink (and taste) like rotten eggs. I got this because the smell and taste of the nebulizer treatments would make me throw up within just a few minutes. I had to time my eating so that nebulizer treatments were at least two hours after I had eaten. Taking the oral form is better, for me because there’s no nausea involved. There are some contraindications if you have low blood pressure or take nitroglycerin for a heart condition. So, if I get a little congested I take this. If I’m a lot congested – pneumonia-like, well then, I have to do a neb treatment. I have both on hand. Take with food and don’t exceed the maximum dosage. From one study I saw, 600 mg, twice a day, was the max. As it can be irritating on the stomach, take with food only.