Descrição do Produto: Nootropics Depot N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Capsules | 500mg | NAC | 60 Contagem
As cápsulas de N-Acetil L-Cisteína (NAC) da Nootropics Depot são um suplemento poderoso que oferece uma série de benefícios para a saúde, especialmente no que diz respeito ao funcionamento do fígado e à saúde celular. Cada cápsula contém 500mg de NAC, um composto que tem ganhado destaque na comunidade científica por suas propriedades antioxidantes e hepatoprotetoras. O NAC é um precursor do glutationa, um dos antioxidantes mais importantes do corpo, que desempenha um papel crucial na neutralização de radicais livres e na proteção das células contra danos oxidativos.
- SUPPORTS RESIRATORY HEALTH – Pesquisas demonstraram que o NAC possui uma capacidade inata de ajudar a aliviar desconfortos leves associados ao sistema respiratório, sendo utilizado em ambientes clínicos como tratamento e suporte.
- SUPPORTS LIVER FUNCTION – O NAC é comumente utilizado para repor o corpo com glutationa, levando à sua classificação como hepatoprotetivo.
- PROMOTES OXIDATION LEVELS – Através de pesquisas extensivas, o NAC demonstrou a capacidade de ajudar a promover níveis saudáveis de inflamação, regulando e diminuindo o número de radicais livres, considerados um dos principais contribuintes para a inflamação.
- LAB TESTED AND VERIFIED – Todos os produtos da Nootropics Depot são rigorosamente testados em laboratório para garantir que nossos clientes recebam apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, na força, potência e pureza ideais. Temos orgulho da quantidade de pesquisa investida em cada produto, buscando apenas os ingredientes mais inovadores e de qualidade superior.
1. Apoio à Saúde Respiratória: Alivia desconfortos leves no sistema respiratório, promovendo uma respiração mais fácil e confortável.
2. Função Hepática Otimizada: Contribui para a saúde do fígado, ajudando na desintoxicação e na manutenção de níveis adequados de glutationa.
3. Regulação da Inflamação: Ajuda a manter níveis saudáveis de inflamação, promovendo um equilíbrio no organismo e reduzindo o risco de doenças crônicas.
4. Aumento da Saúde Celular: Protege as células contra danos oxidativos, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal e melhorando a longevidade das células.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produto testado em laboratório, assegurando pureza e potência, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de N-Acetil L-Cisteína (NAC) de 500mg, uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Anna –
These supplements absolutley REEK!!!! They dont just smell a little…they STINK!! AND are NOT returnable!!! Do not be fooled.
I read they smelled. I had been buying another brand for years which never smelled so I thought it cant be that bad. Ive purchased other supplements from this comapny. They seem to be a reputable company. No one in my family can/will take them. We are not weak individuals but these make us want to make us vomit. I bought another brand and they dont even smell. I dont know what this company is doing or not doing when making this supplement but it REEKS!!
They STINK so bad the company doesnt even want them back! The are not returnable. Im stuck with 2 bottles and as you know this brand is not inexpensive. We cant afford to be out this money with the economy the way it is. Unfortunately I will not buy from this company again and suggest you dont either.
Anne –
When I ran out and didn’t replace for two or so months, I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t sleeping well anymore and my mood had significantly depressed. Since neither of those things is advertised, it didn’t occur to me until I bought another bottle after I had the flu plus a lingering cough and congestion. Then I noticed my mood had elevated and I was sleeping better. I researched NAC and found that it can lift depression. Nothing about improved sleep, but this has been my experience.
Nathan LeClaire –
NAC seems to be a powerful antioxidant, so I think there’s a potential to overdo it. I wouldn’t suggest using it constantly, but taking it once or twice a week gives me a significant mood boost. While it’s likely beneficial for liver health, the noticeable effect on mood is the main benefit for me. As with anything, moderation is key. I highly endorse this product and am impressed with the quality from Nootropics Depot. Overall, I recommend it.
C. Wong –
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Capsules | 500mg | NAC | 60 Count
I have to take four 600 mg of NAC for my rare auto-immune skin disease. I have tried ointments, injections, light treatments and injections and nothing works as well as NAC. I usually it three times a day because I forget the afternoon one but will use this one for that dose. I once was not permitted to take in a hospital and the result was a terrible flair up of my disease N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Capsules | 500mg | NAC | 60 Count
I have to take four 600 mg of NAC for my rare auto-immune skin disease. I have tried ointments, injections, light treatments and injections and nothing works as well as NAC. I usually it three times a day because I forget the afternoon one but will use this one for that dose. I once was not permitted to take in a hospital and the result was a terrible flare up of my disease and it took three weeks to get back to stabilization. Will request my dermatologist to write a letter stating why it is crucial for me.
They are in capsule form, I am very grateful for that because in pill form, there is always a strrong ammonia smell.
Angry Face –
I’ve been using NutriCology’s NAC for over a year, and it’s a wonderfully smelly supplement. It boosts my energy, and there is emerging science that shows that it can increase survival in BC patients.
In general, I like Nootropics Depot. They’re a solid brand with excellent quality supplements. However, I’m not getting any NAC feelings out of this NAC. The bottle I received doesn’t smell at all like what I expect NAC to smell like, which is like gross sulfur eggs – sort of like mild glutathione.
I recently ran out of Nutricology NAC, and have been trying a few other brands in the interim while waiting on my next shipment. I’ve been markedly more fatigued since taking this v. Nutricology. That might be entirely coincidental. The brain is a powerful organ, the placebo effect is real, and assumptions can play tricks with the body. The lack of typical NAC smell out of this supplement might have me assuming it won’t work, which might be why it’s not working for me.
As always, YMMV. But for me, this one is a no-go.
Noah Ray –
Seems to provide natural energy and help me control some tics and other involuntary bodily functions that show up during stressful times. I have taken in the recommended servings daily through one whole bottle. May order more after a brief cleanse to see if the effects persist.
Evan Zee –
At this point I’m getting as many of my supplements for ND as I can. They’re a bit pricier but the quality is literally unmatched
patrick47018 –
I’ve come to expect quality from Nootropics Depot and this delivers as usual. As with all NAC expect a sulfur smell, and taste(if you leave it in your mouth too long, just swallow your pills people).