Descrição do Produto: BeLive Myo-Inositol
BeLive Myo-Inositol é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, formulado para promover o equilíbrio hormonal e a saúde metabólica. Composto por myo-inositol, uma substância natural que atua como um sinalizador celular, este produto é especialmente benéfico para mulheres que buscam regular o ciclo menstrual e melhorar a função ovariana. Cada dose contém uma quantidade ideal de myo-inositol, que auxilia na redução dos sintomas da síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e contribui para a saúde mental, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e melhorar o humor. O BeLive Myo-Inositol é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha segura e eficaz para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
1. Regulação do Ciclo Menstrual: Ajuda a normalizar os ciclos menstruais, promovendo a saúde reprodutiva.
2. Melhora da Sensibilidade à Insulina: Contribui para a redução da resistência à insulina, essencial para o controle do peso e da saúde metabólica.
3. Redução dos Sintomas da SOP: Alivia os sintomas associados à síndrome dos ovários policísticos, como acne e excesso de pelos.
4. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Pode ajudar a reduzir a ansiedade e melhorar o bem-estar emocional.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Produto livre de glúten e lactose, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 doses de BeLive Myo-Inositol por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção e os efeitos do suplemento. Cada dose deve ser diluída em água ou suco, conforme a preferência do usuário. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
G- –
I started seeing results in a very short time 🙂
Sänsch –
Hat meinen Zyklus gut wieder eingependelt. Zwar war er immer noch nicht perfekt, doch nun hab ich erstmal 9 Monate Ruhe, da es plötzlich doch mit dem schwanger werden geklappt hat. Hätte ich nicht mehr für möglich gehalten 😳 (Einnahmedauer ca: 3 Monate)
Emily –
Update: It’s been about 2.5 months now that I’ve been taking these pills. I have been taking the 3 pills daily at night usually after eating dinner. My face has cleared up so much but I am also using a tumeric face wash. I break out a little before I get my period but my face isn’t even close to how it used to be. That was the thing that made me so self conscious. Now I get compliments about how clear my skin looks. I also notice I’m not as moody and I have a bit more energy than I used to. When I first started taking the pills I was already a month late for my period. I started taking them Nov. 13, 2020. I got my period Dec. 13, 2020. 26 days later I got my period again. I started testing for ovulation about 4 days after my period ended. Today I got a high fertility so I’m going to start trying. I’ll update you guys soon if I get pregnant. *fingers crossed* If this works I know it’s because of these pills.
I’ve been taking these for about a week now. I was recently diagnosed with pcos. The goal is to still have a baby but tracking ovulation is hard because my periods fluctuate constantly. So far I’ve noticed my face clearing up faster than ever. Idk if it’s these pills or the new face soap I’m using but I’m thinking it’s the pills. I’ve used so many different face washes and none have worked this good.
It sucks I have to take 3 pills at a time but they are easy to swallow so it’s manageable. I noticed the first couple days my mood was better and I felt more awake. A week in I feel like my mood is still good and better than usua. I also feel like I get fuller faster. I’m really hoping these help me get pregnant. I do feel hopeful based off the research I’ve done and the reviews. I’m hoping to give an update in. 3-6 months!!
Asma –
اللي وصلني اليوم مش نفس اللي طلبته قبل شكله مقلد وهذي صحه بشر كيف اتاكد واخذه هذا علاج عندي صوره القديم وعندي صوره المنتج اللي وصلني
Natalie sweeney –
Not sure if it was coincidence, but was trying to conceive for about 5-6 months no luck. First month of taking these, I started finally loosing weight. I was high energy and was able to diet without feeling low. And then I got pregnant! So worth a try I’d say!
Mistyraye –
First off I must say, I have honestly tried many supplements spent thousands of dollars of the last 2 years to try to get the results that happened with only 2 cycles using this product. I have seen people using the past supplements say wow this works and believed that would for me also and I never had any luck. While looking for my past brand I came across these and read the reviews. I though what the heck.. they are a third less than my supplements. Let’s give them a try. I was never diagnosed with PCOS but have never had a regular period I’m a little heavy but not to bad. In early 2020 at 35 my husband and I started ttc. I started out taking conceive plus and though my periods did become regular I never ovulated at least not that I ever caught and I test from period end till the start of my next cycle. Well today I finally recived my first peak ovulation test at 37. Give this a try Ladies what can it hurt.
Noticable difference in mood and also suppressed my appetite.
Give it a chance sure it will help in some form or another. I’ll update on the results if I have a positive result in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed! The lord knows the needs of our hearts ladies!
Ruki –
I’ve started using it this week. My cravings have reduced (could be a placebo effect haha). This has a 40:1 ratio that I wanted and you have to take three pills a day. I started with one and I’m on three a day now. Did feeel a bit nauseous a few days ago but no longer.
Ashley M –
Update: this is my 3rd bottle, my acne has cleared up completely!! Also, I don’t feel like I retain as much water. I’m no longer sleepy like I was when I first started and I still take these midday. My cycle is still a bit irregular but better than before. I’d recommend at least give a try. The dosage is 3 pills btw.
Orginal review:
I’ve been using these along with a low carb diet for a couple days shy of a month now to control my insulin resistance and pcos symptoms. The only difference I feel so far is feeling sleepy during the day, so I’ll probably take these at night instead of the morning. Oh, also they seem to be affecting my cycle too. I’ll reorder and update in another month. The capsules are pretty big so if you struggle with that, that might be an issue for you.
Kelly Folck –
I have looked through so many reviews and done so much research it’s ridiculous. I have real issues with my cycles they are very irregular and would like to have a baby in the near future.
Anyways, I looked at so many different things about products and I’ve tried other things that never worked. I have been taking these for a month now with Vitex also and after 116 days with no cycle last time was April 2023 it started a few days ago. Also, added bonus has been that my blood sugar has been at near perfect levels this last month and I didn’t change anything not my diet nothing.
I’m not saying this is the cure all for everyone but, you know if you are desperate to try something I haven’t had any negative side effects. And it’s all doing exactly what I need it to be doing so yeah. I plan on continuing the vitamin regimen and hoping to start having regular cycles every month and hope that I’m the near future I’ll be able to have a baby. So good luck to everyone and hope this review helps someone.
Shonta Davis –
First off, I do no have a diagnosis of PCOS nor do I believe that I have it. I have always been a 28 day cycle since I was a teenager ( I am now 33) until after my last daughters birth which was over 2 years ago now. At first I contributed the odd period cycles to stresses of school, weird breast feeding schedule, and breast feeding in general but deep down I just knew it was something more. I have tried so many different things. I came across an article that mentioned a blend that was a bit pricey and found this as a cheaper alternative. I began spotting a week and a half prior and nothing else ever came of it so I was frustrated/desperate to say the least. I was ready for my body to be back to normal. I ordered these, took 3 in the morning and 3 that night, the next morning I woke up bloody. I was thrilled! Coincidence? Possibly. I started ok 10/2 took them just about every day and on 10/31 I started again! 29 day cycles is so much better than 30+ days especially when you know that is not your norm. I will continue taking these daily. Also another perk I noticed was weight loss! I have not been able to successfully shed weight while breast feeding so I’m even more thrilled!