Descrição do Produto: Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder
Descubra o poder do Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder, um suplemento revolucionário que oferece um fornecimento completo para seis meses, com 183 porções de 2000 mg cada. Este produto é ideal para mulheres que buscam apoio na saúde reprodutiva e na fertilidade. Cada embalagem contém uma quantidade generosa de 12,91 onças de Myo-Inositol 100% puro e natural, garantindo que você tenha o que há de melhor para o seu corpo.
Com o Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder, você não precisa mais se preocupar com a dosagem. Cada embalagem vem com uma colher medidora gratuita, que permite que você obtenha exatamente 2000 mg de Myo-Inositol em cada porção. Isso elimina a incerteza e garante que você esteja sempre consumindo a quantidade correta para maximizar os benefícios.
Este pó foi especialmente formulado para apoiar a função ovariana saudável, o equilíbrio hormonal, a qualidade dos óvulos e a saúde reprodutiva geral. Com uma fórmula 100% pura, vegana e não transgênica, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto livre de ingredientes como trigo, glúten, soja, leite, ovos, peixe, crustáceos ou nozes.
A produção do Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder segue os mais altos padrões de qualidade. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação totalmente compatível, o produto é submetido a rigorosos controles de qualidade e boas práticas de fabricação. Isso garante que você esteja investindo em um suplemento que prioriza sua saúde e segurança.
– Suporte à Fertilidade: Promove a saúde ovariana e melhora a qualidade dos óvulos, essencial para mulheres que desejam engravidar.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, contribuindo para um ciclo menstrual mais saudável.
– Fácil Dosagem: A colher medidora gratuita garante que você obtenha a dosagem exata a cada uso, facilitando a rotina diária.
– 100% Puro e Natural: Sem aditivos ou ingredientes artificiais, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
– Produção de Alta Qualidade: Fabricado nos EUA sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medidora (2000 mg) de Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder em um copo de água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições médicas preexistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Amazon Customer –
Super fast delivery! I needed this item quickly, and the seller didn’t disappoint. The product was exactly as advertised. Very happy with the purchase!
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been taking this for 2 years and I do think it’s worked well and helped my cycles. But I recently went to my past purchases to buy another one, only to receive a 12oz container for the same price (or maybe more) than the 16oz one I bought previously. I can’t even find the 16oz container anywhere online anymore. I guess it’s not a huge deal, but it does feel like a rip off and just seems kinda shady. I’ll likely go with a different brand next time.
Rarereviewer –
I bought this product for the numerous small studies that show between 12 and 18 g a day improves both anxiety and depression. This product is a full pound, so it’s much much cheaper than the capsules, but you have to split the 12g dose or else you will get an upset stomach after taking it despite the fact that has a very pleasant and nearly sweet taste. The surprise was that after I took it I developed a headache, typical of a low blood sugar. I checked my sugar and it was 85, the lowest it’s been and over two years since I became a type two diabetic. I was on three metformin a day, and now I am on 1 a day just two days later. There’s medical literatirr literature showing that it improves the insulin resistance. that leads to type two diabetes, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome, so it was not a total surprise, but the degree in which it worked certainly was. I recommend this product for any type two diabetic and I also recommend it for anyone with anxiety and depression, who either hates the idea of taking medication or who is resistant to medication‘s. it is not only harmless, but good for many parts of the body as it is the universal to cellular membrane function and signalling. my theory is that the reason a large scale studies have not been done is because they are incredibly expensive and generally only done by a pharmaceutical company that wants FDA approval for their product. Since supplements are already widely available, pharmaceutical companies have no interest, and, if anything, 10 to put down, nutritional supplements, probably for this reason. That’s just my take. Enjoy. I would definitely try it if you have any of the above conditions.
Blandy –
Really no taste, which is good. I can put it in any liquid, even my water bottle, and it doesn’t change the taste of the water. So much less expensive than the capsules.
LavenderLaurel –
I’ve been using this daily for a few months. I’m so happy with it that I’m about to order my second container.
It’s really good value for the price, the container has so much more product in it than buying capsules at the same price, and I don’t like taking pills, so this works great. I just add it to my coffee in the morning, and take with water right before bed.
This has improved my: moods, dark hairs, energy, focus, and it’s hard to be sure but possibly also my periods. I think it’s also helping my skin, but that fluctuates throughout the month, plus I didn’t take a “before” photo to compare!
If you have PCOS, or symptoms of it, try this – chances are good that it’ll help.
Tiffini Steven –
Updated June 2021: I am pregnant!!! I took two tests and they are both strong positives. I only had one cycle on my own since getting off of BC and Metformin. I am overwhelmed and excited! I did not think that this would happen that quick! I’ve been off of all of my meds since January of 2021, and I am now pregnant six months later. This stuff combined with the D-Chiro inositol works! I have an appointment with my hormone doctor to do lab work and check everything, then I have my first prenatal appointment next week!
Update April 2021: I’ve been taking since December, and I got off my BC at the end of January. I got my period on my own a few days ago and I was so happy! I was starting to think that this wasn’t going to work, but I finally got my period after being off BC for about 3 months. My period symptoms have not been terrible except I’ve been extremely tired, but that’s kind of normal for me. I’ve noticed that my food cravings aren’t bad, and because of that I’ve also learned that a lot of my eating habits may be more behavioral in nature (I eat even when I’m not hungry or craving food), so I need to work on that myself haha. I started the D-Chiro Inositol as well about 3 days before my period started, so we will see if that makes any differences for me.
December 2020: I’ve been taking this product for about a week, and we will be trying to start a family in about 3 or so months, so I will do an updated review then. I have PCOS and currently take birth control and Metformin. My hope is to wean myself off of the Metformin and just take this to help with my symptoms and trying to conceive. I am taking 2 servings a day.
When I got the container, it was sealed well and came with a scoop. The flavor is slightly sweet but I really can’t taste it much, which is nice. It doesn’t mix as great with cold water as it does with room temperature water.
So far, I have not had any negative side effects, which is awesome. I typically get nauseous when I take supplements, but I have not experienced nausea or an upset stomach. I have definitely noticed a significant improvement in my energy level!! I used to get so tired so easily, but now I can make it through the day and be productive. I have also noticed that I don’t binge on snacks like I used to. I used to munch a lot between meals, and I would sometimes overeat because I like food haha. But now I don’t snack much at all, and I don’t have any desire to eat any more than I need to. I would like to lose about 10-15 pounds so I think the curbing of my appetite will be helpful! I have noticed that my dreams at night are more vivid haha. Overall, I’m pleased with this product so far. I’m hoping that this will help my husband and I conceive fairly quickly, but even if it doesn’t, I’m going to keep taking it to address my PCOS symptoms! Only giving it 4 stars because I don’t know the long term effects yet.
Young –
I’ve been using the Zazzee Myo-Inositol Powder for 3 months, and I’m genuinely impressed. The value for money is incredible, as the 6-month supply is more than generous. After consistent daily use with the small scoop provided, I’m not even halfway through the container!
The powder itself is of high quality—completely tasteless, which makes it so easy to mix into water or smoothies. It dissolves well without any clumping.
I’ve noticed positive changes in my overall wellness and hormonal balance, which was my main reason for purchasing this product. It has been an essential addition to my routine, and I love it.!
Tiffini Steven –
I’ve only had this product about a month, and I picked it up instead of meteformin for pcos. I am unsure if it is working properly as I am still on my bc. We aren’t trying to get pregnant, and I just want to try and regulate my menstrual cycle. This product doesn’t have much of a taste either, which is great. I also don’t think this will last a full six months, maybe four. Based off the above picture.
Rarereviewer –
I wish it had 50 mg of D Chiro as well! But it’s okay. The value of this thing is so very worth it! I feed it to myself and hubby every morning since trying to conceive next year, this isn’t just for women it helps with sperm health also. After all it is a B Vitamin.