Descrição do Produto: Pink Stork Myo-Inositol
O Pink Stork Myo-Inositol é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência do Myo-Inositol e D-Chiro Inositol em uma proporção clinicamente estudada de 3.6:1, projetado para apoiar a função ovariana e o equilíbrio hormonal das mulheres. Este produto é ideal para aquelas que buscam regularidade menstrual, melhorar o metabolismo e promover a saúde reprodutiva. Com apenas duas cápsulas diárias, você pode dar um passo significativo em direção ao bem-estar hormonal.
Estudos recentes demonstram que a mistura de 3.6:1 de Myo-Inositol e D-Chiro Inositol é mais eficaz do que a combinação comum de 40:1 na promoção da ovulação e fertilidade. Em uma pesquisa, a taxa de gravidez aumentou em impressionantes 65.5% com a fórmula 3.6:1, em comparação com apenas 25.9% da fórmula 40:1. Isso destaca a importância de escolher um suplemento que realmente faça a diferença.
O Inositol é uma substância naturalmente presente no corpo, essencial para manter níveis hormonais equilibrados que influenciam a ovulação, a saúde metabólica, a aparência da pele, a regularidade menstrual e o suporte ao humor. O Pink Stork Myo-Inositol é formulado sem ingredientes geneticamente modificados, glúten, soja ou laticínios, garantindo um produto limpo e seguro. Cada frasco contém um ScentCert em forma de coração, proporcionando um aroma e sabor agradáveis, tornando a experiência de tomar suplementos mais prazerosa. Para potencializar os efeitos, experimente combiná-lo com o nosso Chá de Fertilidade ou Gomas de Fertilidade Pink Stork.
A Pink Stork é uma empresa de propriedade e gestão feminina, liderada pela fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, mãe de seis filhos, que compreende a importância de oferecer produtos confiáveis. Com mais de 80% de funcionárias mulheres, a Pink Stork se dedica a criar produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes para cada fase da jornada feminina. Nossa missão é proporcionar esperança às mulheres e impactar positivamente todos que entram em contato com a Pink Stork.
– Apoio à Fertilidade: A fórmula 3.6:1 é comprovadamente mais eficaz na promoção da ovulação e aumento das taxas de gravidez.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação dos hormônios, essencial para a saúde reprodutiva e bem-estar geral.
– Saúde Metabólica: Ajuda a otimizar o metabolismo, promovendo um estilo de vida saudável.
– Melhora na Aparência da Pele: O Inositol pode auxiliar na saúde da pele, proporcionando uma aparência mais radiante.
– Suporte ao Humor: Contribui para o equilíbrio emocional, ajudando a manter um estado de espírito positivo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Pink Stork Myo-Inositol diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias na saúde hormonal e na regularidade menstrual. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Teddy –
I started buying this for my wife about 5-6 months ago. My wife had hormonal acne that was making her feel very self-conscious for the past 2 years, along with irregular periods. She went to a dermatologist and they prescribed her something that I did not agree with her taking because it was going to negatively affect her reproductive system. And I told her to give me a chance to find something natural while at the same time, not harming her reproductive system. Within a month of taking this, her hormonal acne decreased dramatically and in two months, it was gone. Her periods started regulating down to the exact day on her period tracker. Not only that, but last month, we decided to start trying, and on the first try my wife is now pregnant and we believe that the fertility promotion that this offers helped in that regard. Just started buying Pink Stork’s prenatal products. Thank you and God bless.
Julie Zegoski –
Update: reordered from my past orders and it was supposed to be the 40:1 ratio and I received the 3:6:1 ratio pills. Hoping they are just as good. I did get my period for the second month in a row tho with the others.
Large pills but easy to swallow one by one. Taste and smell like the citrus insert, much better than previous products. I have PCOS with irregular periods and I did get my period after taking them for about 1 month with no other assistance.
Amazon Customer –
These pills are medium size capsules and are easy to swallow. They taste like an orange flavor which I never had before in a pill. The packaging was cute. There is an orange flavored heart inside the bottle. As far as the effectiveness of the medicine, it has helped regulate my cycles along with their tea. I feel more energized and my moods have evened out. I feel more motivated to exercise. I have been taking it for a few weeks so I can’t say whether it has helped with conception or not. But I will post an update if it does. ** Definitely take with a meal. Otherwise, it makes you feel light headed if you do not **
Izzie –
This works wonderfully to balance my hormones through my cycle. I used to have slightly irregular cycles and unusually light periods. I tried this and now I have 28 day cycles like clockwork, and normal 5-day periods. Not only that, it’s helped with so much more that I never even expected it to. My acne is so much better, and I don’t get the flare up’s I used to get around ovulation and before my period. I also have chronic folliculitis and mild hs, and this definitely helps me. I’ve found I have more energy throughout the day and I don’t crash right after eating (upon further research I’ve leaned that inositol helps with insulin production/resistance).
Overall I recommend this product. I love the touch of the flavor insert in the bottle. This company is so sweet and I love supporting women-owned businesses. Of the two brands of inositol I’ve tried, this is far superior, the 40:1 ratio is for sure more effective
SA2020 –
PCOS girlie here who’s been doing everything trying to get my cycle back after coming off the pill in Nov 22. I added the pink stork Myo-Chiro Inositol, Pink stork prenatal probiotic, pink stork total prenatal, coq10, triple omega fish oil, and spearmint tea to my routine and bam I’m thrilled to say two weeks in and I have my period back!!!!! Now I hope to track my ovulation better and conceive!! Also taste is great makes it easier to swallow, and LOVE that these products are women made and prayed over!
Sandra K Landon –
Like the product and hopefully it is helping
Priya Rajesh –
I took these supplements for 3 days, and it kickstarted my non-existent period. A period that lasted 4 MONTHS. I became anemic from the constant blood loss. Be very very very careful guys, had to take a 5-day course of a prescription blood clotting medication to finally stop the bleeding.
ashlee –
I like that it was only 2 tablets versus everyone else who is 3 or 4 tablets. I like that they add a little flavor heart to it to make the pills have a slight fruity smell and taste.
Now they don’t list that so some people might get upset.
I feel really good on them and period was regular. I just reordered for my second month. The only side effect I’ve noticed is I have really vivid dreams every night.