Descrição do Produto: MVP Magnesium 5,000 (10lb)
O MVP Magnesium 5,000 é um suplemento premium desenvolvido especialmente para equinos, oferecendo suporte essencial para o funcionamento muscular, metabolismo e relaxamento. Com uma formulação avançada, este produto contém 10 libras de pellets, proporcionando até 80 porções, ideal para atender às necessidades nutricionais de cavalos em diversas fases de treinamento e competição. O magnésio é um mineral crucial que desempenha um papel vital na função muscular e na regulação do sistema nervoso, ajudando a prevenir a tensão muscular e a promover um estado de calma.
Os pellets são de fácil administração, permitindo que os proprietários de cavalos integrem o suplemento na dieta diária de seus animais sem complicações. O MVP Magnesium 5,000 é especialmente benéfico para cavalos que enfrentam estresse devido a competições, mudanças de ambiente ou treinamento intenso. Além disso, a formulação é projetada para otimizar o metabolismo, garantindo que os cavalos mantenham níveis adequados de energia e desempenho.
– Suporte Muscular: Ajuda a prevenir cãibras e tensão muscular, promovendo um desempenho atlético ideal.
– Calmante Natural: Contribui para a redução do estresse e da ansiedade, permitindo que o cavalo se mantenha calmo em situações desafiadoras.
– Melhora do Metabolismo: Aumenta a eficiência metabólica, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam utilizados de forma eficaz.
– Fácil Administração: Pellets práticos que podem ser facilmente misturados na ração, facilitando a inclusão na dieta.
– Apoio Geral à Saúde: Contribui para a saúde geral do cavalo, promovendo um bem-estar duradouro.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o MVP Magnesium 5,000, recomenda-se administrar 1/2 a 1 porção (dependendo do tamanho e das necessidades do cavalo) diariamente, misturando os pellets na ração habitual. É importante monitorar a resposta do animal ao suplemento e ajustar a dosagem conforme necessário, sempre consultando um veterinário para orientações personalizadas. O uso contínuo garantirá que seu cavalo se beneficie plenamente das propriedades do magnésio, promovendo um desempenho otimizado e uma vida saudável.
Amy L. –
Worth it. For the price and how big the bag is. It’s worth to have on hand. I give my gelding two scoops in the morning at shows. Just to get him to focus more in the show ring. Will always buy. The product works great.
Big time Buyer –
My always over reactive colt (gelding) 4.5 yr old was always a hard to catch guy in the pasture would walk away from me ALL the time even with treats, grain etc. I decided to add Magnesium to his diet and Day 1 he walked right up to me int he pasture i thought okay this is a fluke? since being on it it has not changed he walks up to me follows me around completely different horse in way of being so over reactive with most everything. i can even walk up to him and fly spray him now in the pasture without him walking off. I decided to put my rescue mare on it since she get anxiety when haltered up. she also comes right to me now but she is new here and i wasnt sure of her personality anyway.
teena cheek –
Works azing for our spooky gelding, helped him settle down a lot
Fizz –
This product is a life saver. My normally steady mount turns into a wild eyed dragon in the Spring when our pastures are full of clover. This supplement counter acts the clover and balances his brain. It is a life saver for us. He is a picky eater and eats this out of hand like it’s a treat.
SueK –
I read up on feeding magnesium. I have had some lameness issues and other issues with my gypys cross. The only reason it has 4 stars is because he cannot take this without becoming agitated. When I was going thru the reviews of this product there was only one other horse that stated this.. I figured no way this would happen. to mine. I started on the pellets, he ate them with no problem , never snubbed them. About 10 days on this I noticed the change from a sweet boy to becoming a bully and pushy. Now I can’t say for sure if it is the product or his health issues and once they are all set , I will probably try this product again. Read up on it it has many health benefits.!
Vanessa –
Have a horse with some nerve issues, put him on it, within 3 weeks started seeing a huge difference. Have purchased it twice now and will definitely continue. Makes for a happier horse. The bag is very large , closes easy enough, scoop makes for easy measuring. Product last for a good while, for the price, it’s just right.
C. Clune –
Been using this for 6 months for our young gelding and recently ran out. I wasn’t sure if he still “needed” it, but he really does seem more fussy and tense these last two weeks without it. So I am contributing his change due to not having this as part of his daily feed. I’m
Not exactly sure the magic behind it, but it’s affordable and works. Will be repurchasing for the third time!
Jacqueline Burney –
Its easy to feed. My horses eat it and they can be picky. Seemed to make their body more comfortable.