Whey Protein Powder MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate
O Whey Protein Isolado em pó MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate é uma alternativa inovadora para aqueles que buscam uma forma leve e limpa de obter proteína. Com sua fácil mistura, o Iso Whey Clear representa uma nova classe de proteína isolada premium. Sua fórmula avançada oferece uma alta concentração de proteína de qualidade, sem adição de açúcar ou gordura.
Com um sabor leve e refrescante, o Iso Whey Clear é uma bebida de proteína transparente que proporciona uma experiência única. Com 0g de açúcar ou gordura, é uma opção saudável para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável. Além disso, sua textura suave e agradável torna o consumo ainda mais prazeroso.
O Iso Whey Clear é ideal para mulheres que desejam fortalecer seus músculos e alcançar seus objetivos fitness. Sua fórmula exclusiva foi desenvolvida para atender às necessidades específicas do corpo feminino, proporcionando os nutrientes essenciais para o crescimento muscular e a recuperação pós-treino.
Com o Whey Protein Isolado MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate, você terá uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade, que ajuda a promover o crescimento muscular magro, a recuperação muscular e a manutenção da saúde geral. Seu perfil nutricional completo e sua fácil digestão fazem dele uma escolha inteligente para atletas, entusiastas do fitness e qualquer pessoa que busque uma forma conveniente e eficaz de aumentar sua ingestão de proteínas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alta qualidade
O Whey Protein Isolado MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate é produzido com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo uma fonte confiável de proteína para o seu corpo.
2. Fácil mistura
A fórmula do Iso Whey Clear permite uma fácil mistura, sem grumos ou resíduos. Assim, você pode desfrutar de uma bebida de proteína suave e saborosa a qualquer momento.
3. Sabor leve e refrescante
Com seu sabor leve e refrescante, o Iso Whey Clear é uma opção deliciosa para quem busca uma alternativa aos shakes de proteína tradicionais.
4. Zero açúcar e gordura
O Iso Whey Clear não contém adição de açúcar ou gordura, tornando-o uma escolha saudável para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada e controlar a ingestão de calorias.
5. Recuperação muscular
A alta concentração de proteína do Iso Whey Clear ajuda na recuperação muscular pós-treino, auxiliando no crescimento e reparação dos músculos.
1. Auxílio na recuperação muscular: A proteína isolada promove a reparação e o crescimento muscular após os treinos intensos.
2. Aumento da massa magra: Ideal para quem busca desenvolver músculos sem o acréscimo de gordura.
3. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico: Nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a manter a saúde em dia.
4. Suporte à perda de peso: Com baixo teor de carboidratos e calorias, é uma excelente opção para quem deseja emagrecer.
5. Livre de glúten e lactose: A fórmula é adequada para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo uma opção segura e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de medida (30g) do Whey Protein Isolado MuscleTech Clear Whey Protein Isolate em 200ml de água gelada. Agite bem até a completa dissolução e consuma imediatamente após o treino ou conforme orientação profissional. Este produto é indicado para adultos saudáveis e não deve ser utilizado como substituto de uma alimentação equilibrada. Consulte um médico ou nutricionista antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação.
Teresa Huie –
I recently started on a weight-loss injection plan and was looking for a source of protein to supplement my diet. I have used regular protein powder before but was looking for a lighter alternative. After looking for ratings online, MuscleTech was recommended as good for sensitive stomachs. I have the Lemon Berry Blizzard flavor as a pre-workout drink. After using this product a few times – this is my recommendation for getting the best results with little clumping: I use almost 16 oz. of bottled water and put that in the shaker bottle first, then slowly add the powder, shake for at least 30 seconds, and put in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Add crushed ice & voila! A great, low calorie, high protein drink that isn’t milky or heavy on the stomach.
زكيه ز. –
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Kris Dorin –
Mixes well, great taste
Rey H –
I first purchased the lemon berry flavor, and really liked the concept of the product as I hate the classic dairy-based chocolate and vanilla flavors. The lemon berry was probably a 6/10 flavor in my opinion, but I really liked the consistency and effect! Repurchased in Cherry and I’m so happy I did! There is a little hint of a chalky taste, but truly its something I’m happy to deal with to have a palatable protein powder. Listen to what the other reviews say – this does have a tendency to foam up and not mix too well. I make mine before i go to the gym, and let it settle in the fridge. Then I get a nice, cold, refreshing protein drink when i get home! Would absolutely recommend to anyone trying to get away from the regular sorts of protein powder
Lauren Schinkelwitz –
This protein powder is a really great value for the price!
Price: It’s one of the cheaper ones available on here and there are an extra 2g of protein per serving (22g vs. the standard 20g) which makes it an even better value. Most fruity protein powders tend to be between $35-60 for 20 servings ($1.75-$3/serving) and for around $30 for 19 servings ($1.58/serving) this is a really good price per serving.
Flavor/Texture: I’ve tried other fruit flavored protein powders since I wanted something easy to get down and this is perfect. Most of the ones you’re supposed to mix with milk tend to be gritty and pretty gross in texture/flavor but this is actually delicious when mixed with water. I’ve found no textural issues either and there’s not a huge protein powder aftertaste (iykyk). It genuinely tastes like blue-razz lemonade. It also has something in it to minimize foaming which really helps too, it settles much faster than ones I’ve tried before.
Mixing: I don’t use a shaker type bottle when mixing this since they are generally not worth purchasing if you already have a blender of some kind. If you already own one then by all means use it though. I’ve found that my immersion blender does a wonderful job in about 30 seconds. It’ll foam up and expand so I use a really large mason jar to account for the space. Unlike many other powders I’ve tried it settles back in about a minute and there aren’t small particles floating around. It becomes completely clear besides a slight blue tint from the added spirulina.
Overall, I would highly recommend for anyone that doesn’t like traditional protein powders and wants something that actually tastes good.
So I’ll start with a good… The taste really isn’t all that bad.
The real problem is that this protein is powdered so fine that every time you open it it’s like squirting a tube of talcum powder in your face from the white dust
It also doesn’t dissolve all the way unless you shake Shake shake shake I mean SHAKE a lot. If you don’t shake it a ton, any leftover small clumps will stick to the side of your bottle or your lid and begin to harden like a piece of chewed gum stuck under a desk… Doesn’t rinse off and it doesn’t wash off. You’ll literally have to scrape it.
I’ll finish it so that hopefully I get lots of protein in, but I’m not sure that it’s really doing anything
Freckles –
Clumps even with using blender bottle cup. I tried an immersion blender and that worked better but i don’t like to dirty another gadget just to mix my drink. Also flavor is weird. It taste too much like fake artificial sugar/flavor. Would not recommend.
VK –
Received a this product with manufacturing date of Feb’21, bought the product in Dec’23.. only 2 months is left for the product.
John Pelosky –
I used this as a replacement for the regular drink powder from Crystal Light to get more protein. It does not taste as good as the crystal light but that is to be expected with the addition of the protein, but it is as close as I have found so far. Sometimes I add one artificial sweetener packet in. It clumps up, again which is to be expected due to the whey, but not so much as it is a problem. I use one of those spiral shaker balls, only fill 1/2 cup water then add power and make a sort of roue before adding the rest of the water. This seems to cut down on the clumping a lot.
Danny J. Chen –
Right off the bat, it’s a lighter protien vs traditional shakes, flavor is decent, but leaves a dry mouth after taste. Biggest issue is poor mixing ability, with just a ball shaker it leaves floaty clumps and foams at least a quarter of the bottle if not more – mixing with a portion of seltzer helped with the texture and foaminess quite a bit.