MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder – Sabor Chocolate ao Leite é um suplemento em pó projetado para fornecer o combustível necessário para os músculos durante treinos intensos. Com uma fórmula avançada, este produto oferece 25 gramas de proteína por porção, essencial para o crescimento muscular e recuperação eficiente. Composto por 5 fontes de proteína de alta qualidade, incluindo Whey Protein Isolate, hidrolisado e concentrado, albumina de ovo e concentrado de proteína do leite, o Combat Protein Powder garante uma absorção gradual e uma infusão completa de aminoácidos essenciais.
A combinação única de proteínas permite que o MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder tenha um perfil dinâmico, onde as diferentes fontes de proteína são digeridas em velocidades variadas. Isso resulta em uma liberação constante de aminoácidos, otimizando o crescimento muscular e a recuperação pós-treino. O sabor Chocolate Milk é irresistível, tornando a experiência de consumo ainda mais prazerosa. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o produto é livre de glúten e passa por rigorosos testes de substâncias proibidas, sendo certificado pela Informed-Choice e Informed-Protein, garantindo qualidade e segurança para os atletas.
1. Alto teor de proteína: 25 gramas de proteína por porção, essenciais para o crescimento muscular.
2. Diversidade de fontes de proteína: 5 fontes de alta qualidade que oferecem uma combinação única de aminoácidos.
3. Perfil dinâmico de proteínas: Liberação constante de aminoácidos, otimizando o crescimento e a recuperação muscular.
4. Sabor delicioso: O sabor Chocolate Milk torna o consumo do suplemento uma experiência agradável.
5. Qualidade e segurança: Fabricado nos EUA, livre de glúten e certificado por testes rigorosos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 35g) do MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder com 240-300ml de água fria. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma antes ou após o treino. Este produto pode ser integrado a uma dieta equilibrada, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para maximizar o crescimento muscular e a recuperação eficiente.
Brian Hopper –
I went through quite a few different protein powders before I finally settled on Muscle Pharm Combat as my go-to protein powder. I originally purchased it at Costco because a) it was a great price and b) it is a respected brand and this specific powder has a very solid review on, but have since been purchasing it on Amazon because of my preference for the Vanilla flavor (they only sell Cookies and Cream at Costco). I’m not a meathead by any means, but my fiancee and I lift weights 6 days a week and we love this protein powder because it tastes great, doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and has all of the protein and nutrients you need (assuming you aren’t a professional athlete). We’ve been using this protein powder for the last 2+ years now.
Like I just mentioned, this protein powder tastes great, has the nutrients and protein content you need pre- or post-workout, and is affordable. Additionally, this protein powder mixes well with (and also tastes great with) both water and milk, and the Vanilla flavor works really well with other supplements, such as Now Foods Dextrose Powder or Bell Plantation PB2 Peanut Powder.
It also works great as a snack (1 scoop) or a full meal replacement if you are cutting (2 scoops) and has just enough of a sweet flavor to take the edge off if you are craving something sweet.
It’s not pure whey isolate, so you aren’t going to get the same benefits by taking this post workout as you would get if you took pure whey. It has 5 different types of protein, which is great because it covers your bases as long as your protein intake is concerned, but there are some sacrifices there if you are looking to make maximum gains. That being said, unless you are a professional athlete where you need every edge you can get and your day is planned out around the timing of your meals and your macro intake, then this protein powder is absolutely fine (and I bet you wouldn’t even notice a difference between taking this and $100 stuff).
Another “con” is that some of the flavors are hit and miss. I originally started with Cookies and Cream and I would give it an above average taste. Vanilla is hands down my favorite, but whatever you do, stay away from Orange Creamsicle (I’m not even sure they still make this one) as it tastes like something out of a chemical plant. I haven’t had a chance to try the other flavors yet because I was burned so badly with Orange Creamsicle.
Overall, I highly recommend this product if you are looking for a protein supplement, but, if you are on the competitive side of things, I would recommend getting something a little higher end and more specialized for your diet.
Eldon S. –
Originally bought this stuff at Costco but they stopped carrying it. It tastes great. I always throw a tablespoon of almond butter in there for that extra bulk!!!
JE –
Tastes amazing. Mixed easily. Good value. Gonna buy again fo sho
Brianne Mejia –
My favorite protein! Love the way it tastes!
DLeon86 –
I like the protein so far.. it is very sweet though.. you have to add a bit more water in order to dilute it. I decided to try it out since I mostly use Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard and Pro Complex lines of protein. This one is more comparable to the Pro Complex as far as taste goes, but the Pro Complex isn’t as sharp with the back taste. I think I like the ON line better, but this one is still not bad. I do like MP’s BCAAs and some of their other products though, and I can’t deny that they work well. I have been seeing more gains as well as faster recovery. Since I am still finishing up my ON Gold Standard vanilla (there’s like a scoop or two left in the tub), I usually drink that one first thing in the morning, and this one post workout, which I generally workout in the afternoon or evening times. This protein is a hybrid so it is also like a casein. I usually use this one before bed if it’s a rest day.
I have also mixed this powder into my pancakes and it tasted AMAZING! Despite it tasting sweet in liquid form, it wasn’t very overpowering when cooked in the pancakes. I plan to try mixing it in other things as well. I would also like to try the Cookies N Cream and Banana Creme flavors. I plan to order those eventually and will update once I have tried them out.
What I find interesting is that this protein is significantly sweeter than ON Gold Standard’s Vanilla, despite there only being a 0.5g difference of sugar. ON Gold Standard’s Vanilla has 1g of sugar, while this one has 1.5g of sugar, just for reference, and yet there’s such a huge difference in the way they taste. I wish this shake listed how much BCAA’s per scoop, but it is my guess that’s it’s not very much if they felt it wasn’t significant enough to mention. ON lists theirs on their protein products.
With that said, overall I’d give it an 8 out of 10. It works well and tastes pretty good. I’d say if you’re in it more for taste, then go with this one. If taste isn’t much of an issue, then go with something else. I’d buy it again. It’s also cheaper than ON’s tub that’s around this size.
Summer Abu-Zahrah –
I’ve tried other whey protein powders when this one isn’t in stock and I’m always disappointed. Combat vanilla blends well with anything. In a shaker with only water it breaks down smooth and tastes great as well. This is my go to for low calorie, low fat, high protein, on the go meal replacement.
Shawn –
With the different types of protein it is a go to for shakes throughout the day and after workouts. This is one of the best blending protein powders that I have ever used! No clumps! Easy to digest and great amout of protein per serving!
Alyssa –
This is an authentic product. It is not bitter.
I will be using this again.