Descrição do Produto: MuscleMeds Feast Mode – Estimulante de Apetite e Cápsulas para Ganho de Peso
O MuscleMeds Feast Mode é um suplemento inovador projetado para aqueles que buscam aumentar sua ingestão calórica de forma eficaz e segura. Com uma fórmula avançada que utiliza tecnologia de força alimentar, este estimulante de apetite não apenas aumenta a fome, mas também retarda a sensação de saciedade e melhora a digestão. Cada frasco contém 90 cápsulas sem sabor, formuladas para ajudar você a atingir seus objetivos de ganho de peso.
- Pílula avançada para ganho de peso: Utiliza uma tecnologia de força alimentar avançada para aumentar a fome, atrasar a saciedade e melhorar a digestão.
- Nota do produto: A exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode levar ao derretimento/dano do produto. Portanto, espera-se que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto.
- Aumenta o hormônio da fome ghrelin: O ghrelin demonstrou estimular o apetite, ajudando você a comer mais ao longo do dia.
- Atraso da saciedade: Ingredientes como raiz de gengibre, sementes de erva-doce e raiz de alcaçuz ajudam a relaxar os músculos do estômago, permitindo que você consuma maiores quantidades de alimento em cada refeição.
- Mistura bioengenheirada de enzimas digestivas: Uma combinação precisamente formulada de enzimas projetadas para sobreviver à acidez do estômago e atuar em todo o trato digestivo.
- Aumenta a ingestão calórica: Ao melhorar seu apetite, volume estomacal e digestão, o Feast Mode permite que você faça refeições maiores e consuma mais calorias, ajudando a aumentar seu peso corporal.
1. Aumento Eficiente do Apetite: Estimula a produção do hormônio ghrelin, promovendo uma sensação de fome constante.
2. Melhora na Digestão: A combinação de enzimas digestivas garante que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz, otimizando a digestão.
3. Maior Capacidade de Ingestão: Os ingredientes relaxantes ajudam a aumentar o volume do estômago, permitindo refeições mais substanciais.
4. Fórmula Segura e Eficaz: Desenvolvido com tecnologia avançada, o produto é seguro para uso e não contém sabores artificiais.
5. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser facilmente integradas à rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com MuscleMeds Feast Mode, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula antes das principais refeições. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se possível, acompanhar a ingestão com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em nutrientes. Para maximizar os efeitos, utilize o produto em um ambiente controlado, evitando exposição a altas temperaturas ou luz solar direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes.
Danielle –
I started taking this product about 6 months ago. It’s extremely difficult for me to gain any weight due to a bad surgery I had in my intestinal tract many years ago. I get sick from those boost and high protein or high fat weight gain drinks. The thought of eating was repulsive to me.
I was very skeptical about buying this and wasting my money because nothing has really worked for me in the past. I started taking this product with three capsules each big meal. Over the course of the first week I was pretty disappointed that it did not seem to help at all however I didn’t get nauseous from taking it. Over the course of several weeks I started to get more and more hungry. Let me tell you now I’m hungry all the time! I guess I needed a little more time for this to work. I’ve actually had to cut back on my evening dose because some nights I get hungry in the middle of the night! I adjust my doses to what works best for me. I just received my sixth bottle today and couldn’t be happier!! Sometimes a product works more for one person and not at all for another. Go into it with an open mind. I sincerely hope this works as well for you as it has for me. I would highly recommend trying this product!
MELiani Novita –
Useless. Nothing change
Rebecca chandler –
I’ve been taking this for about 3 weeks and I started at 109 and now im at 117lbs I am really excited to keep trying til I reach my goal , it’s best to eat with it ! Not bad price for what it helps!
Shane –
I was really looking forward to taking this based off the reviews. I’m 40 (m) with very little appetite and underweight. I’ve taken cyproheptadine and megestrol in the past for increased appetite and they damn sure work, but I was trying to avoid the prescription route.
I took as directed, 3 pills for each large meal, morning and night. I figured I’d be in the pantry constantly looking for something else to eat, but still no appetite whatsoever and I’m forcing myself to eat in the mornings just to take the supplement. This may work for others, but they’re like placebo pills for me. Just a waste of money.
Hamda abdulla aldukhan –
It didnt do anything except gave me a stomach ache
james –
No different after taking this product
Chris foy –
If you have trouble sleeping and eating this one is the best.I gained 50 pounds in 2weeks, it was amazing.I couldn’t believe it
Thank you
Nathan –
Did nothing to improve my teenage son’s appetite.
Someone’s Alt –
Gained 30 lbs on these combined with a larger diet and exercise. Really helped my appetite.
Cranky old Teamster –
Seems to be working. Cant use any cannibus or cbd products due to I fall under federal department of transportation rules where its forbidden regardless of any other state or FDA rule/law.
I had a RUEN-Y bypass 18 years ago which leaked in 2011 so it was repaired but when it was I started losing weight at about 3 to 5 lbs a year since now too much intestine was bypassed. So thats 50 lbs + overall below target weight.
I started at 330, originally, after bypass dropped to 210-220, athletic build, gym’d out no sagging skin crap. But after the emergency repair where I became septic and almost died it changed. And went to 165!!!!!
I was at 165 looking like a tweeker or a A.I.D.S patient or end stage Cancer victim. Update I am up 20 lbs to 185. But I have a large frame, and 6’1 almost 6’2. BUT with this I have to start eating for it to kick in but it has a snowball effect. If I dont start to eat I dont want to eat, but once I start with something small I crave more. The consistently full feeling goes away unlike before where to eat a ham and cheese sandwich I would have to choke it down and take a zofran (nausea medication)
I was supposed to have another surgery to recorrect the RUEN-Y but if this continues that maybe and currently is no longer medically needed, ALSO abdominal surgery really really sucks and extremely painful as some my know also.
Maybe its a placebo effect, I don’t know. What I do know is all around I feel better, I take less pharmaceutical drugs for side effects of anexoria from the underlying issue, and slowly getting weihht and girth back but not in a sloppy or fluffy way, but protein and light weight training helps that too.
Whole point is 18 years ago I should of ate a damn salad and ran around the block to avoid this fiasco and I wasn’t fluffy fat anyway but Samoan or Biker big… The surgery honestly was unnecessary but the Dr and Surgeon’s made big $$$$. Live and Learn, no half measures or instant gratification in life.
You made it this far bravo. Buy it and eat but you have to eat for it to kick in.
P.S. to the Manufacturer I’m available to be a spokesperson. I’m cheap and easy. 😉