Muscle Pharm EAA Recovery BCAAs: O Poder da Recuperação Muscular e Performance
O Muscle Pharm EAA Recovery BCAAs é um suplemento essencial para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho físico e acelerar a recuperação muscular. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina todos os nove aminoácidos essenciais, incluindo os BCAAs, este pó de aminoácidos é a escolha ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Ao minimizar os danos musculares e apoiar a massa corporal magra, o Muscle Pharm EAA Recovery + BCAA se destaca como um aliado poderoso na sua rotina de treinos.
- Recuperação Muscular Aprimorada e Performance: O MusclePharm EAA Recovery + BCAA ajuda a minimizar os danos musculares e a apoiar a massa corporal magra, fornecendo uma dose saudável de todos os nove aminoácidos essenciais, incluindo os BCAAs.
- Combustível Pré-Treino e Essenciais Pós-Treino: Inclui L-Lisina, L-Treonina, L-Fenilalanina, L-Metionina, L-Histidina e L-Triptofano, além dos aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada, L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina e L-Valina.
- Suplemento de Aminoácidos e Construtor Muscular: O poderoso perfil de aminoácidos em nosso pó EAAS estimula a síntese de proteínas, promovendo o crescimento muscular e prevenindo a degradação, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos de fitness de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
- Conveniente e Delicioso: Com 30 porções de sabor irresistível de Doce Azedo, o produto é saboroso, mantendo você motivado a levar seu condicionamento físico para o próximo nível. Pode ser consumido como bebida pré, durante ou pós-treino.
- Consuma com Confiança: Oferecendo qualidade excepcional, nosso pó EAA + BCAA é testado quanto a substâncias proibidas, certificado pela Informed-Choice e fabricado em uma instalação que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP).
1. Acelera a Recuperação Muscular: Reduz o tempo de recuperação entre os treinos, permitindo que você treine com mais frequência.
2. Aumenta a Performance: Melhora a resistência e a força durante os treinos, potencializando seus resultados.
3. Promove o Crescimento Muscular: Estimula a síntese de proteínas, essencial para quem busca hipertrofia.
4. Sabor Agradável: O sabor Doce Azedo torna o consumo do suplemento uma experiência prazerosa, incentivando a adesão à rotina.
5. Segurança e Qualidade: Testado quanto a substâncias proibidas, garantindo que você consuma um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 10g) do Muscle Pharm EAA Recovery BCAAs em 300-400ml de água gelada. Consuma a bebida 30 minutos antes do treino para um impulso energético ou imediatamente após o exercício para maximizar a recuperação muscular. Para resultados ideais, utilize diariamente, mesmo em dias de descanso, para manter os níveis de aminoácidos no organismo.
SmallSmile94 –
I recently got into BCAA and EAA powders for recovery after a full workout and I love this brand and this flavor! I love the sourness and it does in some ways remind me of sour candy. I used to get the watermelon BCAA powder from the same company but it was unfortunately sold out when I needed it this last time so I gave this a shot. I love this company because they don’t put artificial colors (like Blue 1, Yellow 5, Red 40, etc) that have been proven to cause health issues in their product. I’m actually able to feel good about what I’m using post workout and I do feel like it helps me build/maintain muscle much better than I do without it. It blends well with water in my shaker cup. The only reason I didn’t give it a full 5 stars is because the powder is so light that when I scoop it out, some goes airborne and I’ve ended up inhaling some of that cloud of powder. I feel like I’m wasting a little of the product when that happens but haven’t found a way to prevent it. Otherwise a great product!
Trishay –
Provides additional energy when working out and after. Doesn’t give jittery vibes which is great. This flavor is a little sour. More than a expected but mixes well in a blender cup!
Jon –
Love the product, bag won’t stay sealed. Comes open & spills all over my gym bag on multiple occasion even after double checking it is closed.. wish it was in a normal container like other products so I wouldn’t be wasting it…
rao_olnk –
flavor is excellent ! Pricy though
Amazon Customer –
Flavor is terrible couldn’t ever force it down
Bridge –
Taking this after working out definitely seemed to help with recover time! Usually I’m sore 2 days after I workout, but when I take this, I barely feel anything. Makes me wonder if I’m slacking! 😀
When I take this pre-workout, I don’t know if I notice much, maybe I should take it a little earlier before I start, rather than right before. Either way, the post workout effects are what I really wanted anyway, I have other options for pre. 🙂
The taste is quite good, mixes easily and digests perfectly! Love it.
Melinda –
Hey this to my boyfriend and he works out every day and he is pre-workout so I thought that this would be good for him for post workout. He said that he wouldn’t normally have picked this particular flavor, but it’s something that he can use every other or every couple of post workouts. he said that it’s a very intense labor although works great as a post workout. He said he would recommend.
Courtland J. Carpenter –
Too many of these muscle building supplements tend to be either sweet or have no taste at all or a bad taste that kinda lingers in your mouth. Well this takes a little bit to dissolve in water or other liquids, as a fan of sour gummy worms and such I tend to like the taste of this. Well I don’t do a lot of body building or weightlifting or anything I don’t normally need a recovery potion. However, in this particular case I like it because I sometimes do a lot of walking because I have errands, my and legs hurt very badly the next day. A few days ago I had just one of those really long days. I had to run a lot of errands, move stuff around, make several trips in and out of the house. I knew I was going to be sore in the morning. It was not gonna be likely that I could avoid all the soreness the following day but I didn’t want it to persist for several days. I took a double dose of the supplement and drank it all down and then later that evening, went to bed. Did it help my sleep, I don’t know for sure I was tired from the day.
The day after there was some residual soreness but not quite as bad as I had expected. I count that as a good thing in the following days I barely had any soreness which I normally experienced for up to 3 days or more. Even though I was moving around less on those days I still took at least 1 dose of this per day just to keep the thing going. Really like this on most I really like this on most days I can take it easy, but the days when I really have to workout and move around quite a bit this could be a lifesaver. I suppose if you do muscle building or workout 2 or 3 times a week and just wanna keep the muscles in shape without the soreness this is a good thing. However, for me this just works better to take every now and then when I know I’ve worked out considerably hard. I can save the rest for other times and not have to use it all the time. it’s not like I’m going to hit the wait room anyway. So, I believe it’s good for the young lifestyle of working out or the elder lifestyle of quickly recovering from a unexpected workout. From where I’m sitting I believe I can recommend it for both.