Descrição do Produto
O Muscle Milk Gainer Protein Powder é um suplemento em pó de alta qualidade, ideal para aqueles que desejam aumentar a massa muscular de forma eficaz. Cada embalagem contém 5 libras (aproximadamente 14 porções) deste poderoso produto. A embalagem pode variar e a garrafa shaker é vendida separadamente.
Este suplemento é rico em proteínas, contendo 32g de proteína de alta qualidade por porção. Além disso, possui 109g de carboidratos, fornecendo a energia necessária para os treinos intensos. Com 650 calorias por porção, o Muscle Milk Gainer é uma excelente opção para quem busca ganhar massa muscular de forma saudável.
Uma das principais características deste produto é a sua versatilidade e facilidade de preparo. O Muscle Milk Gainer dissolve facilmente em água, bastando misturar 4 colheres de sopa em 10-16 onças de água usando uma garrafa shaker (vendida separadamente).
Este suplemento é formulado com uma combinação de proteínas de liberação lenta e rápida, o que ajuda a aumentar os níveis de aminoácidos no corpo. Isso é essencial para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento adequado dos músculos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Alta quantidade de proteína: Cada porção do Muscle Milk Gainer contém 32g de proteína de alta qualidade, essencial para o crescimento muscular.
- 2. Rico em carboidratos: Com 109g de carboidratos por porção, este suplemento fornece a energia necessária para treinos intensos.
- 3. Fonte de vitaminas e minerais: O Muscle Milk Gainer é uma excelente fonte de 20 vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde geral do corpo.
- 4. Fácil de preparar: Basta misturar o pó com água usando uma garrafa shaker para obter uma bebida deliciosa e nutritiva.
- 5. Versatilidade: Além de dissolver em água, o Muscle Milk Gainer também pode ser adicionado a smoothies, shakes e outras receitas.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 4 colheres de sopa do Muscle Milk Gainer em 10-16 onças de água usando uma garrafa shaker. Consuma uma porção por dia, preferencialmente após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 4 colheres de sopa do Muscle Milk Gainer em 10-16 onças de água usando uma garrafa shaker. Consuma uma porção por dia, preferencialmente após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
MrsSterling –
Mixes well and taste is on point . Delivery to Australia only took 6 days which is incredibly fast .
Excellent quality .
Well done Amazon .
jlalegre41 –
Nice for my workout.
Christina –
I purchased this for my husband who is trying to gain weight. I was surprised at not only how well it blends into smoothies but that it doesn’t make the drink too thick – even with the 4 scoop serving . He tells me the taste is great as well.
Steve –
Fast delivery, good price, will order again
willard –
Pay more for less. I usually buy the 2lb containers which gives you 50 grams of protein with just 2 scoops. This one only gives you 32 grams of protein with 4 scoops. I guess I will just stick with the 2lb .container
Mike –
Trying to gain weight after health issues. Strongly recommend this product for that purpose. Taste is good.
E. Castro –
If you’re sick of gainers or supplements tasting chalky and quite honestly, pretty gross, then give Muscle Milk a shot. I’ve been taking sports supplements for over 20 years and Muscle Milk is by far the best tasting brand in my opinion, while offering a good value compared to other big brand supplement names. I don’t typically use gainers, but I needed a bit more calories as I got into a more intense workout routine. However, I didn’t need as much calories as a regular serving (4 scoops!!), so I just do half servings to get a good amount of carbs, protein, fats, and vitamins and minerals. Plus, the jug lasts longer that way as well. I can’t speak for the other flavors in the Pro Series Gainer, but the chocolate flavor, which I mix with milk, makes for a really rich and tasty shake! Like…it actually tastes good that I want more LOL!! Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a reliable brand gainer that doesn’t taste like chocolate flavored chalk.
– Tastes awesome!
– Quality ingredients
– Not quite as pricey as other big brand names
– A single serving is 4 scoops, which is quite a lot to take in all at one time! But hey, do you even lift, bro?
MrsSterling –
I eat this protein almost daily. After every lifting session and it’s my absolute favorite. I mix it with just a little water and a tablespoon of peanut butter per two scoops.
Andrew –
For starters this gainer shake has a decently good taste and is an easy and quick way to get some protein/calories in when you’re in a bind. I usually add some peanut butter in the mix to give it a little added flavor, but it’s also good with fruits and makes a good smoothie.
Now for some tips/heads up about this product. First, this will leave a pretty gnarly aftertaste on your tongue that will make you’re breathe smell not so pleasant. When mixed with water, this shake gets rather sticky so when drinking it, the taste will latch on to your tongue quite easily. I find that even after brushing well and using mouthwash, the taste still lingers a bit so be wary of that. ( Personally this is the only downside for me. )
Next, due to this shake getting rather sticky I would recommend cleaning your blender, cup, or bottle IMMEDIATELY after use under some hot water for easy cleaning. Try not to let the leftover shake remain on anything you use or you will have to use a little elbow grease get to this stuff off.
Lastly, to save yourself a potential stomach ache, I wouldn’t recommended drinking down a whole serving in one go. I find that drinking some water along with the shake helps if my stomach isn’t feeling great.
Other than that, this is a simple gainer shake that I would recommend for those with lactose intolerance looking for a gainer alternative without the added dairy.