Muscle Mag é uma fórmula de magnésio altamente absorvível, projetada especialmente para promover a saúde muscular e cardíaca. Com uma combinação poderosa de magnésio malato e glicinato, este suplemento se destaca pela sua capacidade de ser rapidamente assimilado pelo organismo, garantindo que você obtenha todos os benefícios desse mineral essencial. O magnésio é conhecido por seu papel crucial na função muscular, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e promovendo a recuperação após exercícios intensos. Além disso, a presença de vitaminas do complexo B potencializa o metabolismo energético, proporcionando um suporte adicional para aqueles que buscam aumentar sua performance física e bem-estar geral.
A fórmula é vegana e livre de glúten, soja, laticínios e outros alérgenos comuns, tornando-a uma escolha segura para uma ampla gama de consumidores. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, com um frasco contendo 100 unidades, oferecendo conveniência e praticidade para o seu dia a dia. Fabricado pela Wellness Resources, uma marca reconhecida e confiável no mercado de suplementos, Muscle Mag é a escolha ideal para quem busca qualidade e eficácia.
Frill –
I’m so glad this was recommended to me. I had muscle spasms all over and taking just 2 at night makes all the difference. I take more when I’m having real back pain. Sometimes a supplement will make a real difference in a person’s life. This is one of them. I highly recommend it.
Sheilajn –
I have tried every form of magnesium out there over the years and still suffered foot cramps that would wake me out of a sound sleep. I also had jaw tightness and headaches that I didn’t realize may have been connected. Since taking this type of magnesium, I feel more relaxed, no more cramping and recover from working out better. I’ve always respected Dr. Richards after reading his books on leptin as well as his articles posted on his website regarding the latest health research. I really feel that his supplement line is of top quality w/o harmful fillers.
Emily diganza –
i tried these in the past and it’s one of the best mag supplements out there does not get your stomach upset like other magnesium products so if you are looking for a good mag suppplement try it
S.M –
Seems to be working great. will order the product again
Works well, but need to take many a day. The bottle goes quickly.
Pamela S. –
Right now I’m very happy with this product. Have been taking it for a couple of weeks and I have had no side effects from it. My leg cramps have seemed to have disappeared which is one of the reasons I purchased it.
Stephen Glassman –
Definitely works!