Descrição do Produto:
O Muscle Feast Hydrate Sugar Free Electrolytes Powder é um suplemento em pó desenvolvido especialmente para auxiliar na hidratação e na prevenção de cãibras musculares. Com sabor Blue Ice Pop, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma opção refrescante e sem açúcar, perfeita para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, pois possui zero calorias. Cada embalagem contém 300g, proporcionando até 66 porções, o que garante um excelente custo-benefício. A fórmula é rica em eletrólitos essenciais, como sódio, potássio, magnésio e cálcio, que ajudam a manter o equilíbrio eletrolítico do corpo, especialmente durante atividades físicas intensas ou em dias quentes. O Muscle Feast Hydrate é a escolha ideal para atletas, praticantes de esportes e qualquer pessoa que deseja melhorar sua performance e recuperação muscular.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Ajuda a repor os eletrólitos perdidos durante o exercício, prevenindo a desidratação.
2. Sem Açúcar e Calorias: Perfeito para quem está em dieta cetogênica ou busca reduzir a ingestão de açúcar.
3. Prevenção de Cãibras Musculares: A combinação de eletrólitos ajuda a minimizar o risco de cãibras durante atividades físicas.
4. Sabor Refrescante: O sabor Blue Ice Pop proporciona uma experiência agradável, tornando a hidratação mais prazerosa.
5. Praticidade: Com 66 porções, é fácil de transportar e usar em qualquer lugar, seja na academia, em casa ou durante viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 4,5g) do Muscle Feast Hydrate em 240ml de água gelada. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O ideal é consumir a bebida antes, durante ou após a atividade física, conforme a necessidade de hidratação e reposição de eletrólitos. Para otimizar a absorção, é aconselhável ingerir o produto em intervalos regulares durante treinos prolongados ou em dias de calor intenso.
uknown4no –
I got the no flavor version because it was cheaper and I figured I could just mix it into my other drinks. I would NOT suggest drinking this with just water. It is really hard to enjoy (dare I say impossible). Additionally, it messes with the flavor in anything else you out it in. I mixed mine in a 10oz shaker with my protein and I am no longer enjoying my protein drinks. You pretty much need to add sweetener to make it enjoyable at all. I should have known better, but now I do for sure….
As far as the effectiveness of the product…. I am unsure. I am unable to drink it 3 times a day. Usually once to 2 times a day at most and I do think it helps, but the flavor (yes, it may be unflavored, but it has a distinct flavor) is so bad that I am not enjoying it or objectively analyze it’s effectiveness.
Dragon Queen Fan –
This electrolyte powder is the best unflavored option out there. I mix it with lemon juice and Himalayan salt for a refreshing, energizing drink. I am on my fourth jar. I do not get cramps or feel dehydrated ever since I made electrolytes a part of my daily routine. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a clean, top of the line, no chemical aftertaste, electrolyte powder.
P.S. – Do not consume more than the recommended dose. Doing so could result in multiple trips to the restroom.
Tammy –
we used to only buy Key Nutrients for over a year, and then realized that the bloating was coming from the Stevia. It’s really too bad, because they taste delicious. As soon as we stopped and got these electrolytes, the bloating went away.
RobSRand –
This seems to improve the taste of whatever I mix it into – plain water, iced tea, or whatever else, it just makes it more satisfying. I also like that I can scoop it without getting big dust clouds, like another brand I tried. I was concerned that this was out of stock for a while, but I’m glad it’s back and hopefully stays available.
kubed_zero –
Though these electrolytes do add a bit of a salty taste to my water, I have been relieved of my middle-of-the-night feet and calf cramps. I like that it is reasonably priced, bulk packaged, and sugar free.
G.S. from Washington –
Good product but disappointed in the taste.
Morgan Hayes –
I bought these because they had great reviews and I really like the whey protein from this company, but upon using them I feel like I just wasted my money. When I go to drink it, I almost get a visceral reaction from my body to reject the water I just poured a scoop into. The actual electrolytes are a small portion of the overall ingredients and it just feels like I’m drinking chalky water. It’s weird and I wouldn’t advise you to purchase this product.
JR –
This mixes well and has zero sweeteners. It has a slight touch of salt flavor. This isn’t an issue for me as I was routinely adding sea salt to my water.
I chose this product be it is tested on Lab Door for quality.