Descrição do Produto: Dr. Fuhrman’s Gentle Prenatal Multivitamin
O Dr. Fuhrman’s Gentle Prenatal Multivitamin é uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada para atender às necessidades nutricionais das gestantes, proporcionando um suporte essencial durante a gravidez. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes derivados de alimentos integrais, este multivitamínico é livre de substâncias potencialmente prejudiciais, garantindo que você e seu bebê recebam apenas o melhor.
Entre os principais componentes, destaca-se a presença de 25 mcg (1000 IU) de vitamina D3 vegana, fundamental para assegurar uma ingestão adequada deste nutriente vital, que desempenha um papel crucial na saúde óssea e no sistema imunológico. Além disso, o ferro Ferronyl é incluído na fórmula, sendo vital para o desenvolvimento cerebral fetal e para maximizar a inteligência do seu bebê. A colina, outro ingrediente chave, também é essencial para o desenvolvimento cerebral, contribuindo para a formação de neurônios e a função cognitiva.
A vitamina B12 é um componente importante, especialmente para veganos ou quase veganos, pois a suplementação é necessária para garantir níveis adequados deste nutriente, que é crucial para a formação de glóbulos vermelhos e para a saúde do sistema nervoso. Com uma composição que prioriza a saúde e o bem-estar, o Dr. Fuhrman’s Gentle Prenatal Multivitamin é a escolha ideal para gestantes que buscam uma suplementação segura e eficaz.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Livre de aditivos químicos e derivados de alimentos integrais, promovendo uma suplementação mais saudável.
– Desenvolvimento Cognitivo: Contém ferro Ferronyl e colina, que são cruciais para o desenvolvimento cerebral fetal.
– Adequação para Veganos: Inclui vitamina B12 e D3 vegana, atendendo às necessidades nutricionais de gestantes que seguem dietas restritivas.
– Fácil Absorção: A fórmula é projetada para ser facilmente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam efetivamente utilizados.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Dr. Fuhrman’s Gentle Prenatal Multivitamin diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante a gravidez, para garantir que as necessidades individuais sejam atendidas de forma adequada.
Meli –
I really like these. My only complaint is the name. I had to tell my husband why I bought these and not to panic if he opened the cabinet and saw “prenatal” on the label, then I crossed it out with sharpie lest anyone else who opened my cabinet get the wrong idea. These vitamins say they are also for premenopausal women who need iron. I am NOT pregnant, I’m taking these because I like the formulation with extra vit D and other essentials I need without potentially harmful extras, and I need the iron. I’ve had problems with nausea from multivitamins all my life (prenatals when I was pregnant were the worst!) but no problems with these at all.
Geoffrey –
My husband I share this account, so don’t be thrown off when you see his name. If you’ve done any research on Prenatal vitamins, you’ve probably stumbled across literature regarding Folic Acid and Folate, which help to prevent Neural Tube Defects. Folic Acid is the synthetic form of Folate and they are now finding that it has negative side effects on the baby and mom in the future. Folate is essential, Folic Acid is not! These Prenatals DO NOT contain Folic Acid. You’ll need to obtain your Folate from actual food (what a concept!)- Dark leafy greens, lentils, beans etc. You might be thinking that in your first Trimester you have an aversion to those kinds of foods, well the good news is it’s the time BEFORE you get pregnant and like the first four weeks of your pregnancy that really matter in regards to preventing Neural Tube Defects! If we’re eating healthy in general and having lots of Folate in our diet on a regular basis, we should be ready when it comes to getting pregnant and the couple months of strong aversions won’t kill us or the baby. We need to get out of the mind set that we can eat like crap all the time and not have consequences or just pop a magic pill and then our babies will turn out really healthy. Don’t take shortcuts with your health, put in the work, put in the money. Also, I’m a little new to this research, I’ve only been studying it for the past 4-5 years, but the research is out there. This product is little pricey, but again I’m used to spending more money on natural products and good quality products. I’m not rich by any means, but I just choose to setup my budget where more money is spent on good quality food and vitamins. I wasn’t always this way, just had to learn and do the research. (I’m not a doctor, so don’t take this as medical advice, consult your doctor – preferably a holistic one – and do your research! )
N.B. –
This supplement is awesome. Through following Dr.Fuhrman’s diet recommendations, I have gone down five dress sizes and over 60 pounds so far. My annual check up went well and my blood tests were great (even vitamin D which many have problems with). My iron was on the lower side so I switched from Dr. Fuhrman’s regular women’s vitamin to his prenatal one here. It is recommended not just for pregnant women, but also for women who may have heavier cycles and hence lower iron stores. As with the other vitamin, I have so much energy everyday! I love it. I also take Dr. Furhman’s Immunotec. Take the supplements daily and eat a healthy plant-based diet and you will feel great. I’m able to get up early, exercise, work, shop, get home and cook and clean, spend time with my family, and have my own time without fatigue anymore.
Distortion –
There’s 170 tables not 120.
Erika C –
Let me start by saying I’m not pregnant, but I do have mthfr gene mutation. That creates issues with certain lab produced folic acid, which is used in most multivitamins. I knew I needed a high quality multivitamin without this type of folic acid present. I did a lot of research and landed on this vitamin. Now, I debated back and forth with myself about buying this because it carries a pretty hefty price tag for a multivitamin, but after buying this I will never be without it. My energy level has increased, and I’m feeling less mentally foggy. It also doesn’t create and GI upset of any kind. I’m just delighted with this product.
happy wife happy home –
I’ve only used this a few times, so I can’t say much about efficacy, but I figured I’d warn people about the smell. I bought this right after I found out I was pregnant and used it for about a week before I had to temporarily move to a cheap gummy prenatal. Once morning sickness kicked in, the smell of these was unbearable. It reminded of the hay we used to buy for our guinea pigs when I was a kid. Now that I’m starting to feel slightly better, I decided to try again today. I was able to stomach it, but I’ve had “alfalfa burps” ever since. Ugh. Maybe just due to all those lovely digestive issues that come with pregnancy. Anyway, I trust Dr. Fuhrman’s products, which is why I chose this prenatal in the first place. I will continue to try using it, especially once the morning sickness is completely over. Also, as other reviewers have noted, this does NOT contain folic acid, so be sure to add a folic acid supplement.
Jodi Worthen –
Love this vitamin. I have a genetic mutation MTHFR and can not “metabolize/absorb” folic acid properly. It actually builds up as a toxin in my body. This is one of the few vitamins I have found that doesn’t have a synthetic folic acid in it. One thing I would pass onto the next person that might take this vitamin, get a folate supplement to take in addition to this vitamin if you aren’t specifically adding it naturally into your diet.
Distortion –
I am not pregnant, but I’ve purchased these prenatal vitamins twice, and will continue to purchase. I had a low iron level recently, and decided to take these prenatal vitamins with iron. Within a couple weeks, I could tell the difference. My energy levels were increased, my hair stopped falling off, and the iron in these is so gentle on your gastrointestinal system. I experienced no nausea, upset stomach, or constipation with them.