Descrição do Produto: Rainbow Light Women’s Organic Multi, 120-Cápsulas
Rainbow Light Women’s Organic Multi é um suplemento vitamínico especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais das mulheres. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas, minerais e extratos de plantas orgânicas, este multivitamínico promove a saúde geral, o bem-estar e a vitalidade. Cada cápsula é feita com ingredientes de origem orgânica, garantindo que você receba nutrientes de alta qualidade sem aditivos artificiais. A fórmula inclui vitaminas do complexo B, vitamina D, cálcio, ferro e antioxidantes, que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, aumentar a energia e apoiar a saúde óssea. Além disso, as cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e são adequadas para veganos, tornando-as uma escolha ideal para mulheres que buscam um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado.
1. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais que ajudam a preencher lacunas nutricionais na dieta diária.
2. Aumento da Energia: As vitaminas do complexo B presentes na fórmula ajudam a converter alimentos em energia, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando a disposição.
3. Saúde Óssea: Com a inclusão de cálcio e vitamina D, o produto contribui para a manutenção de ossos fortes e saudáveis, essencial para mulheres em todas as fases da vida.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Antioxidantes e nutrientes essenciais ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, promovendo uma saúde robusta.
5. Fórmula Orgânica e Vegana: Feito com ingredientes orgânicos, sem aditivos artificiais, é uma escolha saudável e ética para mulheres que se preocupam com sua saúde e o meio ambiente.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante beber um copo de água ao tomar as cápsulas. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
I already kind of new it would be great when the label read Whole Food Natural Organic. I’ve had a great response from my body. I started taking 4 capsules a day but soon realized I only needed 2 per day & I would get the same effects, in a calmer dose. When you start you can expect alot of great energy but feeling smooth and nice. You’re going to have sensation of all around feeling balanced and natural energized. My PMS symptoms have gone from 10 to 5. Nature does the body good & its wrapped up in the here multivitamin. Oh yeah, your urine will be a neon yellow, its due to the vitamins your body didn’t use for that day, expelling themselves.
Healthy and Whole –
As a young twenty something female, these organic vitamins have helped me with my auto-immune disease. I feel more vibrant, energized, and overall healthier. These are the best multi-vitamins that I have taken EVER, and I have tried a variety of brands including GNC. I am all about promoting healthier living and it does start from the inside. Given my busy lifestyle, these capsules are so ideal because I can swallow them, pop them apart and sprinkle onto food, or I can even mix in with my beverages. These vitamins are so great that my mother who is in her early fifties have given them a try and I see her complexion looking just as youthful as my youthful skin. As time goes on, I know that I will see additional improvement, but for the past few weeks these vitamins have delivered phenomenally.
What I love about the vitamins:
– Organic
– Capsules (Flexibility)
– Easy on the stomach due to the digestive aids of the organic ingredients
– Does not have a “weird” smell
– Works
What I have noticed to improve:
– Skin has been more clear and brighter
– Nails are strong (Goodbye damaging acrylic)
– Fatigue is one of the symptoms I deal with from my health condition and it is has decreased
– Alleviates fibromyalgia muscular pain
Please give it a try. You will not regret!
Space Salamander –
This has been my multivitamin for a few years because it’s easy to digest and easy to swallow, as well as being organic and full of a blend of vitamins and nutrients I can feel confident about. I try to eat well, but as a typical harried mom, I don’t always do things perfectly. I feel a lot better knowing that even if I miss some vitamins in my meals, this multivitamin will cover me. I also wanted a soy-free multi, and this fit the bill.
I tried the Women’s One, but it was so large that it kept getting stuck in my throat… scary feeling! I’d much rather swallow 3 or 4 capsules than one giant one. I take these at night, and they don’t interfere with my sleep. I also had problems with many drugstore vitamins– I’d get stomach aches and cramps from many of them– but this has never caused a problem for me. Ditto with headaches– I see that some reviewers have complained that they’ve had headaches after taking this multi; I’m prone to migraines, but haven’t seen any difference between when I take these or I don’t.
All in all, my favorite vitamin. I’ll stick with it.
missbillie_jean –
I’m a huge Rainbow Light advocate. Always such quality products and fresh herbs in their capsules. The recommended dose for this bottle is 4 capsules, and thats too much! This bottle lasted me forever. I didn’t take them every day, not that you can’t, clearly thats what they are made for. I only take 2 when I feel I need the boost. The energy herbs in this really work! I took them once before bed without thinking…OOPS! Don’t do that if you plan to sleep. Even with taking half the dose, the b-vitamins still make their appearance in the color of your…you know >.<.
I love how their products are organic and always true to company standards. I even have opened up the capsules and dumped them in my smoothies on several occasions.
CC –
I searched all over trying to find organic vitamins that were decently priced and decided to give Rainbow Light a shot. Since taking them the past couple of months, I’ve noticed my pre-menstrual breast tenderness has gone WAY down. They give me a nice energy when I take in the morning with my breakfast. They go down smoothly and do not make me nauseous or anything.
I have anxiety issues, and when I first got these I took 4 with my morning coffee (as that is the serving size). That was a mistake, as it made me feel very anxious. So I started with one capsule, and then took 2, and discovered that if I take 3 or more it makes me anxious and gives me a headache. I think the headache came from the red clover, which mimics estrogen, because if I were to take birth control pills they would give me a migraine. Or maybe it’s the DIM complex.. or a combo of both. Everyone is different though. Regardless, I now I stick to 1-2 per day (one with breakfast, one with lunch) and I feel great. It says it can be taken with or without food, but I prefer to take with food, so the body digests it and ‘recognizes’ it as food.
I love that these vitamins are gluten and soy-free, however I wish I could get an answer from someone regarding the goji berries. I am currently on an elimination diet, and goji berries are considered nightshades. I’m wondering how much the goji berries are in relation to the rest of the vitamins (esp. considering I only take 1-2 per day) but so far I haven’t received a response to my question. I’m not really understanding why the goji berries needed to be added, seeing as how people who are avoiding gluten, sugar, yeast etc also often have reactions to nightshades. I do like these vitamins, but I think I may try to find another one next time with strictly ‘regular’ vitamins and not all of the added antioxidant etc stuff, I don’t really think it’s necessary. I purchased these prior to removing nightshades from my diet.
Overall, I think these vitamins are good, but would be better with all the ‘extra’ stuff added 🙂