Descrição do Produto:
O One A Day Women’s Multivitamin é um multivitamínico completo, especialmente formulado para atender às principais preocupações de saúde das mulheres. Com uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes essenciais, este suplemento é ideal para apoiar a saúde óssea, imunológica, da pele e do coração, além de proporcionar energia física ao ajudar na conversão de alimentos em combustível. Cada comprimido contém uma rica mistura de vitaminas, incluindo A, B6, C, D, E e K, além de riboflavina, tiamina e niacina, garantindo que você receba os nutrientes necessários para um estilo de vida saudável.
Este multivitamínico é projetado para ser tomado uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com alimentos, e é livre de xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose, glúten, trigo, laticínios, sabores artificiais e adoçantes artificiais. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para atender às necessidades nutricionais das mulheres adultas, promovendo não apenas a saúde óssea, mas também fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e contribuindo para a saúde da pele e do coração.
1. Saúde Óssea: Fortalece os ossos com a combinação de cálcio e vitamina D, essencial para a prevenção da osteoporose.
2. Suporte Imunológico: As vitaminas A, C e E ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo o corpo contra doenças.
3. Energia Física: A presença de vitaminas do complexo B, como B12 e biotina, auxilia na conversão de alimentos em energia, combatendo a fadiga.
4. Saúde da Pele: Nutrientes como vitamina E e biotina promovem uma pele saudável e radiante.
5. Fórmula Livre de Aditivos: Ideal para quem busca um suplemento sem glúten, laticínios ou adoçantes artificiais, garantindo uma escolha mais saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que mulheres adultas tomem um comprimido de One A Day Women’s Multivitamin diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos em jejum. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
PrincessC –
Good vitamins at a decent price. I’d assume they’re working since I feel better on the days I take them, but that’s just anecdotal evidence. How does anyone without medical equipment measure the effectiveness of a vitamin, anyway?
They taste… like vitamins. Don’t leave them in your mouth any longer than it takes to gulp them down quickly.
Anyway, if you want an affordable one-stop shop for a multivitamin, this is it. I take fish oil and magnesium along with it for that Healthy Lifestyle™ feeling.
Like everyone else has said, they’re huge. Throw ’em back with a gallon of water (not literally) and you’re fine, unless you’re unlucky and get that “oh god this thing is stuck in my throat” feeling, which can happen with pretty much any pill-shaped thing.
Oh, also, don’t take them on an empty stomach. I learned that the hard way. Turns out the human body is not meant to effectively process a highly condensed variety of nutrients with nothing else to digest, so it solves this problem by violently ejecting the unwanted object back in the direction it came from.
Probably won’t rebuy them because the size makes them harder to digest on an empty stomach, and I don’t always eat breakfast.
Jackson –
What I love about this formula is that it includes the great level of folate and folic acid as well as a great source of biotin which I cannot find in any other formula. It is also a significant improvement from their last version. I love this vitamin and it is the only one that gives me all the nutrients I need.
It’s large but not too large and easy to swallow. No flavor which is great and doesn’t get stuck and not grainy.
As a note: they do make a second version with the same formula in smaller pills and you take two. I’m case the larger pill is too challenging for you.
Kara –
Meghan L. –
I’ve had these for about 2 weeks now, I’m a kind of person who gets sick easily, it’s super annoying, I also have anxiety and depression which lowers the immune system, I just turned 30 and I wanted to start eating better and get something that has everything I need to help my health, I still have anxiety and depression, nothing will really cute that, but I have felt like it’s gone down, I was also sick with a upper respiratory illness and I had medicine for it but as doctors tell you, it doesn’t cure it, it only helps to make it better, but I had the same sickness a few months ago, it took over a month to get over it, it took 2 weeks while taking these to get over it, I do think they absolutely help, the one thing that is important is our health so I highly recommend it
Irene –
My husband and I are both 32 years old, have no complaints about our health. This review will be written about Men and Women Multivitamins at the same time because I bought both kinds and we use them together every day from the delivery day. We are consuming them for 6.5months. We bought them in August 2018 and the expiration date is 04/2020. There are 250 tablets in each bottle, so we will finish these vitamins in 2019.
We lived in Missouri and recently moved to Florida and decided to consume some additional vitamins because we were afraid to get some “Floridian” viruses due to climate change and so on :-).
Previously we lived in Europe and there a Bayer company is very popular, their medications are pretty expensive. Bayer prenatal multivitamins almost every doctor recommends to his patients.
These multivitamins are an acceptable size. Women vitamins are a little bigger but comfortable to swallow.
Women multivitamins. I have a vision disease. I do not remember the name of this disease, but the point is that periodically (very rarely, about 2-3 times a week) my eyesight may become foggy abruptly and for no reason. It is inborn. I usually do special eye gymnastics right away and it passes quickly. But while driving, I wear special glasses to focus my vision.
So after several months of taking these vitamins, I noticed that there was no fogging for a long time. I still keep wearing glasses, but I plan to consult with my eye doctor.
Men multivitamins. Overall, I recommend. It makes him feel better. Before the vitamins, he was feeling weak while at work since he has to be constantly attentive writing code or talking a lot with different people when having meetings (he is a software developer). These multivitamin tablets provide him with a boost to start his day. Previously he was very hard to get up with an alarm. And now he gets up 30min before the alarm, listens to podcasts, has time to eat his breakfast slowly and the day begins without stress.
The only concern: they smell funny (like yeast), but you can get past that.
Irene –
Awesome! I really like this product
Plancha de pelo –
I’ve been taking these for years. Started the 50+ and could definitely the help in aging. I’m 72 now.
Deseree’ Jean Shuler –
Contains 250 tablets but it expires before that. Means I can’t use all the 250 tablets. Waste of money.
mihomiki –
I love that this multi has a full days recommended dosage of iron, is easy to swallow, and gives noticeable results (my last blood test showed excellent absorption of iron, despite having a diet low in red meat). It’s a larger pill but coated well (no taste) and goes down easy (no sharp edges). The biotin levels are also high but don’t make me break out which is what typically happens if I take biotin on its own.