Descrição do Produto:
O Silver Fern Whole Food Daily Multi Vitamin é um suplemento vitamínico de alta qualidade, projetado especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos homens. Com duas garrafas contendo 60 vegicaps cada, este produto oferece um suprimento de 60 dias de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, extraídos de fontes naturais e sem adição de açúcares ou carboidratos. A fórmula é 100% vegana, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e é certificada como GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).
Este multivitamínico apresenta um espectro completo de vitaminas, com uma alta taxa de absorção, garantindo que seu corpo receba os nutrientes necessários para um funcionamento ideal. Com 78 minerais traços naturalmente ocorrentes, ele proporciona uma nutrição excelente, apoiando a saúde geral. Além disso, a mistura de ervas incluída no produto é formulada para promover a saúde cerebral, cardiovascular e ocular, contribuindo para um bem-estar duradouro.
Entre as vitaminas presentes estão A, C, D, E, K1, B6, B12, Folato, Tiamina, Riboflavina, Biotina, Ácido Pantotênico, além de minerais como Magnésio, Zinco, Ferro, Cálcio, Cromo e Vanádio. É importante ressaltar que essas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA e que o produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
– Nutrição Completa: Oferece um espectro completo de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, promovendo a saúde geral.
– Alta Absorção: Formulado para garantir uma absorção eficaz dos nutrientes, maximizando os benefícios para o corpo.
– Saúde do Coração e do Cérebro: A mistura de ervas apoia a saúde cardiovascular e cognitiva, ajudando na manutenção da vitalidade.
– Sem Aditivos Desnecessários: Livre de enchimentos, açúcares e carboidratos, ideal para quem busca uma suplementação limpa e natural.
– Vegan e Não-GMO: Atende às necessidades de consumidores que seguem dietas veganas e que buscam produtos livres de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas vegicaps por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É aconselhável beber um copo de água ao ingerir as cápsulas para garantir uma melhor dissolução e absorção dos componentes ativos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Amazon Customer –
Part of my daily routine. Perfect balance of all vitamins and minerals, and awesome whole food blends included. Will be continuing to buy these. This company is so great <3
Aileen Castri –
I love these products but the vitamins and the bottle arrived dented from to much pressure. The probiotics are amazing I do burp up the vitamin but I dont know if that’s because alot are cracked or if they just dont sit well in my gut
Betsy saka –
These worked well- easy to swallow. I would buy again
Aileen Castri –
We had the same issue as what others have reviewed here – the bottles came badly smashed!
Amazon Customer –
I started taking these vitamins almost a month ago along with the probiotic and I couldn’t be more happy with them. I love that they are a whole food vitamin, are 100% clean, and are giving the extra vitamins I’m missing in my diet.
Kimberly T. Croteau –
I couldn’t tell if these did anything or not. If they’re working it’s on a cellular level. Since I really didn’t notice or feel anything different after using I probably won’t repurchase. Not saying they’re bad, just not sure they’re worth the price. The 2 supplements I have noticed a difference with are nitrous oxide, chelated magnesium and collagen. I repurchase those on a regular basis. These didn’t make the cut.
C.L. –
I ordered these vitamins because I take silver ferns probiotic and really like them. I do like the vitamins they do not make me sick to my stomachs as vitamins in the past have. The 100% absorbability I have not found in a vitamin supplement before. The other bonus is you only have to take 2 a day not 4!
Angela –
I normally don’t write reviews, but these multivitamins are under rated and well deserving of one!
After a terrible flare up from Hashimoto’s I became proactive with my health. I discovered because of various factors, hypothyroidism can cause your vitamin levels to become low and how nutrition plays a vital role with managing this disease.
After hours of researching and comparing multivitamin products designed specifically for thyroid health, I stumbled across Silver Fern. These multivitamins contain ALL the necessary vitamins and minerals required to help support the thyroid AND meet my daily nutritional needs as a plant based vegan without the unnecessary vitamin overload like so many other products. As they say “too much of a good thing is not good”. Bonus- they are whole food derived, vegan friendly, non-GMO and particularly important for sufferers of hypothyroidism, gluten and soy free.
The product arrived quickly, but the bottle was damaged as a few others complained. One consumer mentioned the dent was due to pressure. I did notice the bottle eventually regained form after a few days so seems this is most likely the cause. The seal was not broken and the capsules were in tack.
To avoid an adverse reaction, I space them generously 12 hours apart from my thyroid medication by consuming after dinner with a full glass of water as directed. The capsules are not large and went down easily with no after taste. I was initially concerned about taking them in the evening because of the possibility of causing a disruption to my sleep, but I had no problems falling asleep nor staying sleep. Since the third day of use I’ve been experiencing a more quality of sleep and wake up feeling well rested which has always been a struggle since dealing with hypothyroidism. The joy when I looked in the mirror and noticed the bags under my eyes were gone! Within the first week I noticed less inflammation and little to no swelling in my feet and hands. Going into the second week, I noticed less brain fog and fatigue. Joint aches became minor and my energy level improved. Also, because these vitamins fully support the needs of my thyroid my metabolism has also improved helping me to shed 12 pounds. Over 45 days later, thankfully I have not experienced any unpleasant side effects since my immune system can be very sensitive.
Surprisingly these are not also listed for thyroid support, but if you are in need for thyroid support or simply looking for whole food multivitamins without the vitamin overload give these a try. I would DEFINITELY repurchase again, and again and again! Please Silver Fern do not change this formula! 👏🏽👏🏽
Kristen Harris –
I love that this is a whole food vitamin and you only need 2 per day. So far my husband is doing great with it and says he feels good on it!