Multivitamínico Natural para Mulheres e Homens
O nosso multivitamínico completo é a solução ideal para quem busca uma saúde equilibrada e um bem-estar duradouro. Com uma fórmula rica em vitaminas essenciais, complexo B, probióticos, enzimas digestivas e ômegas, este suplemento diário foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades nutricionais de homens e mulheres. Cada frasco contém 90 comprimidos, proporcionando uma dose diária de energia orgânica, melhorando o humor e auxiliando na digestão.
Energia Orgânica e Vitalidade
Com a força do complexo B, nosso multivitamínico é um aliado poderoso contra a fadiga crônica. Ele oferece uma alternativa natural e livre de cafeína para aumentar a energia, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com disposição e vitalidade. Sinta a diferença ao longo do dia, superando a exaustão e mantendo-se ativo.
Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada
As enzimas digestivas e a mistura probiótica presente em nossa fórmula ajudam a aliviar desconfortos como inchaço e constipação. Com cepas como Bacillus coagulans e Saccharomyces boulardii, você pode desfrutar de uma digestão mais suave e eficiente, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Praticidade em um Único Suplemento
Chega de tomar múltiplos suplementos! O nosso multivitamínico combina cinco suplementos nutricionais em um único produto, facilitando sua rotina de saúde. É uma solução prática e eficaz, livre de soja, laticínios e glúten, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada.
Qualidade Garantida
Produzido nos EUA com ingredientes 100% vegetarianos e não-OGM, nosso multivitamínico é testado por terceiros para garantir pureza e qualidade. Você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz, que atende aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
- Multivitamínico completo que atende às necessidades de homens e mulheres.
- Aumenta a energia e combate a fadiga crônica de forma natural.
- Melhora a saúde digestiva, aliviando inchaços e desconfortos.
- Combina cinco suplementos em um único produto prático e conveniente.
- Alta qualidade garantida, com ingredientes orgânicos e testados.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 comprimidos diariamente, preferencialmente com alimentos, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Joe Tedd –
I am a male, 57 years old, who was looking to supplement my nutritional intake with a high quality multi vitamin which wouldn’t cause me any issue (as I know some vitamins, especially those of lesser qualities, chock full of fillers & sub par ingredients) often will manifest in various ways, but I must say from the moment my Whole Food Multivitamins arrived, and I peeled off the protective plastic sealer, & even before I popped off the safety sealer, I could immediately smell the quality ingredients which make up these multi vitamins, so I thought to myself: Sign#1, they smell good, and fresh, so I was happy about that.
After consuming these vitamins for a few days, I not only began to fell good and noticeably more energetic, but can report there were no side effects (for me, anyway) consuming these vitamins, so that was Sign#2 that I had selected the right brand for me.
I had been a smoker for a number of year, and recently quit smoking at the end of last year, and was hoping to make a small dent in reversing the chemistry inside my body by at least trying to supplement my nutrition with a daily dose of high quality vitamins in addition to generally eating better and I feel these vitamins are a terrific way for me to augment that daily regiment, and I’m honestly looking forward to making my next purchase shortly once my current supply is nearing compleation.
I highly recommend the product, and the seller – who managed to ship these vitamins out at break neck speed, and ensure an overall fantastic customer satisfaction level (as an online customer) which is refreshingly pleasant in todays world.
If you try these Whole Food Multivitamins, I believe you will strongly agree with me, these vitamins are a high quality product, which deliver exactly what is stated inside them, & look- folks, YES! they DO cost a little more than your average, run of the mill flintstone multi, but I bring up the ole adage: You Get What You Pay For!, & with this product, you’re paying for a HIGH QUALITY Multi-Vitamin. If that’s what you’ve been spending time looking for and researching, then Woo-Hoo! You found it! Buy a bottle and check it out for yourself.
hm –
I’ve been looking for a multivitamin like this for quite some time. I’ve been suffering from vitamin deficiencies, MTHFR, autoimmune disease, food allergies and a multitude of other symptoms like severe fatigue, anxiety, hormone issues, etc. I finally saw a functional medicine doctor who made me aware of all these problems that were causing my symptoms. Regular doctors just prescribed anti-anxiety, antidepressants and fibromyalgia pills with no answers and only made me feel worse! My functional medicine doctor educated me on what I needed to do like diet change, supplementation, hormone therapy, etc and didn’t prescribe one pharmaceutical!
I tried many other multivitamins on top of supplements suggested by my doctor but I was still feeling blah. So I looked around and found this multivitamin and it had everything I was looking for like the right B vitamins for my MTHFR, greens blend, fruit blend, digestive enzymes, mushrooms, probiotics(wish it had more), etc. After starting this multivitamin I didn’t have my afternoon crashes anymore and I’ve been able to get more done during the day. So this formulation seems to work well with my system. I am curious to see what my bloodwork will look like after taking these multivitamins for a few months now. Unfortunately due to the pandemic I had to postpone my bloodwork and doctor visit. I’m hoping to reduce some of my other supplements if this multivitamin is doing enough. So far I am very happy with this multivitamin. Only comply I have is that I wish it was one pill vs three a day and a little cheaper but that’s wishful thinking trying to stuff all that goodness into one pill. Thank you for your great product! I will continue to buy it!
KH –
Decent multivitamin, but after a couple months of use, I don’t notice much difference. Will finish my last supply and will shop around for alternatives. I am not expecting miracles, but was hoping for a little more ‘oomph’ than this vitamin seems to provide. I think it is worth trying as the ingredients are good, but my needs might be different than the next persons.
Jan Wong –
I love this product it gives me so much more energy! 5 stars
Milo Tindle –
Excellent quality vitamins and they’re easy to swallow even though the pills are large. I love the fact that they include probiotics and I’ve noticed the difference already. Definitely recommend if you can afford them.
Amazon Customer –
Made from whole food.
Katy D07 –
I was previously taking a woman’s multi-vitamin and digestive enzymes. I like being able to eliminate taking multiple products. The vitamin that I was previously taking was a “minimal” one, so this was a big change. I don’t take 3 of these at once because it upsets my stomach. I’ll usually take one with each meal and sometimes only take 2 a day. I figure it doesn’t matter since some of the percentages of DV are very high. The change I was not expecting is that I sleep better. I previously had difficulty falling asleep and would wake multiple times. I fall asleep faster and stay asleep. My dreams seem more vivid, maybe because I am getting more deep sleep. So far I’m happy with the vitamin and will continue using it.
Amazon Customer –
Yes I like this order thank for asking.