Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Alive! Multivitaminas Mastigáveis para Crianças
As Multivitaminas Mastigáveis Nature’s Way Alive! foram especialmente formuladas para crianças a partir de 2 anos, oferecendo um suporte essencial para a saúde imunológica, óssea e ocular. Com uma combinação equilibrada de 20 vitaminas e minerais, incluindo vitamina C, vitamina D3 e potentes vitaminas do complexo B, essas multivitaminas ajudam a converter os alimentos em energia celular, promovendo um crescimento e desenvolvimento saudáveis. Cada porção de 2 comprimidos contém uma mistura de pó de frutas do pomar e vegetais do jardim, totalizando 150 mg, garantindo que as crianças recebam nutrientes importantes de forma saborosa e divertida.
As multivitaminas são livres de glúten, trigo e laticínios, tornando-as uma escolha segura para crianças com restrições alimentares. A recomendação de uso é simples: crianças de 2 a 3 anos devem mastigar 1 comprimido diariamente, enquanto crianças a partir de 4 anos podem mastigar 2 comprimidos diariamente, preferencialmente acompanhados de alimentos. Com um sabor de laranja irresistível, essas vitaminas se tornam uma parte prazerosa da rotina diária, ajudando os pequenos a se manterem saudáveis e cheios de energia.
– Suporte à saúde imunológica, ajudando a proteger as crianças contra doenças comuns.
– Fortalecimento dos ossos, essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável.
– Melhora da saúde ocular, contribuindo para uma visão clara e saudável.
– Aumento da energia celular, permitindo que as crianças brinquem e aprendam com vitalidade.
– Fórmula livre de glúten, trigo e laticínios, ideal para crianças com alergias ou intolerâncias alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem as multivitaminas Nature’s Way Alive! diariamente, conforme a faixa etária. Crianças de 2 a 3 anos devem consumir 1 comprimido ao dia, enquanto aquelas com 4 anos ou mais devem ingerir 2 comprimidos diários. É aconselhável que as vitaminas sejam tomadas junto com alimentos para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, fora do alcance de crianças pequenas.
Lamb –
We couple these with picky eaters. 1 of each to get a great spread of vitamins with the least, number wise, amount of pills. My husband and I did a lot of looking to get the variety and certain vitamins that we wanted our kid to have without overloading the amount to take.
The flavor and ease of taking them is great for our kid, too. He has had these ones for half a year+ now. He is nearly 5 yo now.
The only issue with them is that they are VERY humid sensitive. Our home sits between 40-50% humidity, for reference. Putting them in a weekly container, they start getting kind of mushy after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if they are “bad” at that point, but they get kind of gross and I have tried them at that point, too, and the flavor and texture also is bad once they absorb the humidity. Unless it’s just extra humid (more towars the 50), they tend to stay okay the whole week. But I try to remember to just fill it for 5 days at a time instead of the weekly after picking up these particular vitamins. It’s not an issue with any other ones, though. But the vitamin offering of these ones and the kid liking them, I have adjusted my vitamin prep for them.
clover –
Repeated Purchases.
crystal warren –
I was really skeptical of these because my kids are super picky. But they actually enjoy eating these and it’s not a struggle to get them to take their vitamins anymore. There’s a lot in the bottle so last a while I’m going to put these on auto ship. I just didn’t before cuz I wasn’t sure how they were going to react to them but they are definitely picky kid approved. The only thing I don’t care about is they have a strange smell when you open them but apparently they don’t taste anything. How they smell.
Princess G. –
According to my daughter they are quite bitter… I bought them based on the vitamin content ratio/ingredients and because they were fruity chewables. My daughter don’t like them she says they are really bitter. I believe they work well though. I give her an elderberry gummy right after and she usually fine. After we finish the bottle we probably won’t purchase again in this form.
Candice Nunez –
I would highly recommend these chewable multivitamins. They are gluten-free, which is a big plus for my kid’s dietary needs. Balanced for growth, they support bone, eye and immune health. It’s impressive that it’s packed with high potency B-vitamins and contains a total of 20 vitamins/minerals. The blend of Orchard Fruits & Veggies Powder is a thoughtful addition. Undoubtedly, a worthy investment for the overall health of my child.
dean hazlee –
I tried with 4 different children and they all hate it. The youngest one threw it up, which I kind of expected since she was gagging as soon as she put it in her mouth. It’s chewable but it’s nothing like flintstone vitamin chewables that kids will eat like candy. It too big to swallow so I have a useless bottle of pill that has 4 taken from it and that is what it will be forever. I can’t force them to take it again if the flavor is so disgusting. I can’t return it because they don’t have a satisfaction clause, well probably because they know it’s nasty too. I’m not about torturing children.
Amazon Customer –
I’m a kid at heart, however I can’t swallow the adult size vitamins! Centrum quit making chewable vitamins ☹️ and was glad to find these. So many vitamins don’t have ANY iron in them, but these do!
The taste is ok, but you really don’t want candy tasting vitamins for kids because they might take too many if left unsupervised ☹️.
As far as dosage, I just take equal to adult dose of two or three a day. Great price any quantity, will buy more!
Angela Tremucha –
I saw an improvement in my sons focus and eating habits.
Sam♥️ –
I ordered these vitamins because they don’t have a lot of unnecessary ingredients and artificial flavors/colors. Based on previous reviews I was afraid my picky 2 year old wouldn’t like the taste , but he LOVES them! After he takes the daily dose of 2 after breakfast, he signs to me and says “MORE PLEASE!” I do keep them locked up in the top kitchen cabinet so he doesn’t try to get into them. They don’t make him hyper active or give him an upset tummy. He is the same silly boy! There is only 2 grams of sugar per (1) serving which is the daily recommended amount of 2 vitamins. Some of the other toddler vitamins I researched on Amazon has 10g or more sugar per serving! I tried one and I think they taste fine, like candy, though there is a slight after-taste but nothing that bothers my 2 year old. I will be buying these from now on!
Anjenette –
I like the ingredients in these vitamins. My kids really don’t like the taste. Getting then to take them is difficult.