Descrição do Produto: Multivitamínico para Homens
O Multivitamínico para Homens é uma fórmula avançada desenvolvida para atender às necessidades nutricionais diárias dos homens. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca manter a saúde em dia e otimizar o desempenho físico e mental. Contendo Vitaminas A, C, D, E, B12 e Zinco, este multivitamínico oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico, promove a saúde da pele, fortalece os ossos e melhora a energia e a vitalidade. Cada cápsula é projetada para ser facilmente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes necessários para enfrentar o dia a dia com disposição e saúde.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia e combate a fadiga, ideal para homens ativos.
3. Saúde Óssea: A presença de Vitamina D e Zinco contribui para a manutenção de ossos fortes e saudáveis.
4. Melhora da Saúde Mental: As vitaminas do complexo B, especialmente a B12, são essenciais para a função cognitiva e o bem-estar emocional.
5. Pele Saudável: As vitaminas A e E promovem a saúde da pele, ajudando a mantê-la hidratada e protegida.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula ao dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Astralia Y Cruz –
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My husband uses these. It’s his first time but I’ve been using this company for acouple of months I am a returning customer. He’s just now starting his health journey and this is a good start. It will take some getting used to but these are very good quality. 60 capsules should last you about a month. So we will see if he reorders. But these have everything you would need.
Tsakalis –
Great price and 1st time ordering and taking them. To be determined in overall differences I may see over time.
Does state 3 pills a day. I take at night and seem to sleep fine.
No weird taste or burping.
So far so good.
Male, 50.
Iryna Volkova –
These have been okay. At 64 years old, I expected a little better boost in energy and feeling. I’ll keep trying these and if thing change I’ll repost. Been using for over 1 month.
Marc –
He like it
Kurt W. –
Muy buenas
Tsakalis –
Great vitamins , I will continue to buy these
phil –
I have been taking these for a while now, and I take them in conjunction with normal GNC ones. Being that they sortof complement each other, as they have like 80% of the same stuff, but they vary on a few key minerals that one lacks that other has, and vice versa. So instead of 2 of these per day, I do 1 of these, and 1 GNC, then the bottle lasts you 2 months, and you essentially buy 1 of each, every 2 months, instead of just 1 or the other, every month. So cost is the same, but you get the benefit of full coverage. Regardless, this is my #1 go to, and better than the GNC one imo, as it has slightly better stuff, that I need the most. So this is the #1 that I take at breakfast for my energy needs for the day. and then I take the GNC, (if I do) at lunch/dinner.
Another key thing is this should be taken with food, and is directed as such on the label. So I see people complaining about the taste, but if you take it with food…you can wash it down…and not really taste much of anything. It sortof has the taste of cardboard ? if you spend time trying to taste it. But I just take it down with my numerous other supplements, and then wash it down seconds later with a strawberry probiotic smoothie, or chocolate milk, or whatever food or beverage you want. No issue with taste…beyond about 1 second. and cleanse your pallet right after….ive had no issue.
and ofc most importantly…they work. They have so many essential nutrients and minerals, that its key to get a lot of these in your body. They have been helping me recover from a serious medical issue, and the b-vitamins for one, help give me a lot of energy. When I don’t take them….I feel way way, worse. So they definitely are helping me, and a key to helping me recover. Highly recommend.
Jillian White –
I take two a day. Some bright urine once but thats expected your body only absorbs so much. Easy to swallow as opposed to those giant horse pills. I have noticed a difference in energy and overall health. My bloodwork proves it as well. NEVER upsets my stomach either. Will continue using these.